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Rollspelskra Charter
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  • Former Citizen
  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • Summary
    This charter outlines the basic purpose and function of Rollspelskra, first authored and published in May 2022. It discusses matters of membership, leadership responsibilities, and the status and functions of roleplays within Wintreath. This charter is subject to change at any time.

    1.  Introduction
        1.1. Problem
            1.1.1. In recent history, roleplay in Wintreath has faced a significant downgrade in roleplay quality, with no active organizational authority to enforce roleplay etiquette standards and the oversaturation of war-based roleplaying scenarios.
            1.1.2. It is the opinion of the current Thane of Roleplay, The Fylkirate of Svipjoth, that this loss in roleplay quality can be attributed to the abandonment of Wintreath’s previous roleplay guild, simply called the RP Guild, and of roleplaying on the Wintreath forums entirely.
       The RP Guild had the structure and authority to enforce roleplay etiquette and ban those that frequently broke these etiquettes.
       The loss of structure provided by the forums is reflected in the disorganized, cluttered nature of the RMB.
        1.2. Solution
            1.2.1. In order to revitalize roleplay across Wintreath, enforce roleplay etiquette and standards, and provide an official place for those who enjoy roleplay outside of the RMB, a new roleplaying guild, called Rollspelskra henceforth, shall be established.
    2.  General Structure
        2.1. Summary
            2.1.1. Rollspelskra will be hosted on the Wintreath forums site within its subsequently named subforum.
       Threads within this base level will include membership applications and external announcements.
            2.1.2. Two further subforums, one for official roleplays and the other for member-initiated roleplays, shall be made, accessible only to members.
       Each thread within these forums shall be devoted to a singular roleplay.
       Other threads will include internal announcements, roleplay suggestions/polling, and guild proposals.
            2.1.3. An additional subforum will be devoted to the Roleplay Academy, whereupon non-members and members alike can read the roleplay etiquette. Those who wish to enter Rollspelskra must take a subsequent exam concerning the content and pass.
       The exam itself requires a 100% grade to pass, but it can be taken an unlimited number of times.
            2.1.4. The Rollspelskra subforum and all child forums/threads shall be moderated by the Thane of Roleplay and the Jarl of Culture.
            2.1.5. Roleplays hosted by Rollspelskra shall originate from member and leadership suggestions compiled into a monthly vote. Members shall vote as to which roleplay scenario they would like for next month. Members that created these suggestions have the right to provide their own prompt to begin the roleplay.
            2.1.6. Event-based roleplays that are hosted by Rollspelskra will occur after a one-week notice takes place. They can coexist with monthly roleplays.
        2.2. Membership
            2.2.1. Rollspelskra shall be an opt-in system, whereupon Wintreath citizens must apply to enter the guild.
            2.2.2. Their application decision shall be determined by the Thane of Roleplay.
        2.3. Leadership
            2.3.1. Rollspelskra will be led by the Thane of Roleplay, referred to as the Grandmaster within the context of Rollspelskra.
            2.3.2. They shall have the authority for the following responsibilities:
       Maintaining the Rollspelskra subforum
       Moderating the threads within the Rollspelskra subforum
       Approving or disapproving member applications
       Issuing warnings, suspensions, and bans for disobedient or disrespectful members
       Initiating event and monthly official roleplays
       Creating, modifying, and destroying assistant roles to the Grandmaster
       Hosting elections for these assistant roles
            Maintaining all revisions for the charter
    3.  Membership Requirements, Obligations, & Benefits
        3.1. Requirements
            3.1.1. All applicants to Rollspelskra must satisfy the following pre-requisite requirements:
   Possess a Wintreath citizenship
   Be in good standing with the Wintreath community and administration
   Pass the Roleplay Academy exam
        3.2. Obligations
            3.2.1. Members of Rollspelskra must:
   Further maintain their good standing with the Wintreath community and administration, as well as that of Rollspelskra.
   Abide by the roleplay etiquette.
        3.3. Benefits
            3.3.1. Members of Rollspelskra have the following benefits:
   Access to monthly and event-based roleplays.
   Access to thread-based organization and dedicated space for roleplays amongst members.
   Rights to vote upon roleplay scenarios and assistant roles.
   The ability to earn badges for their roleplay participation/leadership.
    4.  Activities of Rollspelskra
        4.1. Every month, members will be able to vote upon a list of compiled member suggestions to roleplay for the following month.
        4.2. Other activities for Rollspelskra will be determined.
    5.  The Future Status of Roleplay in Wintreath
        5.1. With the establishment of Rollspelskra, the culture and enforcement of roleplaying rules will gradually shift towards the following model:
            5.1.1. No roleplay will be allowed in the RMB.
            5.1.2. Discord roleplay shall be the public space where non-members may roleplay with themselves or Rollspelskra members, with these roleplays only allowed to be casual in nature.
            5.1.3. All official roleplays, serious or casual, will be hosted and participated only in the forums website, under the Rollspelskra subforum.
        5.2. The Grandmaster shall determine the steps and pacing of this gradual shift of roleplaying.
    6.  Miscellaneous Decisions Under This Charter
        6.1. Replacing the antiquated RP Guild badges with Rollspelskra badges, categories of which to be determined.
        6.2. Finding a purpose for familial houses in the context of roleplaying.
    4 people like this post: taulover, Stigya2113, Waggleton, Gausburg
    « Last Edit: August 04, 2022, 03:17:40 PM by Svipjoth »
    • For the Honor and the Glory
    • Posts: 233
    • Karma: 245
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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