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Harry McClain for Jarlship (Foreign Affairs)
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  • Dear Friends, brothers and sisters..

    I would like to introduce myself. My name is Harry, my last name is not McClain more like a nickname that i like to use on Facebook. I am a really old NS player, I am on NS for more than 5 years. Before i create my one and only nation of Latrovia, I used to have the old known nation of Gondor. After I left the game, and came back, my nation was not here for me anymore. Since i re-joined the game, and created the nation of Latrovia, I immidiately joined Wintreath, when it was still on it's spirng as a region. After a period of time, I was settled as Ambassador of Wintreath to United Kingdom, and after my good job there, was noticed. Our Monarch decided to hand me over, the embassies in The Rejected Realms, The Beach and The Free Lands also. This is the first time, that i do candidate for a Govermental Position, and I wouldn't take part in, if i wasn't inspired by Denth Rowan's Nomination. So, I can't promise that I will make the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a better place..but i do promise that i will make it an essential place for our regions prosperity

    First of all I would like to thank Denth Rowan for nominating me on our current Underhusen/Jarlship Election.

    I will try to keep my campaign on a low profile, as i believe that it doesn't matter if I lose or win, what matters the most is the prosper of Wintreath. I would have never thought to play unfair so I introduce you my small plan on how to promote Wintreath on NS and out of it.

    Wintreath plays a vital role on NS future...It is in my strong belief, that everytime someone hear of our work and organisation and our efforts to make this region thrive be left breathless!

    Wintreath Deserves EVERYTHING.

    I think it is importand everyone be familiar with our logos, emblems and stamps...I will do my best, on the following ORENDI's. Our embassies throughout NationStates, to post along with them, our official logos, as it is vital to show to everyone, especially to our foreigner friends, that we take our job ...really seriously!

    Since the beggining I have tried to create logos, and this is the official Logo that our embassy in United Kingdom, The Rejected Realms and The Free Lands currently use ;)

    Of course logos are just one part that we should take care of!

    The Orendi & Friends.

    Orendi's are our regions informal newsletters throughout NS, to every Embassy that we currently have relationships with. The Orendi's plays a vital role, on informing our allies about everything new, happening inside Wintreath. But its not only Orendi. The Ambassador's role also, is to transfer the voice of our region to our friends. What I mean by that is, that a single Orendi every month is NOT ENOUGH! My job will be to encourage our Ambassador's to build friendly relationships with all our allies. We can accomplish that, by making friendly, interesting and even funny topics that we can post to our embassies. Making someone familiar with Wintreath is really IMPORTAND! Not only they know that we are a serious region, doing a serious work, but they also know and understand, that we are fun to hang with, train and have fun also! (After all this is the game).

    Building Relations with another Region / Treaty's

    Well as you all know, our regions Military Affiliation is Defender's, which means that we don't go around killing soldiers and taking over small poor regions! -.-
    Our job is to make people understand that we mean no harm! Our job is to build relations and partnership treatys with other regions! Of course, playing the role of a good guy, can get us intro trouble. So we must be neutral when it comes to importand subjects such as deciding with which regions we will have relations with! It is importand for our regions unicallity, and safety to choose wisely our friends. So I have something interesting to introduce in case i will be chosen ;)

    Foreign Affair (Duty List) / Candidate Harry McClain :

