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Citizenship Law Discussion
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • With those things said...what if we're putting the cart before the horse when it came to Citizenship? Instead of pushing new members to become Citizens, what if we instead got them to join some of the guilds and clubs (I want clubs, damnit!), and then when their activity justified it we would invite them to consider applying for Citizenship. Not necessarily take away the option if somebody discovered it and wanted to rush to it...just not promote it to new members. Then if we can get them involved in some of our groups, they'll presumably gain the knowledge necessary to be an active part of the community, have the activity to justify Citizenship, and we'll have the opportunity to get to know them in the process. It's almost like a more subtle version of my original initiate idea.
    This is really the main reason why I look at that WA versus non example that I stated earlier.  Non WA citizens would still get basically full access to the forums and Discord and would still by all accounts be a citizen.

    And we could give out incentives and reasons to take that next step to becoming whatever we wanted to call that next level of citizenship when they become a WA nation.  We have elections that you can take part in as a WA nation, we have laws that you can propose and vote on, we have ambassadorships that you can dive into...that kind of stuff.  We just need to give people reasons to want to take that next step while also not tightening restrictions on overall citizenship.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • What if we put in another section for something called Residency? It would have all the same protections and privileges of Citizenship, except voting rights, and you would only need to have a non-WA nation in the region or meet a low post requirement, like 5 a month?
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    • Some Random Guy
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I can vibe with that idea since we already do refer to the regular dwellers with NS nations in the region pre-app as Residents.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I think you would need a Constitutional Amendment, since the Fundamental Laws specifically uses the word Citizen when granting those protections and privileges.

    On my end, I'm thinking of something much more casual though...replace a lot of messaging to become a Citizen with information on how to join guilds and clubs. As it is we have Rollspelskra, the Dungeon Masters, and the Hearthkeepers (although it's a bit less active). Once they join a guild, they would be considered something like an initiate (again, informally), and they could be assigned a mentor, preferably from that guild. Then we could track their activity (even if they don't join a guild), and send them information on what Citizenship is and how to become one if they'd like when they reach the right point.

    I like how that directs new members to the groups running the things they want to get involved in (assuming they read our recruitment message), and I think that's more likely to keep them active...just having that involvement in something they like. Then Citizenship just eventually becomes a natural next step instead of something that's just hanging out there. It even solves our issue with the Werewolf players, because we can reach out to them, explain what Citizenship is, and ask if they'd like to apply to become one.

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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Fair enough. On second thought as well, giving residency that would probably make Citizenship largely pointless, as well as being administratively difficult.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • Honorary Box
  • With those things said...what if we're putting the cart before the horse when it came to Citizenship? Instead of pushing new members to become Citizens, what if we instead got them to join some of the guilds and clubs (I want clubs, damnit!), and then when their activity justified it we would invite them to consider applying for Citizenship. Not necessarily take away the option if somebody discovered it and wanted to rush to it...just not promote it to new members. Then if we can get them involved in some of our groups, they'll presumably gain the knowledge necessary to be an active part of the community, have the activity to justify Citizenship, and we'll have the opportunity to get to know them in the process. It's almost like a more subtle version of my original initiate idea.
    This is really the main reason why I look at that WA versus non example that I stated earlier.  Non WA citizens would still get basically full access to the forums and Discord and would still by all accounts be a citizen.

    And we could give out incentives and reasons to take that next step to becoming whatever we wanted to call that next level of citizenship when they become a WA nation.  We have elections that you can take part in as a WA nation, we have laws that you can propose and vote on, we have ambassadorships that you can dive into...that kind of stuff.  We just need to give people reasons to want to take that next step while also not tightening restrictions on overall citizenship.
    Bit late to the party, but throwing in my major dislike of this simply because I personally am one of the citizens in the region without a WA nation in it and no desire or plans to ever move my WA nation. Say what you'd like about that, but I don't think those of us who have been here a while and been citizens should have their status suddenly reduced. At the same time, i don't want to open the door for double standards. So I do not believe that WA status should factor into citizenship.
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Bit late to the party, but throwing in my major dislike of this simply because I personally am one of the citizens in the region without a WA nation in it and no desire or plans to ever move my WA nation. Say what you'd like about that, but I don't think those of us who have been here a while and been citizens should have their status suddenly reduced. At the same time, i don't want to open the door for double standards. So I do not believe that WA status should factor into citizenship.
    I don't think your personal status would be reduced because of the activity options...the only time when your Citizenship would have been in danger was when you took a break, but I think a better leave of absence system would take care of that.

