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The Charter of The Howling Bells
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Charter of the Howling Bells

    1) The Howling Bells stands as a symbol of Wintreath's promise to be a safe space for members to be themselves. It allows for furries and their allies to come together, discuss topics of interest to the furry community, enjoy furry art, and more. In the process, it gives visibility to our own furry community, both to the greater Wintreath community and to other furries who would otherwise hesitate to share that part of themselves.

    2) Membership to the Howling Bells shall be open to all forum members except those who have had a recent history of discrimination or bigotry, as determined by the Club President. However, only members who are Citizens of Wintreath shall be able to vote in club elections or sign petitions specified in this Charter.

    3) Members of the Howling Bells who have been banned from the Wintreath forums or who have not posted on them in at least 4 months shall be summarily ejected from the Club.

    4) Members who have recently displayed discrimination or bigotry may be removed with the support of at least 60% of the Club, as shown by a petition signed by the required number of members.

    5) The Club President shall be responsible for maintaining the Club's compliance with the Regional Clubs Act and other applicable laws, keeping the club active, and accepting or rejecting applications to join the club.
    a) The Club President shall be elected concurrent to regular Thane elections. The initial Club President shall be elected upon the Club being founded.
    6) The Club Vice-President shall be responsible for carrying out the duties of Club President in their absence, and may fill the role on an interim basis for the remainder of the term if the President has been absent for over one week.
    a) The Club Vice-President shall be appointed by the Club President within one week of taking office.

    7) All elections pertaining to the Wintreath Furry Club shall be overseen by the Founder of Wintreath or their designee.

    Revisions to the Charter
    8) This charter may be revised with the support of at least 65% of the Club, as shown by a petition signed by the required number of members, and upon any further approvals required by the Regional Clubs Act.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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