    1) Strict control on our embassies, throught NS! (Since plenty of Wintreath's Ambassador's, are not active at their posts!)
    2) Artical Custody, and collaboration with Wintreath's Journalists, to introduce interesting topics and articles to our foreign friends!
    3) The Creation of The Artistic Sector, which will employ designers etc. to modify and create logos, for our consulates and embassies.
    4) More Wintreath videos! (It is true, our official video have attracted players to Wintreath)
    5) Strict Control on the activiness of The Embassies settled here on Wintreath!
    6) Re-evaluation on Ambassador's names, who represent their regions here. *We don't have why to close Embassies, when we can ask for, a more active Ambassador*
    7) Collaboration with the Jarl of Culture, on the creation of Interesting Festivals, Feasts and Role-playing games!
    8 ) Attempts on the Creation of a unique sector for all our embassies record!
    9) The requirement of a special Ambassador report. (For our Embassies throughout NS - This means that our allies, will have the chance to comment the work of each Wintreath Ambassador there, and their personal opinions!)
    10) Evaluation and Permission on the submitted articles on our ORENDI's. (It means that each article must be accepted to be part of our Orendi's!)
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    « Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 10:19:13 PM by 'Harry McClain' »
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    Building Relations with another Region / Treaty's
    Well as you all know, our regions Military Affiliation is Defender's, which means that we don't go around 1)killing soldiers and taking over small poor regions! -.-
    Our job is to make people understand that we mean no harm! Our job is to build relations and partnership treatys with other regions! Of course, playing the role of a good guy, 2.can get us into trouble. 3)So we must be neutral when it comes to importand subjects such as deciding with which regions we will have relations with![/u] It is importand for our regions unicallity, and safety to choose wisely our friends. So I have something interesting to introduce in case i will be chosen ;)

    1)Wat. I mean I don't like to raid, but that's something Unibot would say about raiding. Seems a bit over the top :P.

    2)That's going to happen regardless of whether we take a side or not. You're going to be criticized regardless of you taking a side or not. The joy of being a part of Foreign Affairs :P.    I agree we should remain neutral in conflicts UNTIL we see the full story, then make a decision.

    3)Again, you're going to get criticized either way you go, if you only go with defender allies or not. I'd say stay open to all regions wanting embassies(even regions like BoM, Osiris, etc. Not that they do right now, nor do I think they will in the near future.), and keeping as open relations with all regions as possible.
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    1)Wat. I mean I don't like to raid, but that's something Unibot would say about raiding. Seems a bit over the top :P.

    2)That's going to happen regardless of whether we take a side or not. You're going to be criticized regardless of you taking a side or not. The joy of being a part of Foreign Affairs :P.    I agree we should remain neutral in conflicts UNTIL we see the full story, then make a decision.

    3)Again, you're going to get criticized either way you go, if you only go with defender allies or not. I'd say stay open to all regions wanting embassies(even regions like BoM, Osiris, etc. Not that they do right now, nor do I think they will in the near future.), and keeping as open relations with all regions as possible.

    1) No it does not sound actually over the top, perhaps we don't have real soldiers, but this is a game based on rp.

    2) I mean that trying to play the role of a good guy can get us in trouble..Not many people will appreciate our honesty and help, so we have to be careful, on our future taken actions. And trust me I will enjoy it, as I am willing to do everything for Wintreath's prosperity.

    3) Our regions Military Affiliation is Defender's! This is a decision made long time ago! And of course WE WILL stay open to all regions, but that does not mean that we will build diplomatic bridges with everyone! We must choose, for OUR region's sake, our friends!
    « Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 08:08:03 PM by 'Harry McClain' »
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    1)Wat. I mean I don't like to raid, but that's something Unibot would say about raiding. Seems a bit over the top :P.

    2)That's going to happen regardless of whether we take a side or not. You're going to be criticized regardless of you taking a side or not. The joy of being a part of Foreign Affairs :P.    I agree we should remain neutral in conflicts UNTIL we see the full story, then make a decision.

    3)Again, you're going to get criticized either way you go, if you only go with defender allies or not. I'd say stay open to all regions wanting embassies(even regions like BoM, Osiris, etc. Not that they do right now, nor do I think they will in the near future.), and keeping as open relations with all regions as possible.

    1) No it does not sound actually over the top, perhaps we don't have real soldiers, but this is a game based on rp.

    2) I mean that trying to play the role of a good guy can get us in trouble..Not many people will appreciate our honesty and help, so we have to be careful, on our future taken actions. And trust me I will enjoy it, as I am willing to do everything for Wintreath's prosperity.

    3) Our regions Military Affiliation is Defender's! This is a decision made long time ago! And of course WE WILL stay open to all regions, but that does not mean that we will build diplomatic bridges with everyone! We must choose, for OUR region's sake, our friends!

    1)Yes, yes it does. No one is actually dieing, so saying "Soilders are dieing" is over the top. We're not TEK, we're not bacon strips. The people who do take R/D that seriously get laughed out of it, or end up the jokes of the game.