    But I am curious...why wouldn't you move your WA to Wintreath? Besides R/D, when I hear that I just assume that it's because they prefer someplace else more. And there's nothing wrong with that, but in other cases where they aren't active it makes me wonder. They prefer to have their WA elsewhere, they aren't active in Wintreath at all...why do they even want to be here at all at that point? And I know this isn't you...again, you're active and I don't think changing the requirements would put you in danger of losing Citizenship, but I really wonder for those who aren't actually active at all.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I don't think your personal status would be reduced because of the activity options...the only time when your Citizenship would have been in danger was when you took a break, but I think a better leave of absence system would take care of that.

    But I am curious...why wouldn't you move your WA to Wintreath? Besides R/D, when I hear that I just assume that it's because they prefer someplace else more. And there's nothing wrong with that, but in other cases where they aren't active it makes me wonder. They prefer to have their WA elsewhere, they aren't active in Wintreath at all...why do they even want to be here at all at that point? And I know this isn't you...again, you're active and I don't think changing the requirements would put you in danger of losing Citizenship, but I really wonder for those who aren't actually active at all.

    For me, it's definitely an ego problem. I spawned in TNP, TNP endorsement bombed me, not I have 300 ish endorsements on my WA nation and no desire to move it because it gives me a shiny yellow badge for being very endorsed. Also residency, That nation has never switched regions so it has a perfect, undisturbed line and just made it to yellow button status for that too. I want to assume I'm not the only one that just likes collecting things, so perhaps some people don't move their WA nation for similar reasons: simply not having enough WA nations to maintain their collection. As to not being active at all, with so many puppet nations it's possible they dropped in to see what was happening and were unimpressed after gaining citizenship as citizenship doesn't really unlock anything magical or secret rooms on the forums like it does in many other regions. So they just keep up their puppet nation as the login alerts come in on autopilot and don't really do anything with it.
    • Honorary Box
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • Quote
    1. Title
      1.1 This act shall be cited as the Citizenship Reform Act of 2022.

    2. Citizenship Act Reform
      Section 2 of The Citizenship Act shall be amended to read as follows:
      2.1 Any individual wishing to obtain citizenship must either:
        2.1.1 have a NS nation within the region,
        2.1.2 make twenty (20) non-spam posts on the Wintreath forums,
        2.1.3 make twenty (20) non-spam posts on the Wintreath NationStates RMB,
        2.1.4 or make seventy (70) non-spam posts on the Wintreath Discord server in order to qualify for citizenship.
      2.2 Citizens may maintain their citizenship through one of the following means:
        2.2.1 Keeping the nation that is associated with their citizenship within the region. Should a citizen wish to designate a new nation as their citizenship nation, they must inform the person (or government agency) empowered to accept or reject citizenship applications in accordance with relevant law of a change in citizenship nation.
        2.2.2 Making ten (10) non-spam posts on the Wintreath forums during the previous calendar month.
        2.2.3 Making fifty (50) non-spam posts on the Wintreath Discord server during the previous calendar month.
        2.2.4 Making ten (10) non-spam posts on the Wintreath NationStates RMB during the previous calendar month.
        2.2.5 Making a financial contribution to The Winter Nomad of at least $5 (USD) during the previous calendar month.
      2.3. The Landsraad, through the Chancellor, reserves the right to exempt any Citizen from the provisions of section 2.2 of this Act due to an extended leave of absence from Wintreath under extenuating circumstances for up to six (6) months.
        2.3.1. Circumstances can include, but are not limited to: natural disasters, severe illness, extended hospital care, military training or deployment, extended stay in a remote rural area, or loss of a main source of income.
        2.3.2. A Citizen must hold Citizenship for at least thirty (30) days and declare intent to return to Wintreath in order to qualify for an exemption under this section. Compliance with these requirements is determined by the Landsraad, through the Chancellor.
        2.3.3. Exemptions may last no longer than six (6) months from the initial date of absence, as determined by the Landsraad, through the Chancellor.
        2.3.4. Any Citizen with an exemption under this section must return to compliance with section 2.2 of this Act within seven (7) days of their return to Wintreath.
      2.4 The Monarch of Wintreath reserves the right to exempt any Citizen from the provisions of section 2.2 of this Act due to an extended leave of absence from Wintreath under extenuating circumstances, as laid out in section 2.3.1 of this act, for periods of time greater than six (6) months at their discretion.
      2.5 The Monarch of Wintreath shall have the authority to revoke citizenship from any person, so long as the Monarch makes a public announcement explaining the reasons for doing so.
      2.6 The Landsraad shall have the authority to revoke Citizenship from any person by a two-thirds supermajority vote, so long as the legislation revoking the Citizenship contains the reasons for doing so. Persons whose Citizenship has been revoked by the Landsraad may appeal the decision to the Monarch, who can restore Citizenship by decree.
        2.6.1 A two-thirds supermajority shall be counted from the citizens who cast ballots in the relevant vote, not from the wider electorate including citizens who did not cast ballots in the relevant vote.
      2.7 The Monarch, or any subordinate official appointed by the Monarch, shall have the authority to grant or deny citizenship to any person who applies.
    Couple of things.
    • The ordering of 2.2.3-2.2.5 should match 2.1.2-2.1.4
    • This may be worth investigating as it's own bill proposal, but I think that citizens must expose their potentially sensitive life circumstances in order to keep their citizenship during their absence. I think there should be a no-questions asked policy, where if they just ask for it, we make it happen. No reason required.
    • Do we really want to discard the WA option? That could potentially tank our endorsement numbers for our WA representative.
    • Maybe @Wintermoot knows this, but how can we reliably track these number of non-spam posts? Is it just a backend website statistic?

