Post #168929
July 04, 2022, 07:47:35 PM
PEACE IN WINTREATH! A few days ago Trashkanistan73 and WARPP signed a non-aggression pact ensuring peace in the region. After two years of high tensions, two wars, a proxy war, and the ball incident, we are glad to let Trashkani citizens come to our nation and vice versa.
The Greenlandic North Bombs Danville… Kinda![](
Plane Dropping Popcorn Over Danville.
The day peace was signed between Trashkanistan and WARPP bomber planes were loaded with bags of popcorn pans went to Danville. As the bombers unleashed their buttery fury, the street cleaners of Danville looked to the skies and started regretting their jobs*. A cigar with popcorn was dropped on Erik Strongblood’s house to mark the start of their peace.
Cheeseball Overflow!
Grawlmart Experiencing the Oversupply
Across the country, Cheeseball fever had kicked off resulting in many companies buying a large surplus of Cheeseballs. However, this graph* shows the supply and demand for cheeseballs over the past 20 days. On July 1st many people started to boycott cheeseballs because of a flweet which stated “I love cheeseballs” which started a massive debate between the major cheeseball creators and the Anti-Diary Association (ADI). Unfortunately, many Northern Greenlandics were in the ADI and started a boycott. Now many companies are filling all of their isles with Cheeseballs. If any country wants cheeseballs please report to us, we have too many.
- We aren’t aware of the street cleaners thoughts, that’s just what we think would happen.
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