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Werewolf 26: A New Adventure in Old London Gamethread
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Game Over on Round 5 Day
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  • look

    I was, as I understand it, seen NOT VISITING and NOT VISITED, by Michi. While I guess this doesn't confirm me, that I am primarily under suspicion of being an SK, that I am gaining more votes than yesterday is bizarre. 

    people have been painting me as x or y alignment for good reason for the whole game. People have purportedly entered extreme tunnel vision on me, to the point where something that should be clearing me is being used as evidence against me. 

    I simply must accept that some town are playing incredibly suboptimally. I know that Arenado is a liar through michi and has a very slim chance of being town, and frankly I don't even think that town will even do the curtesy of ensuring that they die after my upcoming death. Kill me THAN BURN ARENADO WITH FIRE KILL 







    that is all
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  • Meh, I am just going all-in on my objective. Once you start questioning the host, the integrity of the game is completely lost, this is not mafia anymore, and I'll die on this hill and laugh about it afterwards if I'm being trolled.

    Dolby, get your ass on the no yeet wagon.
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  • My objective rn is currently eliminate Arenado with extreme prejudice and maybe push other scum but honestly I think I’ll have to self-pres at some point

    Also Lau, I get that you’re claiming to have no incentive to hunt mafia, but imo you should. At the very least, if you think 2 people are teamed it makes them less likely to be sk
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  • I don’t think you’re the SK. I think not everything is as it seems and any roles thrown around, particularly big name town seeming roles (like Chief or Mayor), should be looked at with scrutiny. I could definitely see this being a game of corruption. It feels pretty implied in some of our hosts posts. And I know I’m not the only one who caught that (Melehan, for example) but I respect folks for not wanting to go down the rabbit hole. 

    While there’s room for deniability because of what Michi said, something *still* doesn’t smell right about you. 

    I’m just hoping something of use comes forward soon.
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  • fall into the hole

    *points at hole in ground*
    You know what? I’ll bite. Could it be a mistake? Maybe. Could it potentially help us out in the long run? Also maybe. There’s not much else I can cling to information wise and Mel is right- there’s too many investigation style role claims right now to make much sense.

    Vote: Dolby
    I’d also like to point out that the investigation roles, imo, point to me being toen
     michi should just confirm me being a non-visitor and that the person who watched/tracked whatever is lying.
    tgn confirms my flavor and that I’m not SK if we believe Laurentus bc that kill would’ve gone through
    the only one that doesn’t match up is Arenado
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  • My objective rn is currently eliminate Arenado with extreme prejudice and maybe push other scum but honestly I think I’ll have to self-pres at some point

    Also Lau, I get that you’re claiming to have no incentive to hunt mafia, but imo you should. At the very least, if you think 2 people are teamed it makes them less likely to be sk
    I get why it looks that way, and tbh that's correct, I don't care who's mafia, and I get this is why I look like a 3P. I am not a 3P though, and it will make sense once I'm done. If I were a 3P, I wouldn't be this transparent about my utter disinterest in who's mafia. 
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  • Honestly if people want to push me off flavor, I’m town but it’s fine. It’s just not my cup of tea in general and I think but am not 100% sure that Lau and Vro could attest to that anyway? 

    This is pre-empting Mafiahan specifically coming in and saying that I’m attempting to bury a good resource proving my scuminess lol 
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  • Mel has used both Michi and TGN’s claims to argue that I’m more scum from them, that isn’t natural

    Good night 
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  • Honestly if people want to push me off flavor, I’m town but it’s fine. It’s just not my cup of tea in general and I think but am not 100% sure that Lau and Vro could attest to that anyway?

    This is pre-empting Mafiahan specifically coming in and saying that I’m attempting to bury a good resource proving my scuminess lol
    I mean, the flavour heavily implies that 1) there is an SK, and 2) that you didn't do shit. So the flavour that is being used against you is also working in your favour.
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  • TGN confirms your flavor and is voting for you. It’s not exactly a glowing recommendation. 

    And that quote brings up exactly one of the things I was referring to- going down the rabbit hole of whether or not the roles could be corrupt. We haven’t gotten very far investigation wise, so I’m willing to take all the info I can get from flavor and other posts. Again, not everything is going to be what it seems solely based off of role name- I know that for a fact. I have no doubt you’re Chief- I just don’t think I can believe that means you’re town aligned. It wouldn’t be hard to try to hide behind your role. 
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  • TGN confirms your flavor and is voting for you. It’s not exactly a glowing recommendation.

    And that quote brings up exactly one of the things I was referring to- going down the rabbit hole of whether or not the roles could be corrupt. We haven’t gotten very far investigation wise, so I’m willing to take all the info I can get from flavor and other posts. Again, not everything is going to be what it seems solely based off of role name- I know that for a fact. I have no doubt you’re Chief- I just don’t think I can believe that means you’re town aligned. It wouldn’t be hard to try to hide behind your role.
    TGN is being influenced by Mel. He is not an alignment cop. There is nothing that prevents him from using his info in a completely incorrect way.

    You yourself said that the flavour heavily implies there's an SK. Mel's whole theory hinges on Dolby being actual mafia with a team member who has a bus drive ability. That can't be when this was an SK kill.
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  • Tbh I think either you or Mel are power-wolfing this shit hard.
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  • And I expect the power-wolves to come out in force to make sure my no-yeet doesn't go off today.
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  • Tbh I think either you or Mel are power-wolfing this shit hard.
    Lau, please ensure you pace your posting

    mel has the right combination of pushing and trying to get into your good graces and has been far more obstinate and irrational in their push on me that if I had to pick between the two of them I’d go Mel 99% of the time. Marz it’s been this flavor thing which is ok I guess. Melehan has been dedicated to turn all the evidence that I’m town into a conspiracy that I’m mafia. Even flavor was brought up by them first before Marz. And they tried to use Michi as EVIDENCE FOr me being scum
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  • Count of Highever
  • Tbh I think either you or Mel are power-wolfing this shit hard.
    Lau, please ensure you pace your posting

    mel has the right combination of pushing and trying to get into your good graces and has been far more obstinate and irrational in their push on me that if I had to pick between the two of them I’d go Mel 99% of the time. Marz it’s been this flavor thing which is ok I guess. Melehan has been dedicated to turn all the evidence that I’m town into a conspiracy that I’m mafia. Even flavor was brought up by them first before Marz. And they tried to use Michi as EVIDENCE FOr me being scum
    At the same time, voting for no-lynch would be literally going against her win-con if she's a wolf, same with Aren.
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