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Werewolf 32 - Caitlin's Werewolf - Town Wins
Posts: 1388 Views: 96919

Werewolf Information
Game Over on Round 5 Day
Root Host: Caitlinuwu

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  • Exalted Guest
  • Also yeah master radish only have 3 posts on day 1 and nothing on day 2 makes me think theyd ecided to slank cause they lost their partner but then again they only posted 3 times on day 1 regardless so I don't even think it matters.

    All in all I just think Radish is a slanking town and dont wanna touch him yet. While grace has shown the will to be active and hasn't done much with their posts.
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • This games too complicated right now for me, I will start gaming tomorrow i pwomise

    Vote: Grace
    It's bad enough not participating on day one, but day one and day two? Do you think it's going to be any easier to get started on day 3? This being around but not saying or doing anything is by far the most suspicious thing to're here, but you're not here. At least everyone else who hasn't been active at one point has been at some other point. Except for Master Radish, who I admit I completely forgot about. But even then, there's a difference between being inactive and just being around.

    You say you're "hesitant" to vote D1 (lame) yet you still voted. Can you explain in 1-2 sentences why you chose to vote Projekt over Moon, or why you chose to vote at all?
    I've already explained this. I had to make a 10th post, because I assumed that anyone who hadn't met the post requirement would be removed at the end of the day, and I felt it would be even worse if I posted at the last minute but didn't vote, especially after so many people posted that they believed not voting on the first day was bad, and I felt throwing a vote on anyone who was obviously not going to be voted off would be just as badly taken. I voted for Red because I felt like Moon was legitimately inactive for the last half of the day and didn't have a chance to defend or even vote for anyone. I thought there was a good chance that the contradictions Rem brought up were misunderstandings that would probably be resolved if they had been around to reply to them.

    Right here I see several paragraphs of nothing. Can you actually give me two GTH wolf reads here?
    Grace, who I've already voted for, and if there were a gun to my head, I guess Abbi. Maybe Bellapi if you believe his saying he's sick is a ploy. I strongly feel that at least one of the wolves is flying under the radar, which would be easy to do since there's so many people driving the game in some way right now. Master Radish hasn't been on the forums at all in three days, so they're probably not keeping up with anything, and most of the other players besides a few like Bellapi and myself have been extremely active. One wolf being less noticeable and one being out in front as a game driver would be a potent combination, I think, but there's so many game drivers right now...

    2.not been very useful game wise
    Probably true, lol. I have been reminded why I don't play these games.

    Interesting that you read it as defensive. I like to think of it as proactive attack on a wolf tryin to sus me.

    Thats a lie, we are in the game together, I have to sort you. If I dont ready our posts I cant do that. This doesnt match with the game.

    You have yet to give me anyone to vote over you.

    I find that a little friction helps my solving process. I dont have anything specifically against you. I just want to play with my spikey gloves on this game.
    I read it as an overreaction to pointing out an obvious fact, which comes off as defensive.

    It's not a lie, and if you're willing to read posts that seem to pain you so, then they must not be too bad after all. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Exalted Guest
  • Grace's slank cover is lame, but not quite as lame as MR and Bellepi refusing to show up. I'm fine with a Wintermoot wagon, but won't vote right now as I don't want an early hammer.
    Why not a Bellepi wagon over winter? He is obviously more active than her. Why are you ok chopping the high activity player over the low?

    Why not you? Why shouldnt we chop you? What solving have you done today?

    You point at the slackers but I havent seen you doing anything. You have been here sure. But you are basically a slacker too
    Not sure what the point of this post is, but I also agree that slankers need to be handled sooner than later cause like otherwise if we keep hitting the high active and the low actives are the last 2 mafia we are never going to find them.
    the point is to let ori answer the posts I ask them. Why do you feel the need to come defend them?
    Im not answering the questions for ori? I am commenting on a post that I have questions about myself. Your high and mightyness may scare others off on synidcate but it doesn't much towards me.