    2)You also have to consider how Wintreaths actions will affect other regions. We're not a incredibly politically irrelevant region, you're a FA minister in a rather influential region. What policy you take on X and Y region are going to affect more then just Wintreath. Not to say that any policy you take WON'T, it's just that you're going to have to make sure your choices balance out what's good for Wintreath, and the rest of NS. We're not TITO, we're not politically isolated.

    3)As Field Marshall of the WHR, who leads the WHR basically every single  major update, yeah I know :P.  As someone who has seen what happens when you become a "X part of R/D regions only" club, it ends shittly. I'm not saying cuddle up to Osiris, TBH, etc.  I'm saying discuss things with them, acknowledge they exist, hell maybe do a "WHR VS TBH/BoM/etc" tournament.  THAT'S how you make allies and win people over to your side not by being a "defender ideology only/independent" club.  If you want your region to succeed, you show them ALL aspects of the game, not just our little own ideology. THAT's how you improve your region.  You take aspects of regions that are good, and make them your own.
    « Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 08:46:44 PM by Horse »
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  • Well as far as I am aware, most nations that we currently HAVE relationships with, do use role-play! And I believe it is ok, if i decide to use a few metaphors also on my sentenses.. *Not that i don't like bacon strips though*
    Also as I am far concerned, i believe i mentioned that Wintreath plays a vital role on NS. So i am aware on our foreign affairs politics. Now neither we choose to be neutral or take an action, we will only do that for the sake of Wintreath! As it has to do with making allies, perhaps we don't share the same point of view. As you mentioned before we are not a politically irrelevant region, which means that many regions are attracted on making a treaty or having an alliance with us! :) As far as I am concerned, my duty *If i get elected* is to make a field control, see what regions come new to NS, also giving them an approach, telling them that they drew our interest, and if those regions fullfill every aspect on having an alliance with...then we create an alliance with them. I want to make a total change on FA Ministry, it's ideolodgy and also the way we create alliances with. It came to my attention that we closed many embassies! Why?! perhaps we are doing something wrong..I prefer thousands of time, having a few strong and loyal allies, rather than making a bunch of weak allies, that sooner or later our embassies will close with. Anyway thank you, for your wise councils my friend! :)
    « Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 09:02:02 PM by 'Harry McClain' »
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  • 1)Well as far as I am aware, most nations that we currently HAVE relationships with, do use role-play! And I believe it is ok, if i decide to use a few metaphors also on my sentenses.. *2)Not that i don't like bacon strips though*
    Also as I am far concerned, i believe i mentioned that 3)Wintreath plays a vital role on NS. So i am aware on our foreign affairs politics. Now neither we choose to be neutral or take an action, 4)we will only do that for the sake of Wintreath! As it has to do with making allies, perhaps we don't share the same point of view. As you mentioned before we are not a politically irrelevant region, which means that many regions are attracted on making a treaty or having an alliance with us! :) As far as I am concerned, my duty *If i get elected* is to make a field control, see what regions come new to NS, also giving them an approach, telling them that they drew our interest, and if those regions fullfill every aspect on having an alliance with...then we create an alliance with them. I want to make a total change on FA Ministry, it's ideolodgy and also the way we create alliances with. 5)It came to my attention that we closed many embassies! Why?!perhaps we did something wrong..I prefer thousands of time, having a few strong and loyal allies, rather than making a bunch of weak allies, that sooner or later our embassies will close with. Anyway thank you, for your wise councils my friend! :)

    1)R/D DOESN'T use rp action like that. The only RP part is the ranks and the diplomacy. Everything else is actual, direct action. If Koth were to say "20 people will move to X region at update", that shit happens IN GAME. It's like NSRP, but actual actions happen (mind you Koth would never announce raids publicly :p)

    2)Bacon Strips is in reference to a region and group that was renown for terrible raiding. I too like Bacon :P.

    3)I don't mean to sound like a dick here, but no we don't. Mind you, we may have a impact here or there on GCR's/Orgs.  but it's very minor, moderate at best. UCR's don't wave around a lot of influence usually. That's the GCR's/Big Time R/D groups/Groups in general. 

    4)Just watch how fast we'll get abandoned by allies if we do this policy. The idea should be "Wintreath and allies are first, but not so much we fuck over everyone else".

