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Holy Spire
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  • Quote
    Respond to the prompt below as if you were roleplaying:
    "The Emperor of Cheesistan, having had declared war on you two months prior, has ramped up the scale of the war; at your Northern border, hundreds of Cheesistani battalions, artillery machines, and tanks have gathered, ready to strike. As you are debriefed by your head general concerning your North border, a diplomacy aid delivers you a peace treaty from Cheesistan. In it, Emperor Gouda promises to not invade your nation, so long as you pay him a tribute of 20,000 dairy cows and 10 million dollars. The peace treaty smells of stinking bishop and without a doubt, will soon permeate throughout your entire headquarters."
    1.Holy Spire
    The 5 High Elders sit on a half-moon like shapped table faci
    ng towards the archon who is looking thought a window. One High elder raises his voice "My lord, what should we do? we are at a clear disadvantage, we lost contact with 20k soldiers on the border!" He hits the table hard and screems even louder" My lord, do something, say something!". Another High elder looks at him and says" Calm down, we obviously have 2 options,the first is war, which we have a gap and a chance of winning, even though its unlikely, or we can just pay them tribute, which i doubt is nothing but a delaying action for them to attack in full force while we are distracted" The archon finally turns and faces towards the High elders, His eyes blue as a saphire, his long hair shining with the light hitting it. He says "Indeed a very difficult situation, the school isnt oppened yet and it was unfortunate losing the scout team, so we wont be getting any more soldiers soon" He presses a button on a wall and a table with the regional map pops up from the ground, he points towards the mountains "However, this is the only passage to our lands that a big army can go through, i say we use all our advantages, we dig tunnels that lead behind them and we attack from all sides, the front, the behind and from the sky, i would also like one of you to lead the army, your job isnt sitting all day in an office" he smirks,"I'll give you 120k soldiers and no more than that" he finishes talking and starts turning around and looking thought the window again. The high elders stand up, bow to the archon and leave the room. Outside the room, they argue between each other and decide that the newest High Elder shall be the one leading the army. He then moves to the palace barracks and starts planning the assault.
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    Holy Spire
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    ((I’m going to apologize for my clumsy attempt at roleplay in advance. I’m rusty and nation-style roleplays have never been my strong suit.))

    Breadian Imperial Council Chambers, The Breadian Empire

    Silence overtakes the usually animated war room as each of the members of the imperial council takes in the gravity of what they’ve been told. Could this be the out they were seeking? The usually-composed Emperor Challah lets out a hearty laugh, startling everyone from their contemplation. “They truly take us for fools, don’t they?” He sighs and stands to address the council. “Sir,” the diplomatic aid coughs, riddled with anxiety, “this could be the solution to our problems! We have the consider the well-being of our people. This war has been terrible for them! And the farmlands are to the nor…” The emperor lands his steely gaze on the sheepish man and responds in an equally harsh tone, “Precisely Naan. The farmlands are to the north. I believe they aim to corner us. Our people will suffer a heavy loss- that is without question. The real question here is whether or not we will allow them to suffer insult on top of injury.” The council begins to chatter amongst themselves, speaking over each other with disturbance at what the emperor is suggesting. Challah slams his hand on the table, a feverish anger taking hold. “We cannot allow it. I will not allow it. General Wheaton, instruct your men to prepare themselves. You will defend our border, by any means necessary. Lord Yeastworth, I expect you to tag along to assist in evacuation efforts. Time is of the essence gentlemen- they are liable to begin their siege the moment they realize we refuse to bend to their demands. And you, Naan,” he spat, “can tell Gouda he will find himself much like his so called peace treaty. In pieces.” He shredded the opposing empire’s demands with a dignified sniff and left, leaving the council staggered. Words like unprepared, bull-headed, and underestimate fill the air like smoke. With a weighty sigh, General Wheaton collected the lord and diplomat and prepared to send word to his supports, conveying the emperor’s instructions to prepare brigades to defend their northern border and minimize civilian casualty at all cost. Naan gulped nervously, dreading the pending chaos.

