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Werewolf 31 Return to Wintreath Game Thread
Posts: 953 Views: 59960

Werewolf Information
Game Over on Round 5 Day
Root Host: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆

Players · Votes · Posts
Game Posts
☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Rules

    1. Absolutely no communication about this game outside of official game chats will be permitted. Official game chats are: wolf chat,  the game thread, your private channels in the discord hub.
    2. Excessive AtE is not permitted,  mafia is an emotional and inherently unhealthy game in my honest opinion. As such AtE itself will not be heavily moderated if it is within reason. You know what is excessive you are all mature enough.

    3. Along the same lines excessive toxicity will be heavily moderated. Getting upset is reasonable, however you all have private channels in the discord hub which will remain private post game. Use them. I will happily listen to you tell me how someone is a little bitch, that's what I'm here for, if you tell someone they are a little bitch in the game thread you will be moderated. Behave.

    4. Out of game information is prohibited. I am much less strict on this rule when it's reasonable. If your friends with someone and they are getting pushed for inactivity and you say "hey s/t/he/y are not here because of (work, school, a hot date ect) that's cool. Use your best judgement on if it's a reasonable thing to talk about

    5. Angle shooting is strictly prohibited

    6. I would normally say the mafia code of conduct and global mafia rule book apply but I have not updated those yet so use your best judgement, you are all aware of what is crossing a line in game or out. Global site rules do apply.

    7. This color is the mod color. Do not use it.

    8. If you think someone has crossed a line tag the host on your private channel with a link to the message.

    Game Information

    1. Post cap is 75 lifted 1 hour before EoD. Post minimum is 10. Please post more than 10 posts. Your account will not be locked when you reach 75 posts we don't have that functionality but the mafia UI tracks your posts per day. Please follow it carefully.

    2. Victory conditions are parity for mafia or the elimination of all mafia for town.

    3. Day vote is decided by majority or plurality. Hammer is enabled starting Day 2. I can not be present at all hours if a hammer is reached please moderate yourselves and stop posting immediately. I will pay attention to this.

    4. Mafia has day and night chat. Town does not have night chat.

    5. Days are 48 hours nights are 24 hours. All days and nights will start at 5pm central time.

    6. No vote is not a valid vote unless the game is in MYLO. Ties will be resolved via random chance.

    The set up

    6 vanilla town
    1 town tracker (odd night)
    1 town cop (even night)
    1 town Bodyguard
    1 mafia roleblocker
    1 mafia godfather

    N0 Flavor

    Princess Abigail descended upon the Wolf's Den arms open wide and smiled.
    "I missed you," she said as she unlocked the gate. I missed you well.
    Two werewolves from inside came forth into the light and she smiled looking both of them in the eyes and shaking their hands.
    "The hunt begins on Thursday. 2 days from now on the dawn of the full moon. Go forth into the city, prepare yourself and meet here then. The others will be waiting."
    "What's stopping us from simply feeding on you, you aren't the old master," one of the Wolves asked licking his voice low and heavy.
    "Simple really, in my absence I trained. In a fortress of liars. In the pits of hell. In an alternate universe. Even in a mafia Syndicate. I've trained to hunt wolves and should you attack I will strike you down before you ever feed. Should you attack in the city you will die too. I will kill you. So if you want to feed free of threat, prepare for the hunt." Her eyes flashed with dark amusement. The wolves whimpered, backing away and nodded. "Good. The game begins on Thursday, so don't be late."
    She waved her hands and walked away humming to herself.
    Player List
    1. ExLight
    2. GloriousBob Killed Night 1 Vanilla Town
    3. Caitlin
    4. Leesbra
    5. Michi > Jamie Died Day 1 Vanilla Town
    6. Callahan
    7. Luka
    8. JJJ
    9. GoldenOne > Serif;
    10. DarchAngel > IcetFeelsPain
    11. Numbers
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    « Last Edit: November 05, 2023, 11:03:05 PM by ☆ Princess Abigail ☆ »
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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      Wintreath Nation
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Werewolf UI Quick Rundown
    Many of you are new so I'm gonna give you a quick Rundown of the Werewolf features we do (and don't) have on this site. Images are gonna be compressed a bit cause if I don't do that they are huge on PC for some reason even though the screen i took the pictures on is decidedly not that big.
    So when you open up the post editor you will see this check box clicking it will bring a drop down menu with all the players as well as an unvote and no exe option (which still says lynch for some reason oops) remember no exe votes will not count unless it's mylo
    The post should appear like this after clicking the vote button. I can't remember if you can type in the command yourself and if it will work if you do. Feel free to try it.
    Under the vote tab on the UI things will look like this. It will display an accurate order of properly registered votes. Clicking on any of the buttons in the vote history will directly link you to the vote in thread
    Post Cap Tracking
    The UI also has a posts tab the tab will show you every players total posts for each phase of the game. You are required to keep track of your own posts and not go above 75 but this makes it pretty simple.
    Death Tracking
    Under the players tab you will see a list of all the players in the game if a player was killed by any mean it will display their name crossed out and say when they died. Unfortunately clicking this only opens the players profiles however the next feature will allow you to find the exact post where players deaths occurred.
    At the bottom of the page you'll see a bookmarks tab clicking it will open up all the bookmarks in the game. I will be creating bookmarks for all important events.
    At the bottom of the page you'll see these two icons. These are how you create bookmarks. Technically I don't know if you will have the all option. If you do don't use it but you can establish bookmarks just for yourself by clicking the me option
    The final thing is...
    We don't have an iso function that works well at all and that is something we are working on. Unfortunately our design team is one person who also runs the place. Things aren't always fast here. If I recall some people found ways to iso using the print option or something... you can also just use find on page for player names but that's gonna be annoying.
    I apologize for any inconvenience this causes for you.