    You ask alot of questions what what you plan to do with all these answers, do you think ori is scum? According to prior posts you don't seem to think ori fits in a world with winter.
    Scum hunt, obviously. I think 1 on the sugar wagon is scum. I think 1 off the sugar wagon is scum. It is likely that wolves are invested in the game so unlikely to be the AFK's so its likely that one of winter, rem and bell is a wolf and their interactions dont preclude that. Someone had to try and save sugar or the game gets incredibly hard for wolves.

    Someone had to bus for cred because then they can say "I was on wagon of a wolf" and get all the low hanging fruit who didnt vote d1 killed.

    I am operating with several world views at all times because I am trying to find the one that fits.

    But again I am not going to talk to you about questions I ask other people when they havent answered the original question yet.
    If you think someone had to bus for credit it was certainly abi, if you follow how they handled eod its obvious. And no idc about some meta between you two where you like to tie votes because that is mute here.
    moot* But I take your point
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  • Exalted Guest
  • Grace's slank cover is lame, but not quite as lame as MR and Bellepi refusing to show up. I'm fine with a Wintermoot wagon, but won't vote right now as I don't want an early hammer.
    Why not a Bellepi wagon over winter? He is obviously more active than her. Why are you ok chopping the high activity player over the low?

    Why not you? Why shouldnt we chop you? What solving have you done today?

    You point at the slackers but I havent seen you doing anything. You have been here sure. But you are basically a slacker too
    Not sure what the point of this post is, but I also agree that slankers need to be handled sooner than later cause like otherwise if we keep hitting the high active and the low actives are the last 2 mafia we are never going to find them.
    the point is to let ori answer the posts I ask them. Why do you feel the need to come defend them?
    Im not answering the questions for ori? I am commenting on a post that I have questions about myself. Your high and mightyness may scare others off on synidcate but it doesn't much towards me.

    You ask alot of questions what what you plan to do with all these answers, do you think ori is scum? According to prior posts you don't seem to think ori fits in a world with winter.
    Scum hunt, obviously. I think 1 on the sugar wagon is scum. I think 1 off the sugar wagon is scum. It is likely that wolves are invested in the game so unlikely to be the AFK's so its likely that one of winter, rem and bell is a wolf and their interactions dont preclude that. Someone had to try and save sugar or the game gets incredibly hard for wolves.

    Someone had to bus for cred because then they can say "I was on wagon of a wolf" and get all the low hanging fruit who didnt vote d1 killed.

    I am operating with several world views at all times because I am trying to find the one that fits.

    But again I am not going to talk to you about questions I ask other people when they havent answered the original question yet.
    All this assumes that wolves were around at EoD. How is that a safe assumption when there were so many slankers, including the one that flipped?
    sure then we just chop the slankers and they go byebye and we win the game. Which do you think is more likely? 
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  • Maid
  • I think wintermoot has

    1.good chance of being pushed by scum

    2.not been very useful game wise

    3. the extra downside of being in the red projekt wagon without not much elaboration

    but to be fair Grace and master radishes are way worse in point 2

    bellepi is okayish i  guess

    rondo is only hanging on a claim above this, because the slot refuses to cooperate, while asking for cooperation, a clear contradiction.

    the odds of the entire team being potato sacks and not helping is high because many people are being potato sacks and not helping case people

    I guess we can leave radishes to be mod killed or something

    and if there's a wolf in actives is between loona and EX
    I legit don't understand why you think either me or loona are scum when we both were the critical people in pushing for the sugar moon lynch
    busing and afk frozen teammate is not out of the question, I'm just entertaining the possibility
    • Maid
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  • Exalted Guest
  • Grace's slank cover is lame, but not quite as lame as MR and Bellepi refusing to show up. I'm fine with a Wintermoot wagon, but won't vote right now as I don't want an early hammer.
    Why not a Bellepi wagon over winter? He is obviously more active than her. Why are you ok chopping the high activity player over the low?

    Why not you? Why shouldnt we chop you? What solving have you done today?