    Within days, it comes in abundance at the border as Breadian forces scramble to their assignments. Naan takes refuge in the general’s tent, anxiously awaiting word from the Cheesistanians, who received a much more diplomatically worded plea to reconsider their terms. He prayed word of that would never reach another official’s ears, as he much preferred his head attached.
    A deviant from the dairy products, quite daring; welcome to Rollspelskra!
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    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • 1.Holy Spire
    The 5 High Elders sit on a half-moon like shapped table faci
    ng towards the archon who is looking thought a window. One High elder raises his voice "My lord, what should we do? we are at a clear disadvantage, we lost contact with 20k soldiers on the border!" He hits the table hard and screems even louder" My lord, do something, say something!". Another High elder looks at him and says" Calm down, we obviously have 2 options,the first is war, which we have a gap and a chance of winning, even though its unlikely, or we can just pay them tribute, which i doubt is nothing but a delaying action for them to attack in full force while we are distracted" The archon finally turns and faces towards the High elders, His eyes blue as a saphire, his long hair shining with the light hitting it. He says "Indeed a very difficult situation, the school isnt oppened yet and it was unfortunate losing the scout team, so we wont be getting any more soldiers soon" He presses a button on a wall and a table with the regional map pops up from the ground, he points towards the mountains "However, this is the only passage to our lands that a big army can go through, i say we use all our advantages, we dig tunnels that lead behind them and we attack from all sides, the front, the behind and from the sky, i would also like one of you to lead the army, your job isnt sitting all day in an office" he smirks,"I'll give you 120k soldiers and no more than that" he finishes talking and starts turning around and looking thought the window again. The high elders stand up, bow to the archon and leave the room. Outside the room, they argue between each other and decide that the newest High Elder shall be the one leading the army. He then moves to the palace barracks and starts planning the assault.
    Nicely done, welcome to Rollspelskra!
    1 person likes this post: Holy Spire
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • The Premier arrives at his office and sees his cabinet standing along the walls. He sits down in his chair and sees the treaty along with a pen and paper, and reads it while trembling. He summons the Minister of Agriculture to ask him if they have enough cows necessary, to which he responds yes. He then calls his personal lawyer to ask for the amount of balance he has on his personal bank account. The Premier breathes in relief knowing that he can avert the crisis without causing mass chaos within the nation. A day after reading the treaty, he immediately schedules an unofficial visit to Cheesistan's border along the Prefecture's border, and asks his personal accountant to withdraw 10 million dollars from his personal wealth. The Minister of Agriculture has ordered 20 state-owned farms to hand over 1000 cows, hidden under the false pretense of creating another state-owned farm to ease dairy shortages in another region. The treaty's existance and the tribute is hidden from the legislature and the public to prevent issues. The Premier has decided to pay the financial part of the tribute personally, and plans to mask the tribute as a donation to the Cheesistani Emperor.

    I don't want to join, I just wanted to try it out, coz It seemed fun.
    I wish it was good : P
    What do you mean you wish it was good? This is a great response!

    It's alright that you don't want to apply! If you ever decide to though, I'll keep this around as your prompt response, so you won't have to write another one :)
    1 person likes this post: Altrio
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • This is where interested citizens may apply to become members of Rollspelskra. To apply, you must 1. provide the name of your nation (the same one that you used on your exam) and 2. respond to the test roleplay prompt at the bottom.

    Before you apply, make sure that you are
        - A citizen of Wintreath
        - Are in good standing with the Wintreath community and administration
        - And have passed the roleplay academy exam with a 100%

    Respond to the prompt below as if you were roleplaying:
    "The Emperor of Cheesistan, having had declared war on you two months prior, has ramped up the scale of the war; at your Northern border, hundreds of Cheesistani battalions, artillery machines, and tanks have gathered, ready to strike. As you are debriefed by your head general concerning your North border, a diplomacy aid delivers you a peace treaty from Cheesistan. In it, Emperor Gouda promises to not invade your nation, so long as you pay him a tribute of 20,000 dairy cows and 10 million dollars. The peace treaty smells of stinking bishop and without a doubt, will soon permeate throughout your entire headquarters."
    1) Lusgastan 

    2) The arrogant Emperor of Orange Juice takes a singular look at the stinking cheese treaty and throws it to the ground with a sneer on his face. “ Those insolent fools!” he roars, frightening his poor advisers half to death. “How dare they believe that simply because of a threat they can rob my great country! I need whoever leads our army here immediately!”. The Grand General of The Grand Orange Juice army, General Pulp, is ushered inside. “Y-Yes, My lord?” He asks. The Emperor replies; “those idiotic Cheesers are demanding us to pay them for a peace treaty! This is a clear insult to my power! I need you to send all our firepower to the North border at once! And in fact,” he smiles deviously, ”This time I want you to send in the Juice Bots”.
    1 person likes this post: Svipjoth
    • Mountain Kingdom
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  • aaaaaer
  • This is where interested citizens may apply to become members of Rollspelskra. To apply, you must 1. provide the name of your nation (the same one that you used on your exam) and 2. respond to the test roleplay prompt at the bottom.