    4 people like this post: ExLight, Luka, Caitlinuwu, taulover
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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      Wintreath Nation
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Day 1

    At the entrance to the Wolfs Den 11 kindred souls awaited. Talking amongst themselves. 

    "What brought you to the hunt?" Goldenone asked.

    Caitlin smiled "well mainly…" her voice trailed off as Abigail walked past strolling gingerly up to the gate of the Den. "Mainly her," Caitlin whispered. 

    "HI HI!" Abigail cheerfully exclaimed. "Y'all probably know how this works by now. There's 11 of you. 2 of you are gonna try to kill the rest of you. Don't let them. Ezpz." She giggled to herself. She unlocked the gate of the Den and winked as the players entered. As Caitlin walked by she reached her hand out blocking her from entering and giving her a quick kiss. "Don't die babes." She said laughing before moving her arm and letting her in. 

    After the last of the party had entered Abigail followed too, locking the gate behind her. She handed the key to a shadowy cloaked figure who was waiting outside the gate. No way in. No way out. Not until the game was finished. 

    The game begins now. Day 1 Ends Saturday November 4th at 5 pm Central Time. Check the discord for the exact time in your area. 
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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    • Human Meltdown
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  • Princess of Hapi-land
  • Hey everyone
    Dutch mafia player that loves Abigail
    • Princess of Hapi-land
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • If there's any issues bother me on discord

    Please also remember I'm doing this all myself and can't be present at all times be patient with the mod. If a hammer happens stop talking. Police your post count. I believe in you. 
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • Princess of Hapi-land
  • Busy elsewhere right now (something something spending time with a super duper cute girl)

    But I'll post later-

    I'll introduce myself tho cuz I'm new here

    I'm Caitlin, 20 y/o and I'm from the Netherlands. Have been playing mafia for 5.5 years now and I was a semi finalist in this year's champs, so that was pretty cool imo! I tend to highpost so Idk how that'll translate to this post cap of 75 (I 1000-posted my champs game semi final skull) but I'm sure it'll be okayyyyy

    And I may or may not get upset during the game... But I'll try to control my emotions!!!

    Anyway nice to meet everyone~
    Dutch mafia player that loves Abigail
    • Princess of Hapi-land
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  • Human Meltdown
  • heya Cait :wave:

    please don't tunnel on me again cait, I'm town again
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Hey everyone
    Please note this start. As you may notice, this becomes more rocky the more and more you think of it. To begin with, every time Caitlin is scum, she says something in the thread as a form of greeting. This is consistent throughout all of her scum games. Meanwhile in a lot of town games she doenst do that, specifically with a night start. Continuing on, she felt the need to specify “everyone”. Let’s analyze this. Everyone can mean multiple things. First of all, all of the people in the room. Second of all, everybody. I believe she meant the first thing, as in, her fellow teammates. Now let’s analyze the first section. “Hey” is a very weird post for town and borderline wifom terriority. H E Y. H = Hello E = Evils Y = I have no clue. But this is a blatant address to the evils and worthy of a vote. 
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  • Vote: Caitlinuwu
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  • Princess of Hapi-land
  • Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat

    Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell

    Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
    Dutch mafia player that loves Abigail
    • Princess of Hapi-land
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  • Human Meltdown
  • @Numbers sup, you're just everywhere ain't you lol

    @JaggedJimmyJay oh hey now we'll get to play together this time

    I thought jamieisbored would be here :-\
    Hope the kid is watching at least
    • Human Meltdown
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Can confirm he's watching you. Taking notes. I'm even gonna give him an MVP vote post game like the rest of you cause I'm so nice but shh that's a secret. 
    I thought jamieisbored would be here :-\
    Hope the kid is watching at least
    1 person likes this post: ExLight
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Busy elsewhere right now (something something spending time with a super duper cute girl)

    But I'll post later-

    I'll introduce myself tho cuz I'm new here

    I'm Caitlin, 20 y/o and I'm from the Netherlands. Have been playing mafia for 5.5 years now and I was a semi finalist in this year's champs, so that was pretty cool imo! I tend to highpost so Idk how that'll translate to this post cap of 75 (I 1000-posted my champs game semi final skull) but I'm sure it'll be okayyyyy

    And I may or may not get upset during the game... But I'll try to control my emotions!!!

    Anyway nice to meet everyone~
    I’m Luka! Lukeh, Lukey, Worst mafia player alive, all things I’ve been called. I’m from the US and I’ve even been playing mafia for 3 and a half months! Maybe a bit longer. I high post as scum and low post as town. I’m unreadable without meta, or at least it’s very hard to. Pleased to meet you! 
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  • Lol that reminds me of champs spec chat

    Ppl had a theory that 'Hey everyone' actually was my towntell, and 'Hey' my scumtell

    Because I always start with one of the two, unlike what Luka says...
    I only said you don’t start with it in night starts as town. The joke is you die. 
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