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Second Proposals for Citizenships
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W Amadeus
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  • 4. Alright. Recently I ran as Thane for World Assembly yada yada yada. (I lost). I went under a campaign stating that I'd try and get WA endorsements. However, I thought about what your proposing, and there is a real big issue. Alts. Picture this: For some reason, you want to register an Alt for citizenship. But, you can't be in the WA, cause its an alt. What about that?
    Anyway, thats my opinion.
    Most people are gonna hate it.
    You can resign your main from the WA any time you like and then enter your alt to the WA, as long as you do not have more than one nation in the WA at the same time.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
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    W Amadeus
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  • Well, personally I think that all this is somewhat fine. Here is my opinion:

    1. The mentoring thing, according to fellow Wintreans, seems like it would be effective for a bit, then completely ignored. Sure, some people might stick with it, but most likely, the new citizen will either ignore them, or completely drop Wintreath.

    2. This could work. Could. Not much to say, some people might use it, some might ignore it. Still, it could work.

    3. I'm conflicted. I think that after a number of warnings, a Citizen should go on, (not joking), trial. I know it sounds stupid, because it is. However if the mods just formed a whole trial system for disruptives, maybe it could work out?? Of course, there is a million holes in this idea.  Like, Mod Judges could abuse their power and sentence people for the tiniest crime. I don't know, just skip this probably.

    4. Alright. Recently I ran as Thane for World Assembly yada yada yada. (I lost). I went under a campaign stating that I'd try and get WA endorsements. However, I thought about what your proposing, and there is a real big issue. Alts. Picture this: For some reason, you want to register an Alt for citizenship. But, you can't be in the WA, cause its an alt. What about that?
    Anyway, thats my opinion.
    Most people are gonna hate it.
    You can only have Citizenship once. It attaches to the person, not to the nation. If you have two nations you can only have one citizenship and have one of those considered for your citizenship. There would be (and currently are) also alternative methods to maintaining citizenship.
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    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I strongly oppose anything that adds more IC bureaucracy to OOC moderation. A policy to allow for appeals with the existing Operator team is one thing, but to bring what boils down to a court system isn't going to help the situation, speaking from experience in both. NS court systems only work for in-character crimes (and frankly wouldn't have even been appropriate or helpful in the Schism, speaking as someone who was caught in that.). All that will succeed in doing long term is turn moderation into an even more divisive medium.
    3 people like this post: Arenado, taulover, Michi

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  • Create a Mentor Program
    While it wouldn't be tied to a particular status anymore, we could still assign a mentor to first-time Citizens for their first 3 months in Wintreath. The way I envision it, the mentor would regularly check in on them, gauge how they're feeling about Wintreath and whether they need help with anything, and otherwise just be a friend and a link between them and the rest of the community. When possible, mentors would be assigned based on what the new Citizen wants to get involved with in Wintreath...for example, someone interested in RP would get a mentor that's in Rollspelskra. We could still informally track what new Citizens are doing in the community through things like the seasonal records, but it would no longer be tied to anything in particular.

    Create Pathways to Success
    Speaking of a new Citizens' interest, we could also create pathways that defined what success means in those areas. For example, if a new Citizen was interested in Werewolf a basic success might be playing a game from beginning to end without dropping out, while an advanced success might be hosting their own Werewolf game. Then we can create guides, resources, and mentoring that can help them along that path. In this way doing works for the community becomes more of a plan than a requirement for anything, but there's still some guide to see how they're getting along.

    Give the Joint Moderation Group More Ambiguous Authority to Remove Disruptive Members
    There's already some precedent for this, when we banned Anthony from the Discord for a year for consistent immature behavior over time. In the original proposal, we could gauge someone's behavior while they were an initiate and determine whether they had the maturity to be part of our community. In the absence of that, I propose simply expanding the JMG's existing authorities to allow for removal of disruptive members as needed.

    Change NS Nation Option for Maintaining Citizenship to Require WA Membership
    There was a lot of discomfort around adding an activity requirement on the NS side, so I'm proposing at least requiring them to be in the WA and to endorse our delegate, so they're contributing something to that end. While the WA isn't a major focus for most people in Wintreath, having a delegate with more endorsements does give us more weight and thus more attention in the WA, especially when it's on a delegate who has been as active in the WA as Michi. It's not an activity requirement, but at least it's contributing in some way. I think it would still resolve the zombie Citizen issue as well.