    You point at the slackers but I havent seen you doing anything. You have been here sure. But you are basically a slacker too
    Not sure what the point of this post is, but I also agree that slankers need to be handled sooner than later cause like otherwise if we keep hitting the high active and the low actives are the last 2 mafia we are never going to find them.
    the point is to let ori answer the posts I ask them. Why do you feel the need to come defend them?
    Im not answering the questions for ori? I am commenting on a post that I have questions about myself. Your high and mightyness may scare others off on synidcate but it doesn't much towards me.

    You ask alot of questions what what you plan to do with all these answers, do you think ori is scum? According to prior posts you don't seem to think ori fits in a world with winter.
    Scum hunt, obviously. I think 1 on the sugar wagon is scum. I think 1 off the sugar wagon is scum. It is likely that wolves are invested in the game so unlikely to be the AFK's so its likely that one of winter, rem and bell is a wolf and their interactions dont preclude that. Someone had to try and save sugar or the game gets incredibly hard for wolves.

    Someone had to bus for cred because then they can say "I was on wagon of a wolf" and get all the low hanging fruit who didnt vote d1 killed.

    I am operating with several world views at all times because I am trying to find the one that fits.

    But again I am not going to talk to you about questions I ask other people when they havent answered the original question yet.
    All this assumes that wolves were around at EoD. How is that a safe assumption when there were so many slankers, including the one that flipped?
    sure then we just chop the slankers and they go byebye and we win the game. Which do you think is more likely?
    Given the EoD, I think it's likely that the wolf partners were unable to save Moon. Still, I guess the problem with Winter is that they fit in both "slankers" and "people around at EoD"
    • Posts: 175
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  • Exalted Guest
  • This games too complicated right now for me, I will start gaming tomorrow i pwomise

    Vote: Grace
    It's bad enough not participating on day one, but day one and day two? Do you think it's going to be any easier to get started on day 3? This being around but not saying or doing anything is by far the most suspicious thing to're here, but you're not here. At least everyone else who hasn't been active at one point has been at some other point. Except for Master Radish, who I admit I completely forgot about. But even then, there's a difference between being inactive and just being around.

    You say you're "hesitant" to vote D1 (lame) yet you still voted. Can you explain in 1-2 sentences why you chose to vote Projekt over Moon, or why you chose to vote at all?
    I've already explained this. I had to make a 10th post, because I assumed that anyone who hadn't met the post requirement would be removed at the end of the day, and I felt it would be even worse if I posted at the last minute but didn't vote, especially after so many people posted that they believed not voting on the first day was bad, and I felt throwing a vote on anyone who was obviously not going to be voted off would be just as badly taken. I voted for Red because I felt like Moon was legitimately inactive for the last half of the day and didn't have a chance to defend or even vote for anyone. I thought there was a good chance that the contradictions Rem brought up were misunderstandings that would probably be resolved if they had been around to reply to them.

    Right here I see several paragraphs of nothing. Can you actually give me two GTH wolf reads here?
    Grace, who I've already voted for, and if there were a gun to my head, I guess Abbi. Maybe Bellapi if you believe his saying he's sick is a ploy. I strongly feel that at least one of the wolves is flying under the radar, which would be easy to do since there's so many people driving the game in some way right now. Master Radish hasn't been on the forums at all in three days, so they're probably not keeping up with anything, and most of the other players besides a few like Bellapi and myself have been extremely active. One wolf being less noticeable and one being out in front as a game driver would be a potent combination, I think, but there's so many game drivers right now...

    2.not been very useful game wise
    Probably true, lol. I have been reminded why I don't play these games.

    Interesting that you read it as defensive. I like to think of it as proactive attack on a wolf tryin to sus me.

    Thats a lie, we are in the game together, I have to sort you. If I dont ready our posts I cant do that. This doesnt match with the game.

    You have yet to give me anyone to vote over you.