    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • Some Random Guy
  • I've changed the order for 2.2.3-2.2.5. The WA option was removed while we discussed the potential constitutionality of it, but now that has been settled, I think we should put it back in. And for LOA's, what if we specified that it is up to the Chancellor's discretion? That would give the Chancellor leave to adopt a no-questions asked policy for leave.

    Here's my current version of this act. What does everyone think?

    1. Title
      1.1 This act shall be cited as the Citizenship Reform Act of 2022.

    2. Citizenship Act Reform
      Section 2 of The Citizenship Act shall be amended to read as follows:
      2.1 Any individual wishing to obtain citizenship must either:
        2.1.1 have a WA nation within the region endorsing the WA Delegate,
        2.1.2 make twenty (20) non-spam posts on the Wintreath forums,
        2.1.3 make twenty (20) non-spam posts on the Wintreath NationStates RMB,
        2.1.4 or make seventy (70) non-spam posts on the Wintreath Discord server in order to qualify for citizenship.
      2.2 Citizens may maintain their citizenship through one of the following means:
        2.2.1 Keeping the WA nation that is associated with their citizenship within the region. Should a citizen wish to designate a new nation as their citizenship nation, they must inform the person (or government agency) empowered to accept or reject citizenship applications in accordance with relevant law of a change in citizenship nation.
        2.2.2 Making ten (10) non-spam posts on the Wintreath forums during the previous calendar month.
        2.2.3 Making ten (10) non-spam posts on the Wintreath NationStates RMB during the previous calendar month.
        2.2.4 Making fifty (50) non-spam posts on the Wintreath Discord server during the previous calendar month
        2.2.5 Making a financial contribution to The Winter Nomad of at least $5 (USD) during the previous calendar month.
      2.3. The Landsraad, through the Chancellor, reserves the right to exempt any Citizen from the provisions of section 2.2 of this Act due to an extended leave of absence from Wintreath under extenuating circumstances for up to six (6) months at the Chancellor’s discretion.
        2.3.1. Circumstances can include, but are not limited to: natural disasters, severe illness, extended hospital care, military training or deployment, extended stay in a remote rural area, or loss of a main source of income.
        2.3.2. A Citizen must hold Citizenship for at least thirty (30) days and declare intent to return to Wintreath in order to qualify for an exemption under this section. Compliance with these requirements is determined by the Landsraad, through the Chancellor.
        2.3.3. Exemptions may last no longer than six (6) months from the initial date of absence, as determined by the Landsraad, through the Chancellor.
        2.3.4. Any Citizen with an exemption under this section must return to compliance with section 2.2 of this Act within seven (7) days of their return to Wintreath.
      2.4 The Monarch of Wintreath reserves the right to exempt any Citizen from the provisions of section 2.2 of this Act due to an extended leave of absence from Wintreath under extenuating circumstances, as laid out in section 2.3.1 of this act, for periods of time greater than six (6) months at their discretion.
      2.5 The Monarch of Wintreath shall have the authority to revoke citizenship from any person, so long as the Monarch makes a public announcement explaining the reasons for doing so.
      2.6 The Landsraad shall have the authority to revoke Citizenship from any person by a two-thirds supermajority vote, so long as the legislation revoking the Citizenship contains the reasons for doing so. Persons whose Citizenship has been revoked by the Landsraad may appeal the decision to the Monarch, who can restore Citizenship by decree.
        2.6.1 A two-thirds supermajority shall be counted from the citizens who cast ballots in the relevant vote, not from the wider electorate including citizens who did not cast ballots in the relevant vote.
      2.7 The Monarch, or any subordinate official appointed by the Monarch, shall have the authority to grant or deny citizenship to any person who applies.