    The Website
    This isn't my own suggestion, but after I'd put my notes for this together I read Melehan's suggestion about putting information on the website that would be helpful. I have somewhere on my to-do list to build a proper website for Wintreath...I don't know when I'll get to it, but I think that's a fine suggestion for when I am able to do that. At the very least, I had already planned to have dedicated pages for everything that we do (RP, Werewolf, community governance, etc).
    My two-cents that I'm depositing in the Frosthold piggybank:

    • I'm rather neutral, if not leaning slightly more towards opposing, the mentorship program. Keeping track of incoming and active mentee nations would be a major hassle and I doubt that there would honestly be that much of an interest when we already have so many welcoming programs, such as Hearthkeepers and Dungeon Masters.
    • I'm not sure if crafting "pathways" is necessarily the best implementation, but I am in full support of government-sponsored guides, resources, and tutorials being drafted: for Werewolf, for navigating the forums, etc.
    • Yes, yes, yes, 100% yes. I believe that regional powers, thanes and jarls alike, should have the ability to remove disruptive users who continuously break the peace after having received a certain number of warnings. In my opinion, the only times when cases such as these should be directed to the Monarch is when a case is particularly complex, offensive, and/or involves a longstanding member of the community. Allowing more power to the regional moderators to make these decisions will better safeguard Wintreath's safe space.
    • I don't mind this and I think it is a fair trade off if a citizen migrates their activity from NS to the forums, although it should be an alternative, not the default.
    • I can't really commentate on this because it's so vague, but I'm satisfied no matter where we go, though I don't know what doesn't qualify this site as "a proper website".

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  • I thought the current citizenship requirement was an either or, either have an NS nation in the region or make a certain amount of posts? I feel like that's a good way to implement a compromise between requiring a WA nation in the region and some of the concerns listed here, have it be either-or, either keep a WA nation here or meet a post minimum in the region. That seems to me to be a workable compromise.
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  • Mentoring Program
    I think people may be thinking something more involved than what I mean when I say mentoring. I just mean it's someone that would introduce themselves at the beginning and then check in every once in awhile, maybe every few days or every week or so, especially if it looks like they're not getting in the swing of things. Answer questions, direct them to any guides that would be helpful in getting into what they want to be into, that sort of thing. I don't think a successful mentoring program has to be all that intense or involved, I think just reaching out once in awhile could be helpful. Of course, I could be wrong, but I think it's worth trying it for a few months and seeing what happens.

    I think pathways would help with mentoring by defining what we mean by "getting into the swing of things", and could also be a convenient place to put resources that a mentor can pass on if needed, as well as to specify what to initially send new Citizens based on their interests.

    The next steps here are to design that program and the pathways. The mentoring program has been assigned to the Ministry of Regional Affairs, and has a cool name that I hope we can release as part of a more detailed announcement soon. Otherwise we haven't gotten very far with it, but I hope to have more time to actually help there over the weekend. Pathways will take some input from the Cabinet, but I don't imagine it will be a problem.

    JMG Authorities
    I can't imagine having any sort of court-like elements for bans resulting from rules violations. Those debates are hard enough on people without turning it into a community decision or giving it Phoenix Wright-like elements. I don't know about the rest of the JMG, but I wouldn't be opposed to referring recommendations to ban Citizens based on immaturity to the legislature. Govindia was banned in this manner, although as @Michi and some others can attest to that wasn't the easiest process to go through either. Given that most people seem to be fine with the JMG handling those bans, I think people should think long and hard whether they want even that to be a community process.

    Again, I'm only speaking for myself at the moment and not the JMG, whose opinions on this I don't really know.

    Citizenship Requirements
    I think @Arenado has a great idea. I'm all for having more ways to remain a Citizen by contributing somewhere. I have a feeling that if anything could pass it would be this, too.

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  • My concern at least is that even basic mentorship programs along those lines (like the one run by PB) typically didn't fare too well due to the work necessary. From my limited understanding (which tbf was on the tail end of things), most people also either opted out or only talked briefly with their mentors, choosing to ask questions more publicly in the main forum for most things.
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  • I guess I just don't see it as a lot of work, especially with as few Citizens as we tend to get. I suppose we'll see and adjust accordingly, but I do think it's at least worth a try. We've ran one mentor program in our nine-year history, and there wasn't much oversight or guidance over it included some questionable mentors like Govindia. And still it was at least functional until PB himself left.

    I'm not sure it's fair to point to that effort as proof that a mentor program couldn't work.
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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