    I find that a little friction helps my solving process. I dont have anything specifically against you. I just want to play with my spikey gloves on this game.
    I read it as an overreaction to pointing out an obvious fact, which comes off as defensive.

    It's not a lie, and if you're willing to read posts that seem to pain you so, then they must not be too bad after all. :P
    Winter your posts about activity worry me cause it feels like you were concerned about making it but you put alot of consideration into red over the person who actually flipped werewolf. Grace may just be mafia who is frozen at this point.
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  • Exalted Guest
  • I think wintermoot has

    1.good chance of being pushed by scum

    2.not been very useful game wise

    3. the extra downside of being in the red projekt wagon without not much elaboration

    but to be fair Grace and master radishes are way worse in point 2

    bellepi is okayish i  guess

    rondo is only hanging on a claim above this, because the slot refuses to cooperate, while asking for cooperation, a clear contradiction.

    the odds of the entire team being potato sacks and not helping is high because many people are being potato sacks and not helping case people

    I guess we can leave radishes to be mod killed or something

    and if there's a wolf in actives is between loona and EX
    I legit don't understand why you think either me or loona are scum when we both were the critical people in pushing for the sugar moon lynch
    busing and afk frozen teammate is not out of the question, I'm just entertaining the possibility
    How was my vote a bus? I literally am the leading vote on that train.
    • Posts: 130
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  • Exalted Guest
  • Grace's slank cover is lame, but not quite as lame as MR and Bellepi refusing to show up. I'm fine with a Wintermoot wagon, but won't vote right now as I don't want an early hammer.
    Why not a Bellepi wagon over winter? He is obviously more active than her. Why are you ok chopping the high activity player over the low?

    Why not you? Why shouldnt we chop you? What solving have you done today?

    You point at the slackers but I havent seen you doing anything. You have been here sure. But you are basically a slacker too
    Not sure what the point of this post is, but I also agree that slankers need to be handled sooner than later cause like otherwise if we keep hitting the high active and the low actives are the last 2 mafia we are never going to find them.
    the point is to let ori answer the posts I ask them. Why do you feel the need to come defend them?
    Im not answering the questions for ori? I am commenting on a post that I have questions about myself. Your high and mightyness may scare others off on synidcate but it doesn't much towards me.

    You ask alot of questions what what you plan to do with all these answers, do you think ori is scum? According to prior posts you don't seem to think ori fits in a world with winter.
    Scum hunt, obviously. I think 1 on the sugar wagon is scum. I think 1 off the sugar wagon is scum. It is likely that wolves are invested in the game so unlikely to be the AFK's so its likely that one of winter, rem and bell is a wolf and their interactions dont preclude that. Someone had to try and save sugar or the game gets incredibly hard for wolves.

    Someone had to bus for cred because then they can say "I was on wagon of a wolf" and get all the low hanging fruit who didnt vote d1 killed.

    I am operating with several world views at all times because I am trying to find the one that fits.

    But again I am not going to talk to you about questions I ask other people when they havent answered the original question yet.
    All this assumes that wolves were around at EoD. How is that a safe assumption when there were so many slankers, including the one that flipped?
    sure then we just chop the slankers and they go byebye and we win the game. Which do you think is more likely?
    Given the EoD, I think it's likely that the wolf partners were unable to save Moon. Still, I guess the problem with Winter is that they fit in both "slankers" and "people around at EoD"
    So who would you list as the wolf team given this world view? 
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  • Maid
  • I think wintermoot has

    1.good chance of being pushed by scum

    2.not been very useful game wise

    3. the extra downside of being in the red projekt wagon without not much elaboration

    but to be fair Grace and master radishes are way worse in point 2

    bellepi is okayish i  guess

    rondo is only hanging on a claim above this, because the slot refuses to cooperate, while asking for cooperation, a clear contradiction.

    the odds of the entire team being potato sacks and not helping is high because many people are being potato sacks and not helping case people

    I guess we can leave radishes to be mod killed or something

    and if there's a wolf in actives is between loona and EX
    Wintermoot: 3 (RondoDimBuckle, ExLight, ☆ Princess Abigail ☆)

    You were also on the wagon.