    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • Hello all, very late to the party but also have been very busy. As there's been over 50 posts before this so instead of trying to cram a response to everything in I'll keep it short and sweet. Citizenship should be something that is earned, not just guaranteed to anyone who shows up. in my 10 months in regional Affairs there have been almost a dozen instances bans that were made more difficult due to them being citizens. For those who oppose making actually take a slight bit of effort, you should go sign onto NS and take a look at the brilliant caliber of quality that about 90% of people brought in from our largest area new members come from and you just might see what I mean.

    As much as I doubted I would agree with Chanku on government policy. She makes an excellent point of quality over quantity. I would rather have less citizens but those citizens be quality people as opposed to a flood of Rando's. This being said if we're making it harder to be a citizen we should give people more help. As such I'm currently drafting up the WinMentors program, which will contain multiple pathways to citizenship that new members can be guided along with help from an experienced Wintrean. hopefully this will be able to even things out a bit.
    3 people like this post: Michi, Marzipan, Arenado
    • aaaaaer
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  • I agree, I think that focusing on integration is definitely a priority. I think that a focus on that and this act would probably go hand in hand and compliment each other.

    I did also have an idea about putting in a line clarifying that all current and former citizens would only be required to meet section 2.2 of the act to maintain or regain their citizenship. What does everyone think?
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • I like the idea of allowing former citizens to use the lower section 2.2 requirements to regain citizenship as the bill currently stands.

    I actually like the idea of residency/initiation before citizenship. This way residents can still feel like a member of Wintreath while still having to work towards gaining the right to vote and citizenship protections. Residents/initiates would need to pass very low requirements (such as what we currently have for citizenship), and then I would be comfortable significantly raising citizenship requirements. I think all requirements should still be clearly defined, though, so people know what they're working towards. I also think citizenship maintenance requirements should be removed in this case. If zombie citizens are such an issue, perhaps we as the Landsraad should just do annual wipes to revoke citizenship from people who obviously have no intent to return or whatever. We have the power to do this now anyway, so that's the quickest solution for the zombie citizen issue.
    1 person likes this post: Stigya2113

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • I essentially fully agree with the stances that Chanku and Gerrick have espoused throughout this thread. I'm honestly dismayed to see such broad support of increasing exclusivity within our community.

    For a recap of my thoughts on citizenship changes, I'll just quote my previous post on the previous citizenship proposal:
    One of Wintreath's core values is openness. That anyone can come in and instantly make great impact as a full member of the community is really important.

    Creating a three-tiered, seniority-based citizenship system creates artificial barriers to entry. Think to just a year ago, when we were struggling to get any new members, even those who had been around in the RMB for years, to integrate into our forum and Discord community. It was a monumental effort for many of our newer members to finally join this part of Wintreath - with further restrictions I wonder if such things would even happen. Getting people to commit to such a long process, especially when they're new to the community, is very difficult, and many would simply not bother or get too stressed about it and go elsewhere.

    In my experience running clubs and other social organizations, there are two ways to grow and maintain a community. Being exclusive makes people want to stay because they feel like they are in a special club, but inevitably people leave and then there's nobody to replace them because everyone else has been alienated by the exclusive recruitment process. Or, you can be incredibly opening and welcoming of everyone and anyone. Most people won't stay for long, but the ones who do will be self-selecting to be well-suited and enthusiastic for the community, and are drawn from a wider talent pool.

    Citizenizing new members is fast and easy and I see no reason why this is a problem. The more people are accepted and welcomed into our community, the more will stay. On the other hand, bans should require more careful consideration. Exile from a community, particularly one which prides itself in its openness, should not be taken lightly.