    Before you apply, make sure that you are
        - A citizen of Wintreath
        - Are in good standing with the Wintreath community and administration
        - And have passed the roleplay academy exam with a 100%

    Respond to the prompt below as if you were roleplaying:
    "The Emperor of Cheesistan, having had declared war on you two months prior, has ramped up the scale of the war; at your Northern border, hundreds of Cheesistani battalions, artillery machines, and tanks have gathered, ready to strike. As you are debriefed by your head general concerning your North border, a diplomacy aid delivers you a peace treaty from Cheesistan. In it, Emperor Gouda promises to not invade your nation, so long as you pay him a tribute of 20,000 dairy cows and 10 million dollars. The peace treaty smells of stinking bishop and without a doubt, will soon permeate throughout your entire headquarters."
    1) The Stigyan Triumvirate.

    2) Emperor Roxas sits in the Executive Council Chambers and half-considers the treaty before simply using his semblance to burn the treaty paper in his hand. He then sits forward in his chair to address his council. "Listen close because I'll only say this once. Have the Valyrian provincial forces set up blasting charges on every major roadway and mountainside on the coast. Put a token force on the beaches to fight them, but after they pull back and the Cheesistani forces pursue them into the mantle range. That's when you detonate the charges and bury them. Anyone missed by the rockslides and avalanches ca be finished off by the SENTRI drones."

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  • 1) Lusgastan

    2) The arrogant Emperor of Orange Juice takes a singular look at the stinking cheese treaty and throws it to the ground with a sneer on his face. “ Those insolent fools!” he roars, frightening his poor advisers half to death. “How dare they believe that simply because of a threat they can rob my great country! I need whoever leads our army here immediately!”. The Grand General of The Grand Orange Juice army, General Pulp, is ushered inside. “Y-Yes, My lord?” He asks. The Emperor replies; “those idiotic Cheesers are demanding us to pay them for a peace treaty! This is a clear insult to my power! I need you to send all our firepower to the North border at once! And in fact,” he smiles deviously, ”This time I want you to send in the Juice Bots”.
    Oh no, not the Juice bots, anything but! Anyway, welcome to Rollspelskra!
    1 person likes this post: Lusgastan
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • 1) The Stigyan Triumvirate.

    2) Emperor Roxas sits in the Executive Council Chambers and half-considers the treaty before simply using his semblance to burn the treaty paper in his hand. He then sits forward in his chair to address his council. "Listen close because I'll only say this once. Have the Valyrian provincial forces set up blasting charges on every major roadway and mountainside on the coast. Put a token force on the beaches to fight them, but after they pull back and the Cheesistani forces pursue them into the mantle range. That's when you detonate the charges and bury them. Anyone missed by the rockslides and avalanches ca be finished off by the SENTRI drones."
    Ah, good ol' Roxas, never a disappointment. Welcome to Rollspelskra!
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • This is where interested citizens may apply to become members of Rollspelskra. To apply, you must 1. provide the name of your nation (the same one that you used on your exam) and 2. respond to the test roleplay prompt at the bottom.

    Before you apply, make sure that you are
        - A citizen of Wintreath
        - Are in good standing with the Wintreath community and administration
        - And have passed the roleplay academy exam with a 100%

    Respond to the prompt below as if you were roleplaying:
    "The Emperor of Cheesistan, having had declared war on you two months prior, has ramped up the scale of the war; at your Northern border, hundreds of Cheesistani battalions, artillery machines, and tanks have gathered, ready to strike. As you are debriefed by your head general concerning your North border, a diplomacy aid delivers you a peace treaty from Cheesistan. In it, Emperor Gouda promises to not invade your nation, so long as you pay him a tribute of 20,000 dairy cows and 10 million dollars. The peace treaty smells of stinking bishop and without a doubt, will soon permeate throughout your entire headquarters
    New kaszstan