    So you are saying
    A) PR Claim is scum
    B) One of the two people who voted out a wolf when you didnt is scum
    C) You are scum
    D) Someone else who has been pushing winter but not voting them is scum, who?

    I havent gotten any cooperation why would I cooperate? This is a game of working together. The only tool I have is my cooperation. If I cooperate with you without you cooperating with me its a one sided exchange.
    Town has to work together. It doesnt mean we have to play nice.

    Why cant the active wolf be between winter/exlite or winter/loona? or even winter/you

    If winter flips wolf this is the second time youve tried to save a wolf close to EOD.

    What has you so confident winter is town?
    I'm not confident winter is town

    logic is, for the same reason one does not kill someone in their own house, given the option, killing red projekt would look like framing oricorio and winter as wolves trying to save Sugar

    that's level 0 thinking, arguably I could see winter playing level 0 trying to protect a teammate
    • Maid
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  • Exalted Guest
  • Maid
  • I think wintermoot has

    1.good chance of being pushed by scum

    2.not been very useful game wise

    3. the extra downside of being in the red projekt wagon without not much elaboration

    but to be fair Grace and master radishes are way worse in point 2

    bellepi is okayish i  guess

    rondo is only hanging on a claim above this, because the slot refuses to cooperate, while asking for cooperation, a clear contradiction.

    the odds of the entire team being potato sacks and not helping is high because many people are being potato sacks and not helping case people

    I guess we can leave radishes to be mod killed or something

    and if there's a wolf in actives is between loona and EX
    I legit don't understand why you think either me or loona are scum when we both were the critical people in pushing for the sugar moon lynch
    busing and afk frozen teammate is not out of the question, I'm just entertaining the possibility
    How was my vote a bus? I literally am the leading vote on that train.
    am I voting you?
    • Maid
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  • Exalted Guest
  • Grace's slank cover is lame, but not quite as lame as MR and Bellepi refusing to show up. I'm fine with a Wintermoot wagon, but won't vote right now as I don't want an early hammer.
    Why not a Bellepi wagon over winter? He is obviously more active than her. Why are you ok chopping the high activity player over the low?

    Why not you? Why shouldnt we chop you? What solving have you done today?

    You point at the slackers but I havent seen you doing anything. You have been here sure. But you are basically a slacker too
    Not sure what the point of this post is, but I also agree that slankers need to be handled sooner than later cause like otherwise if we keep hitting the high active and the low actives are the last 2 mafia we are never going to find them.
    the point is to let ori answer the posts I ask them. Why do you feel the need to come defend them?
    Im not answering the questions for ori? I am commenting on a post that I have questions about myself. Your high and mightyness may scare others off on synidcate but it doesn't much towards me.

    You ask alot of questions what what you plan to do with all these answers, do you think ori is scum? According to prior posts you don't seem to think ori fits in a world with winter.
    Scum hunt, obviously. I think 1 on the sugar wagon is scum. I think 1 off the sugar wagon is scum. It is likely that wolves are invested in the game so unlikely to be the AFK's so its likely that one of winter, rem and bell is a wolf and their interactions dont preclude that. Someone had to try and save sugar or the game gets incredibly hard for wolves.

    Someone had to bus for cred because then they can say "I was on wagon of a wolf" and get all the low hanging fruit who didnt vote d1 killed.

    I am operating with several world views at all times because I am trying to find the one that fits.