    Furthermore, mentorship systems in Wintreath (and pretty much everywhere else I've been) are prone to inactivity and disinterest from both ends. Tying citizenship to such a long stint with the mentorship system would be concerning as a result, especially if (as outlined in this proposal) this leads to backlogs/waitlists for even starting on the citizenship process. In my experience, interacting with the existing community on equal footing tends to produce better results. That said, we could always beef up our mentorship system, perhaps by expanding the Hearthkeepers into a more prominent role.

    There are some advantages to mentoring now compared to before. Explaining our system of government is easier now than ever, with the convoluted Storting system long-gone. We just have a set of senior appointed Jarls and junior elected Thanes that specialize in specific community work. And if there's something you want to do in Wintreath you can do it yourself no matter your position, and others will help if you want. These are not complex points to get across - the difficulty is getting people interested. The better approach is not to force people to do work if they want to get citizenship, but rather to foster a strong enough sense of welcoming and community so that people want to help out and give back.

    Finally, if citizenship were to be changed in such an intrinsic way, so that it is so deeply tied to active community participation, then the only way to maintain citizenship while being inactive should be through Paragonhood. Monetary contributions can and should be honored through many other means. But if citizenship is tied to active civic participation, then donations are a fundamentally different kind of contribution that should be celebrated and rewarded in a different way. Citizens should be equal before the law, and should not reflect real-world class differences and hierarchies.

    We are a community of second chances, of working to make members feel as welcome as possible. This is why efforts for community building need to err on the side of openness.

    As Gerrick said, both sides here place great value on citizenship and what it means; rather, this seems to be a fundamental disagreement on what citizenship should represent and how that reflects our community's values. Making citizenship more open and easy to obtain does not devalue its meaning, but rather strengthens it. The best way to act and codify our welcoming and open nature is to welcome newcomers as full citizens and provide them with full rights and protections under the law. By contrast, we cannot pride ourselves in our community's welcome and open nature if our system works directly against it.

    It is indeed the case that the only barriers that citizenship explicitly poses are in the realm of voting and leadership positions. However, the optics of the situation are probably far more important. If a newcomer arrives and sees all these hoops they have to jump through to become citizen, and then compare to other regions where there is no such thing (and I know it's not much, but seeing all these various conditions and possibilities can make it seem convoluted), they will in all likelihood not bother. They are not invested in any one community at that point and are blessed with nearly infinite choice. Similarly (as Gerrick pointed out), if an old citizen returns and sees they have lost citizenship, they may no longer feel welcome. Returning to a community after a long absence is already a difficult prospect even without additional challenges, and that sort of demotivation simply works against us when it's already an uphill battle.

    We have already learned this when we imposed a 5-post requirement. Even minuscule barriers to entry drive people away unnecessarily. We're now in a prosperous time for Wintreath when it comes to new and dedicated members, but this was not always the case and may not be the case in the future. The current wave of newcomers to Wintreath government (I say newcomers but granted, y'all have been here for a while) have arrived and flourished under the inclusive model of citizenship. I worry that we have forgotten the lessons of the past, and am concerned these changes may encourage stagnation as newcomers are more discouraged from joining, potentially create yet another divide between us and the Resident/RMB community, and encourage us toward a culture of exclusivity. I strongly believe that our efforts should not be on restricting citizenship in any way, but rather the opposite: we should create and maintain stronger pathways for entry into our community.
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, Chanku
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    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
    Commendation of Wintreath: 24 September 2020
    Peer of the Overhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021
    Vice Chancellor of the Landsraad: 26 May 2021 - 15 September 2022
    Arena Game 8 Host: 10 June 2021 - 19 July 2021
    June 2021 Wintreath's Finest: 5 July 2021
    Regional Stability Squad: 28 February 2023 - present
    Minecraft Server Admin: 8 March 2023 - present

    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
    Plebeian: 16 April 2014 - 21 July 2014
    Patrician: 21 July 2014 - present
    Adeptus Mechanicus: 24 October 2014 - 16 November 2014
    Co-founder of New Hyperion: 29 October 2014 - present
    Lord of Propaganda: 16 November 2014 - present
    Mapmaker for Official Region RP: 27 November 2015 - present
    WACom Delegate: 11 November 2017 - present
    Other positions: Hyperian Guardsman, Hyperian Marine (Rank: Scout)
    • Seeker of Knowledge
    • Posts: 13,242
    • Karma: 4,263
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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