    Supreme dictator Grayson rips up the peace treaty and sends the pieces through a open window and turns to the head general "there not strong enough for us" he says slamming a spy report on the desk the "cheesistanians don't have the military or financial support to even think about taking us on now what I want you to do is send down double no triple there military power then we can end this so called war the general says "yes sir" then leaves to give the order
    1 person likes this post: Svipjoth
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    • Hi I'm thejoker😐 if you would like to get to know me just ask bye!
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  • New kaszstan

    Supreme dictator Grayson rips up the peace treaty and sends the pieces through a open window and turns to the head general "there not strong enough for us" he says slamming a spy report on the desk the "cheesistanians don't have the military or financial support to even think about taking us on now what I want you to do is send down double no triple there military power then we can end this so called war the general says "yes sir" then leaves to give the order
    Thank you for your entry!

    One thing I wanted to note for this entry is that while I could interpolate where a sentence might end and begin (and thusly count how many sentences you have), I would recommend that, for grammar, you include periods in your sentences. Other than that little note that you made, this entry satisfies the prompt.

    I do not see your nations name on the exam, however, so I cannot approve you yet for membership until that's completed. Please read through the roleplay etiquette topic in the Roleplay Academy subforum and at the bottom, there's a link to the exam. There's unlimited chances to retake, so no pressure if you don't get them all the first time!
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • New kaszstan

    Supreme dictator Grayson rips up the peace treaty and sends the pieces through a open window and turns to the head general "there not strong enough for us" he says slamming a spy report on the desk the "cheesistanians don't have the military or financial support to even think about taking us on now what I want you to do is send down double no triple there military power then we can end this so called war the general says "yes sir" then leaves to give the order
    Thank you for your entry!

    One thing I wanted to note for this entry is that while I could interpolate where a sentence might end and begin (and thusly count how many sentences you have), I would recommend that, for grammar, you include periods in your sentences. Other than that little note that you made, this entry satisfies the prompt.

    I do not see your nations name on the exam, however, so I cannot approve you yet for membership until that's completed. Please read through the roleplay etiquette topic in the Roleplay Academy subforum and at the bottom, there's a link to the exam. There's unlimited chances to retake, so no pressure if you don't get them all the first time!
    Thank your for the response sorry I was rushing it's little but I did just finish the exam tho took me a few tries but I got it
    1 person likes this post: Svipjoth
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    • Hi I'm thejoker😐 if you would like to get to know me just ask bye!
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  • Thank your for the response sorry I was rushing it's little but I did just finish the exam tho took me a few tries but I got it
    No worries! I just got your perfect score and with that, welcome to Rollspelskra! Make sure to check out our poll for this month's roleplay topic!
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Quote
    Respond to the prompt below as if you were roleplaying:
    "The Emperor of Cheesistan, having had declared war on you two months prior, has ramped up the scale of the war; at your Northern border, hundreds of Cheesistani battalions, artillery machines, and tanks have gathered, ready to strike. As you are debriefed by your head general concerning your North border, a diplomacy aid delivers you a peace treaty from Cheesistan. In it, Emperor Gouda promises to not invade your nation, so long as you pay him a tribute of 20,000 dairy cows and 10 million dollars. The peace treaty smells of stinking bishop and without a doubt, will soon permeate throughout your entire headquarters."
    Kerry Greenfield, Sovereign of the Buttershire, ponders this blatant ultimatum. He doubts that Gouda cares about such a small sum of money, it's probably just there to add insult to injury. What's really at stake are the prized dairy cows, which are famous for creating some of the finest butters in the world that are at the heart of the Buttershire's economy. Giving away such a large portion of the herd would destroy the Buttershire just as surely as a war, and that alone makes such a "treaty" impossible to accept. This is nothing but political posturing, an excuse for Cheesistan to claim that it offered a peaceful solution to the situation.

    But this development makes clear what Cheesistan really wants and provides a window of opportunity for kind of response. Greenfield is determined to play it out for all its worth.

