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MODERATION NOTICE: 2025.02.16 - Saarenmaa
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • MODERATION NOTICE: 2025.02.16 - Saarenmaa
    Discord Username: serebrianskii
    NationStates Nation: Saarenmaa (deleted by NS moderation) / Sarland Islands

    Saarenmaa has been banned from all Wintreath platforms for posting pornographic content on NationStates, specifically posting a pornographic image as his flag as confirmed by NationStates Director of Moderation Reploid Productions. This action also resulted in the deletion of their main nation by NationStates moderation.

    While Saarenmaa had his main nation in Wintreath for a brief time, they recently returned to Europe following a pardon issued by their government for previous misbehaviour. This included "ban evasion, homophobia, hate speech, mass regional spamming, and other possible charges", as Saarenmaa admitted to in his request for pardon and is further elaborated on in Europe's earlier dispatch on the matter.

    It is important to note that the dispatch recognized his later change of character, particularly noting that they had become a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. It also stated that Saarenmaa was welcome to return if they wished to. We in Wintreath also believe in second chances after improved behaviour, so this information was important in allowing them in Wintreath to begin with.

    Unfortunately, we know through our own past experience that sometimes good deeds do not go unpunished.

    Soon after returning to Europe, Saarenmaa pushed for reinstatement to government positions they had lost when they was banned and announced a run for election to another position. This led to understandable criticism from people who felt they should spend more time in the region first. Yesterday this erupted in a heated RMB discussion in which Saarenmaa's behaviour becomes increasingly hostile to the point of accusing the government of corruption and political persecution, taunting the region for being "fooled" by their ban evasion, and then daring to be banned. This is when they changed their flag.

    It should be noted that Saarenmaa has a clean moderation record in Wintreath, and in their brief time here has been a positive and contributing member. It was their initiative that led to the recent establishment of relations with Europe to begin with, and without question they're talented at different aspects of NationStates such as designing creative factbooks and endotarting.

    However, ultimately the issue with Saarenmaa's actions isn't just that it exposed younger members to porn. It's that it demonstrated a serious lack of maturity and self-control when things get heated. Our rules ban NSFW content in general spaces (3: Content Guidelines -> Sexual Content), allow for moderation of content members post outside of Wintreath (4: Content Outside of Wintreath), and require members to follow the rules of the platforms Wintreath is on (5: Platform Terms of Service). But even beyond that, we expect members to "display the measured, considerate, and responsible behaviour that's required for a community of friends to function". Saarenmaa did not.

    Previous iterations of Wintreath tolerated members who broke rules because they couldn't control themselves in heated discussions. This iteration does not, especially when they have received second chances from another community and threw it back in their faces.

    As required in the "Content Outside of Wintreath" subsection, Saarenmaa was provided an opportunity to respond to the incident or to provide evidence on his behalf. They did not respond.

    Therefore, Saarenmaa is indefinitely banned from all Wintreath platforms.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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