    But again I am not going to talk to you about questions I ask other people when they havent answered the original question yet.
    All this assumes that wolves were around at EoD. How is that a safe assumption when there were so many slankers, including the one that flipped?
    sure then we just chop the slankers and they go byebye and we win the game. Which do you think is more likely?
    Given the EoD, I think it's likely that the wolf partners were unable to save Moon. Still, I guess the problem with Winter is that they fit in both "slankers" and "people around at EoD"
    So who would you list as the wolf team given this world view?
    Hard to tell. The problem with slankers is that they don't exactly give you much to work with.
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  • Exalted Guest
  • I think wintermoot has

    1.good chance of being pushed by scum

    2.not been very useful game wise

    3. the extra downside of being in the red projekt wagon without not much elaboration

    but to be fair Grace and master radishes are way worse in point 2

    bellepi is okayish i  guess

    rondo is only hanging on a claim above this, because the slot refuses to cooperate, while asking for cooperation, a clear contradiction.

    the odds of the entire team being potato sacks and not helping is high because many people are being potato sacks and not helping case people

    I guess we can leave radishes to be mod killed or something

    and if there's a wolf in actives is between loona and EX
    Wintermoot: 3 (RondoDimBuckle, ExLight, ☆ Princess Abigail ☆)

    You were also on the wagon.

    So you are saying
    A) PR Claim is scum
    B) One of the two people who voted out a wolf when you didnt is scum
    C) You are scum
    D) Someone else who has been pushing winter but not voting them is scum, who?

    I havent gotten any cooperation why would I cooperate? This is a game of working together. The only tool I have is my cooperation. If I cooperate with you without you cooperating with me its a one sided exchange.
    Town has to work together. It doesnt mean we have to play nice.

    Why cant the active wolf be between winter/exlite or winter/loona? or even winter/you

    If winter flips wolf this is the second time youve tried to save a wolf close to EOD.

    What has you so confident winter is town?
    I'm not confident winter is town

    logic is, for the same reason one does not kill someone in their own house, given the option, killing red projekt would look like framing oricorio and winter as wolves trying to save Sugar

    that's level 0 thinking, arguably I could see winter playing level 0 trying to protect a teammate
    Sure you can make that arguement, which would mean their is no mafia on the red train but also red had to die because they were a counter train to mafia. Also they had claimed/softed pr somewhere according ti people.
    • Posts: 130
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  • Exalted Guest
  • I think wintermoot has

    1.good chance of being pushed by scum

    2.not been very useful game wise

    3. the extra downside of being in the red projekt wagon without not much elaboration

    but to be fair Grace and master radishes are way worse in point 2

    bellepi is okayish i  guess

    rondo is only hanging on a claim above this, because the slot refuses to cooperate, while asking for cooperation, a clear contradiction.

    the odds of the entire team being potato sacks and not helping is high because many people are being potato sacks and not helping case people

    I guess we can leave radishes to be mod killed or something

    and if there's a wolf in actives is between loona and EX
    Wintermoot: 3 (RondoDimBuckle, ExLight, ☆ Princess Abigail ☆)

    You were also on the wagon.

    So you are saying
    A) PR Claim is scum
    B) One of the two people who voted out a wolf when you didnt is scum
    C) You are scum
    D) Someone else who has been pushing winter but not voting them is scum, who?

    I havent gotten any cooperation why would I cooperate? This is a game of working together. The only tool I have is my cooperation. If I cooperate with you without you cooperating with me its a one sided exchange.
    Town has to work together. It doesnt mean we have to play nice.

    Why cant the active wolf be between winter/exlite or winter/loona? or even winter/you

    If winter flips wolf this is the second time youve tried to save a wolf close to EOD.

    What has you so confident winter is town?
    I'm not confident winter is town

    logic is, for the same reason one does not kill someone in their own house, given the option, killing red projekt would look like framing oricorio and winter as wolves trying to save Sugar

    that's level 0 thinking, arguably I could see winter playing level 0 trying to protect a teammate
    So who are the wolves trying to frame winter and oricorio?
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Winter your posts about activity worry me cause it feels like you were concerned about making it but you put alot of consideration into red over the person who actually flipped werewolf. Grace may just be mafia who is frozen at this point.
    That's not something I would have known when I voted though, just like I can't be 100% sure of Grace...I can just go off what seems odd to me.

    Or I might just not be understanding what you're saying at all.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,501
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