    Greenfield dispatches a diplomat to Cheesistan with orders to offer only 5,000 cows in exchange for a quarter of the cheese produced by those cows in perpetuity and a 5 million dollar deposit that would be returned to Cheesistan in five years if they had upheld the agreement in good faith. He doubts that they would ever agree to such terms by themselves, but he also orders that as many of the cows in the northern portions of the Buttershire be rounded up and embedded along with the military units facing the Cheesistan army. If they attack, they would risk destroying the very thing they wish to wage war over in the process.

    Having done all he can think of to respond to the situation, Greenfield excuses himself from the war room, thoughts already turning to the more pleasant nightly activities he has in mind for the evening: reading and painting.

    OOC: I did wonder if doing two actions that must happen simultaneously violated the one action per turn rule, but my thinking is that it does not because it's not in sequence. Other players can still respond to either action or both of them. Feel free to correct me if I have it wrong though. This is not my wheelhouse at all. :P

    Nation name is Wintermoot, btw.
    1 person likes this post: Svipjoth

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • Kerry Greenfield, Sovereign of the Buttershire, ponders this blatant ultimatum. He doubts that Gouda cares about such a small sum of money, it's probably just there to add insult to injury. What's really at stake are the prized dairy cows, which are famous for creating some of the finest butters in the world that are at the heart of the Buttershire's economy. Giving away such a large portion of the herd would destroy the Buttershire just as surely as a war, and that alone makes such a "treaty" impossible to accept. This is nothing but political posturing, an excuse for Cheesistan to claim that it offered a peaceful solution to the situation.

    But this development makes clear what Cheesistan really wants and provides a window of opportunity for kind of response. Greenfield is determined to play it out for all its worth.

    Greenfield dispatches a diplomat to Cheesistan with orders to offer only 5,000 cows in exchange for a quarter of the cheese produced by those cows in perpetuity and a 5 million dollar deposit that would be returned to Cheesistan in five years if they had upheld the agreement in good faith. He doubts that they would ever agree to such terms by themselves, but he also orders that as many of the cows in the northern portions of the Buttershire be rounded up and embedded along with the military units facing the Cheesistan army. If they attack, they would risk destroying the very thing they wish to wage war over in the process.

    Having done all he can think of to respond to the situation, Greenfield excuses himself from the war room, thoughts already turning to the more pleasant nightly activities he has in mind for the evening: reading and painting.

    OOC: I did wonder if doing two actions that must happen simultaneously violated the one action per turn rule, but my thinking is that it does not because it's not in sequence. Other players can still respond to either action or both of them. Feel free to correct me if I have it wrong though. This is not my wheelhouse at all. :P

    Nation name is Wintermoot, btw.
    Despite your insistence that you have no idea what you're doing in terms of roleplay, this is an excellent entry! I would not consider your case of two simultaneous actions as a violation of the "one action per turn" rule, because that rule is to prevent adding on top as opposed to on the side. If you had said that you lined your cows up by the border and then created a stampede and broke through a border wall, then that would be a violation.

    Rambling aside, welcome to Rollspelskra!
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  • Wintreath's Official Non-Executive Dictator
  • This is where interested citizens may apply to become members of Rollspelskra. To apply, you must 1. provide the name of your nation (the same one that you used on your exam) and 2. respond to the test roleplay prompt at the bottom.

    Before you apply, make sure that you are
        - A citizen of Wintreath
        - Are in good standing with the Wintreath community and administration
        - And have passed the roleplay academy exam with a 100%

    Respond to the prompt below as if you were roleplaying:
    "The Emperor of Cheesistan, having had declared war on you two months prior, has ramped up the scale of the war; at your Northern border, hundreds of Cheesistani battalions, artillery machines, and tanks have gathered, ready to strike. As you are debriefed by your head general concerning your North border, a diplomacy aid delivers you a peace treaty from Cheesistan. In it, Emperor Gouda promises to not invade your nation, so long as you pay him a tribute of 20,000 dairy cows and 10 million dollars. The peace treaty smells of stinking bishop and without a doubt, will soon permeate throughout your entire headquarters."
    Sergiu Rolotov of Joslisonoria immediately barks at his diplomacy offer, "Send the Cheesistani army a dispatch stating that we will give them 40,000 dairy cows, but no money. But only if they back up their troops 20,000 kms away from the border, and to give 00.1 credits per month the deal stands. You got that?" The officer got to work, typing on a small keyboard until it was finished. Sergiu took the letter and signed it, with his general's approval as well.  
    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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