    5) Because a lot of them changed/were dying / didn't communicate with us. That's why.  I really don't think we did anything wrong, as far as I can see.
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  • Ok I personaly don't believe that we will lose any allies, since its a tested method, which i tried on many games and platforms. And we do have a part of fault, since we chose to open alliances with relatively new regions or, with regions that lack of communication
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  • Ok I personaly don't believe that we will lose any allies, since its a 1)tested method, which i tried on many games and platforms. And we do have a part of fault, 2)since we chose to open alliances with relatively new regions or, with regions that lack of communication
    1)If you haven't noticed it already, NS isn't like other games. NS has much more backstabbing politics, much more confrontational people, etc. Just because it works in one game doesn't mean it can work for all games.

    2)No, it isn't our job to make regions who opened communications with us to keep them up. Mind you, we have dirt on our hands. But it's so, so little it's irrelevant. Regions like TCR, TAR, etc. wanted embassies, which we have them. They have chosen to not communicate/gone in a different route. It is NOT our fault for a lack of communication on there end, it is purely their issue. 
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  • Well if you saw the Foreign Affairs Duty List that i want to apply..
    Since we open Embassies, we must have some information on whats going on there..So in case their ambassador is inactive, we ask for another one, who takes his Ambassadorship duties seriously. And many games are not the same with each other, but that did not prevented the plan from working...same thing can happen also here. I tested the same plan here 5 years ago... ;) So i doubt about it :)
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  • 1)Well if you saw the Foreign Affairs Duty List that i want to apply..
    Since we open Embassies, 2)we must have some information on whats going on there..So in case their ambassador is inactive, 3)we ask for another one, who takes his Ambassadorship duties seriously. 4)And many games are not the same with each other, but that did not prevented the plan from working...same thing can happen also here. I tested the same plan here 5 years ago... ;) So i doubt about it :)


    Annnnnddd I already see something that's fallen flat on its face time and time again.

    9) The requirement of a special Ambassador report. (For our Embassies throughout NS - This means that our allies, will have the chance to comment the work of each Wintreath Ambassador there, and their personal opinions!)

    This has never worked in regions. At all. This policy has actually driven away more people then made them come in to the program. If somebody wants to give you a report, let them do it on their own. Don't make ambassadors do reports, because literally 1-2 people will do it, then quit early on. It's a policy that has failed time and time again, and won't work again.

    1) Strict control on our embassies, throught NS! (Since plenty of Ambassador's of Wintreath, are not active at them!)

    *looks around NS*

    Where do you in game embassies that ARE active? Most regions don't communicate through embassy more then monthly. Most talking is done by PM, or something to that affect. Rarely will you see someone like Kringalia (who does a thing called TSP live, which is a update that comes in randomly to embassies he is ambassador to) as a ambassador.

    3) The Creation of The Artistic Sector, which will employ designers etc. to modify and create logos, for our consulates and embassies.

    We have people like Daws, Milo, etc. They could probably run a whole sector :P. If we need images for stuff like that, all we really need to do is go to them. We don't need a whole new sector just for that. A sector for the arts, however, is a good idea.

    4) More Wintreath videos! (It is true, our official video have attracted players to Wintreath)

    As someone who's created a ton of puppets, I appreciate a well thought out, written message to a video. If I see a video link, I just scroll over it, and so do the majority of new people. Don't make them do the work, let them see the message without having to go somewhere else.

    8 ) Attempts on the Creation of a unique sector for all our embassies record!

    If your talking about a record for all happenings in Wintreath/in our embassies, we have that already.

    2)We do, they're called monthly updates.

    3)Or, you know, ask the ambassador to be more active. Removal should be the last action.

