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Favourite Vegetable?
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    What's your favourite vegetable? I came up with this when trying to think of something for Svip's AMA on the forums xD
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  • What's a vegetable :p
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  • i strongly enjoy chicory. its very delicious just cooked and with ham and cheese but also cooked on its own, and its even delicious in salad as a more nutritious replacement for lettuce (works especially great in salads with nuts and fruits). however i call it chicory only off a google translation as there literally isnt a english wikipedia page for this vegetable "sichorei" so i feel like its not even on the menu elsewhere
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  • Beets, 100%. They’re hearty, tasty roasted or pickled, and the greens are wonderful sautéed. 

    Second place would have to be potatoes. Because come on, they’re so versatile. 

    Third place is probably jicama. Put a little lime and hot sauce on it and you have a hell of a snack. I like to hit it up into little sticks. 
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  • Compared with some of the things you guys have listed, my answer is probably going to be boring. I like broccoli, with green beans being a close second...with both, some salt does wonders in bringing out the flavour with them.

    I also like potatoes, but its hard for me to mentally see them as vegetables,'s like how you need a meat, a starch, and a vegetable, and usually the starch has something to do with potatoes, lol.
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  • I'm forbidden by the doctor to eat a lot of my favorite vegetables because they give me gas. I end up caving and eating small bits anyway. :P

    Some of my favorites:
    jie lan (Chinese broccoli)
    qing cai (green/baby bok choy)

    (English translation here is a misnomer because bok=white and it's not white)
    malantou (Kalimeris indica)
    black wood ear
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  • To be honest, I'm not a fan of vegetables (big surprise, haha). However, one of my favorites is corn. It's simple and it's sweet, by vegetable standards. I also like carrots, but they're not my favorite.
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  • @taulover: I've heard of people's significant others forbidding them from eating things due to gas, but this is the first I've heard of a doctor doing so. :P
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  • @taulover: I've heard of people's significant others forbidding them from eating things due to gas, but this is the first I've heard of a doctor doing so. :P

    The idea is that you limit everything first and then potentially slowly introduce things back to see what works, but I'm still at the stage where I have only a general idea (other than milk is very bad for me bc I'm not white lol), and I still cheat and eat gassy foods sometimes.
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  • Cucumbers are definitely my favorite vegetables. Cucumbers themselves are alright but since I started enjoying pickles, my enjoyment of cucumbers has also increased.
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  • Cucumbers are definitely my favorite vegetables. Cucumbers themselves are alright but since I started enjoying pickles, my enjoyment of cucumbers has also increased.
    Highly recommend trying out some smashed cucumber salad. Here are two good recipes:
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  • @taulover: Have you tried the plant-based milks like almond milk? Back at one time I was buying a lot of almond milk cause I liked it in most everything (except coffee, I still preferred regular milk in that).

    Thanks for the recipes btw...we eat a lot of cucumbers in the summer and both salads look delicious :)
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