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Proposal for Endorsement Cap Authority
Posts: 2 Views: 761

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Proposal
    This proposal is to give the NationStates region delegate authority to set an endorsement cap and policies related to enforcing it. It's been proposed by @Mania Sims and refined by @Wintermoot to this specific question.

    January 22, 2025: The proposal is currently open for comments and objections. If there are no objections, it will pass by unanimous consent.
    January 31, 2025: The proposal has passed by unanimous consent.

    Relevant Discord Chats
    #governance Discussion on January 11th-13th
    Mootmallow — 1/11/2025 10:29 AM
    Mania is at 61 endorsements ^-^
    I think imo what we should do is have some of our more active members unendorse Saarenmaa to put him below 65 so Mania can take the delegacy. Then as he builds his lead others can restore their endorsement. I would guess we'll agree it's preferable to kicking the nation for an update or having him drop WA for an update. (edited)
    Although as endotarting has become such a thing it may be time to consider an endorsement cap

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/11/2025 1:50 PM
    Possibly, but it would require alot of debate about where the limit should be. It shouldn't be extremely low, but not extremely high.

    The Age of Dystopia — 1/11/2025 8:57 PM
    For an endo cap, 10 below the delegate is what I'd put
    15 is the max, 5 is a bit small (edited)
    There's also putting it as a percentage (e.g. 90% of the delegate), but that's just really annoying to calculate

    Aura — 1/11/2025 9:22 PM
    In a region such as this with limited security concern in that regard, that seems fine

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/11/2025 9:26 PM

    The Age of Dystopia — 1/11/2025 9:27 PM
    The goal is "make sure endotarters don't accidentally take the delegacy"

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/11/2025 9:28 PM

    Mootmallow — 1/13/2025 11:02 AM
    In the latest daily update I've asked 11 nations that are active daily or almost daily to temporarily unendorse Saarenmaa so Mania can get above him in endorsements and Dystopia can resign WA. The endorsements can be restored after Mania builds up a sufficient lead as delegate.
    I was just bringing up the idea of a cap btw, I'm not pushing it.

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/13/2025 11:54 AM
    It's a decent idea, it shouldn't be an arbitrary number, it should be tied to the endos the delegate has.

    Mootmallow — 1/13/2025 12:17 PM
    Do you believe we should do it?

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/13/2025 12:58 PM
    I'm on the fence,  a cap could be seen as trying to stay in power, but also ensures that the delegacy doesn't randomly swap hands. I'd find an endo cap of their 5 or 10 below the current delegates endo as the two points I'd perfer

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/13/2025 4:30 PM
    January 22nd #governance, Proposal Made and Subsequent Discussion (Last Updated 1/22/2025 - 11AM Eastern Time)
    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — Today at 7:48 AM
    I think we ought to reingage on this, considering that I can't even get a lead of 4 or more endos behind the 2nd In the rankings.

    Mootmallow — Today at 8:06 AM
    Did you have something specific in mind?

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — Today at 8:07 AM
    An endo cap of 7 below the current delegate, if needed we can vote on this.

    Mootmallow — Today at 8:08 AM
    imo opinion the delegate should be able to set a cap if they wish, and if it's disagreeable someone can object and we can come to concensus
    I think we should leave it open for a day in case someone disagrees though

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — Today at 8:10 AM

    Mootmallow — Today at 8:11 AM
    @Citizen Please check out the proposal above for the delegate to be able to set an endorsement cap without need to come to governance unless there's a disagreement. If there are any objections to the idea, please let us know here.
    @Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) You may also want to give some thought to what you want to happen if someone goes over the cap

    Aura — Today at 8:42 AM
    No objections from me

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — Today at 8:45 AM
    I'd most likely send them a telegram that would read,
    As of now, your nation is above the endorsement cap that has been set. I request that you ask that people unendorse you to get you below the limit and to ensure the saftey of the delegacy from accidental power transfers."
    Then after 3 days, I would send them another informing them, once again and asking that they get below the limit.
    Then two days later, I'd send one telegram reading;
    "Following your absolute and blatant refusal to get below the endo cap and to help keep the delegacy secure, consequences must sadly be dealt to encourage you to get below the cap." <--1 day suppression of messages in rmb.
    further consequences would most likely be decided upon agreement with me and you.

    Mootmallow — Today at 8:46 AM
    What if they overtake you in less than 7 days? At what point would a nation be kicked for an update to clear their endorsements?

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — Today at 8:48 AM
    If they were to overtake me, or fail to even remotely attempt to get below the endo cap within the provided time, they would be kicked to clear endos.

    Mootmallow — Today at 8:57 AM
    So you want to wait until they actually overtake you. I don't have an opinion here, I'm just trying to clarify so everyone's on the same page as much as possible

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — Today at 8:59 AM
    Or they reach the same endo cap as me, because then it's a race to endotart.

    The Age of Dystopia — Today at 10:03 AM
    I don’t have the time to respond right now so I’ll respond later today[/quote]
    January 22nd to 25th Subsequent Discussion (Updated 1/26/2025 - 10:30AM Eastern Time)
    PixelPizza — 1/22/2025 11:04 AM
    Just my input: this is mainly directed at Saarenmaa, since they have 70+ endos, so why not ask nations endorsing them to unendorse?

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/22/2025 11:47 AM
    It's only a temporary fix. The endos lost will be replaced by new people.

    MKTroll (Los Vrangel) — 1/22/2025 3:20 PM
    Hi everyone!
    Sorry for being missed for very-very-very long time, but I've read about endorsement cap - and I want to warn about possible misuse of it.

    if a group of nations want to harass or repress someone, they can just endorse him over cap - and the nation harassed can't do anything about it

    Manilia Sims (WA Delegate) — 1/22/2025 3:22 PM
    Yeah, that could be an issue.

    But it's unlikely, based on the gaps in endos between 1st/2nd to 3rd/4th.

    MKTroll (Los Vrangel) — 1/22/2025 3:27 PM
    yeah, i understand - but proposing sanctions should be considered with understanding of possible misuse of rules

    Mootmallow — Today at 12:09 PM
    Perhaps others could run undorsement campaigns too in those cases...if there's a time where so many people would be misusing this in Wintreath that pulling uninvolved endorsements isn't enough, Wintreath has bigger problems than endorsements lol

    Mootmallow — Yesterday at 12:09 PM
    Perhaps others could run undorsement campaigns too in those cases...if there's a time where so many people would be misusing this in Wintreath that pulling uninvolved endorsements isn't enough, Wintreath has bigger problems than endorsements lol (edited)

    Sorry for the delays btw, it's been a very busy and exhausting few days

    Mootmallow — Yesterday at 3:01 PM
    @MKTroll (Los Vrangel) Just to make sure, do you feel your concerns about a cap being misused for harassment was addressed?

    MKTroll (Los Vrangel) — Yesterday at 3:03 PM
    Yeah, I believe that "common sence" approach is okay; however, maybe I would suggest complex approach to endorsement misuse (for example, how to prevent undorsmenet campaign against democratically elected delegate)
    « Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 03:45:49 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
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    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • With no further objections raised, the proposal has passed by unanimous consent.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
    • Karma: 9,713
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
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