    4)What "plan"? Elaborate plz.
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  • It really does seem that you are interested on my campaign. :) Well this is the plan that I am introducing, this is my Duty List, as i mentioned i want to change the bureocratic ideolodgy. The main idea of Foreign Affairs and having Embassies for me personaly is, to communicate with your allies, so i personaly don't care how other embassies work. I will make sure that our embassies will comply with it! :) Also our foreign friends will get the chance to drop a comment for our Ambassador's in their regions. Also i don't believe that it is our job, to ask the comming Ambassador's from any region to be active here...Our job is to ensure our Ministry of Information and Defense on whats going on, on those regions. So we simply ask for an Ambassador change, in case unactivity is shown up...So replying also to your campaign post...You don't have why to close embassies and consulates, when you simply can ask for an Ambassador change! Also i created our official video, it also a good way to promote things...and in case our citizens don't want to do it, i will find people that want to express themselves. And also I am talking about a reports that our ambassadors will collect from the regions that, they are staying :) And also i am familiar with our designers here, but you forgot to mention me also ;) But anyway the artistic sector its not just necessary for promoting our logos and govermental stamps, but the artistic sector can promote many stuff, such as a theater... A single unique page where we can put plenty of movies in...*this is just an idea, haven't realy come into a complete conclusion* :D

    And just to make it clear to you and the rest of our region, i don't care about the old stereotypes and the old methods, i want to bring new things, more activiness and also some really good work, on promoting Wintreath to NS :)
    « Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 10:41:59 PM by 'Harry McClain' »
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  • Welcome to the campaign, Harry! :)

    I think this is the first actual political debate we've ever had in Wintreath. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Well thank you Winter, I am new into candidating here, but it certainly seems that my ideas drought our citizens attention :3 :)
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  • Oh, look! A Debate!

    Unfortunately, I actually have nothing to ask or add...  :-\
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  • It really does seem that you are interested on my campaign. :) Well this is the plan that I am introducing, this is my Duty List, as i mentioned i want to 1)change the bureocratic ideolodgy. 2)The main idea of Foreign Affairs and having Embassies for me personaly is, to communicate with your allies, so i personaly don't care how other embassies work. I will make sure that our embassies will comply with it! :) Also our foreign friends will get the chance to drop a comment for our Ambassador's in their regions. 3)Also i don't believe that it is our job, to ask the comming Ambassador's from any region to be active here...4Our job is to ensure our Ministry of Information and Defense on whats going on, on those regions. 5)So we simply ask for an Ambassador change, in case unactivity is shown up..So replying also to your 6)campaign post...You don't have why to close embassies and consulates, when you simply can ask for an Ambassador change! Also i created our official video, it also a good way to promote things...and in case our citizens don't want to do it, i will find people that want to express themselves. 7)And also I am talking about a reports that our ambassadors will collect from the regions that, they are staying:) And also i am familiar with our designers here, but you forgot to mention me also ;) But anyway the artistic sector its not just necessary for promoting our logos and govermental stamps, but the artistic sector can promote many stuff, such as a theater... A single unique page where we can put plenty of movies in...*this is just an idea, haven't realy come into a complete conclusion* :D

    And just to make it clear to you and the rest of our region, 9) i don't care about the old stereotypes and the old methods i want to bring new things, more activiness and also some really good work, on promoting Wintreath to NS :)

    1)>Says he wants to change bureaucratic ideology
    >Wants to create a whole new sector for art, and wants to create another section for ambassador control
    Lol wat. Also, HOW would you decrease it? Again, you're saying "I will do X Y and Z", but giving no plan here on how to do it.

    2)It's generally not good to say "I only care how my little part of the world works". You SHOULD care how others operate, so you can say "Hey, wouldn't XYZ method work better then ABC?". It shows we care about our allies, instead of leaving them in the dark. Even if they say no, it shows we give enough shits to actually tell them we care about their well being.

    3) It is our job here. If they'd like to represent their region, they should show they care by some sort of activity. If they ARE NOT active, it is our job to speak with that regions FA minister on why he/she is not active, or they can be replaced.

    4)With no MoI at the moment, I can't comment on that :P.  But from speaking with Daws DAILY, he seems to be informed on the happenings that concern Wintreath. Why? Because a majority of bad things in NS are posted to the GP forum really quick, or one of the older members informs Daws rather quick.

    5) That, with no prior warning, is a slap in the face for most people. That is the last action you take with ambassadors. It is never the first option.

    6)If you have a post about my campaign thread, it belongs in my campaign thread, not in your thread.

    7)So your going to make the regions write reports, or the ambassadors? Either way this shit falls on its face flat.
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