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Werewolf 26: A New Adventure in Old London Gamethread
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Game Over on Round 5 Day
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  • I disagree

    ENE’s post is content agnostic and I see posts like that come from town of varying activity levels and I make it a lot tbh personally
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  • I disagree

    ENE’s post is content agnostic and I see posts like that come from town of varying activity levels and I make it a lot tbh personally
    The difference is that Aer is not you. I expect him to scum-hunt really aggressively. But I really cannot stress this enough: I literally don't care who's scum or not as long as I succeed.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Music plays as the cameras fade into the table in which 5 ladies are sitting with coffee mugs the the Queue logo

    "Good evening and welcome to The Queue.  I'm Whoospie Iceberg, and joining me are Jone Barbahr, Cara Heinz, and Moony Roastin, with our special guest Maggy McShane."

    Whoopsie: Today we're going to talk about some of the issues here in Old London today such as pollution and crime, but first let's talk about something even more important: Sheeping.  According to Socks News, it's some new slang for something perverted and gross, but what is it really?

    Maggy: Well I agree with Tucker Talker that it's something that we don't want our children to know about.  It sounds like something you'd do in the bedroom, and not something appropriate as a movement.

    Jone:(having a hard time containing a grin) Yeah, I'm having a hard time even picturing that.  Would you care to demonstrate just exactly what you think it is for the rest of us?

    Maggy: Well obviously I'm not going to do that right on TV, there could be kids watching.

    (This next bit is them consistently interrupting and talking over each other)
    Jone: Look, either put up or shut up because if I'm being honest, that just sounds like some garbage propaganda--
    Maggy: I am not going to take your abuse here, and I am feeling attacked by--
    Jone: --That once again Socks News puts out to make everyone paranoid--
    Maggy: --you with your words, and I think Tucker Talker said it right--
    Jone: --and all because it has nothing better to do than to keep brainwashing folks like you into believing otherwise.
    Maggy: --And not just because I think he's a hunk, and I will not let you try to gaslight me.

    Moony: (Staring with judgment at the both of them) Well beyond...whatever that was, I do think Jone has a point that if you're going to parrot what you hear, you should at least know what you're talking about.

    Whoopsie: (Pulling out a spray bottle and spraying it at Moony, who hisses) No! Bad!  Now, we all have opinions on this show, and that's fine.  What do you think about all of this Cara?

    Cara: Well I do think Maggy is blowing it a bit out of proportion.  Like you said, it's fine that we all have opinions on this show, but I do agree that opinions should be backed up with facts.  Do we know that Sheeping is something perverted beyond what Tucker Talker said on Socks News?  No we don't but I don't--

    Maggy: (Interrupting) Tucker has the facts lady, he has the facts.

    Cara: --But I don't think that definition is exactly true though, and I think there is some truth being distorted there--

    Maggy: (Interrupting again) The only truth being distorted is what everyone else is distorting it as! You just want to put our children in danger!

    Cara: --some truth is being distorted there when it means something completely harmless.  Which in reality, it just means following what someone else is doing.  Could Sheeping be perverted? Absolutely, it depends on what you're following that other person in doing.  Is it on its own? Absolutely not.

    Maggy: Well that is some bull honky there, and what gives you the right to say that Tucker Talker is lying?

    Cara: What gives you the right to say he isn't?

    Whoopsie hits the buzzer several times as the argument subsides, pointing a finger at the girls (particularly Maggy) who attempt to start it up again.

    Whoopsie: That in itself brings up an interesting point, moving on.  The comment itself came from one Laurentus, so factoring that in, does that change things a bit?

    Cara: I think it does, yes.  He seems like a trustworthy guy who only wants peace.  I mean heck, the guy likes Cat Stevens, so he's bound to be a good guy, right?

    Jone: Unfortunately, I do have to disagree.  Sure, he talks peace, but let's be honest...he's laying it on a bit thick with that Cat Stevens reference.  He reminds me of my first boyfriend Paul, actually.  "Oh no Jone, you're my one and only, and I'm going to tell the world how you're the only gal for me." And then, of course, I caught him in the act with some bimbo from the bar, and it turns out they'd been having an affair since Paul and I started dating.

    Maggy: I think you're being a bit dramatic, since he seems like a pretty honest guy.

    Cara, Whoospie, and Moony all facepalm, knowing what's coming.  You guessed it, another talking-over-each-other bit.

    Jone: Oh, I always love to hear from the Drama Queen herself how I--
    Maggy: Don't you dare call me a drama queen after you just--
    Jone: --how I am being dramatic after your little stint earlier with--
    Maggie: --after you just attacked me and tried to gaslight me earlier and--
    Jone: --with the whole "Sheeping is perversion" nonsense!
    Maggie: --and tried to make me look like I was crazy on television!

    Jone, before she can say what she wants, is stopped by Cara before she says something regrettable on TV.

    Cara:(quickly interrupting) Jone does bring up a good point though Maggy.  How can you say "he seems like an honest guy" while also saying that he's saying this perverted slang that we should protect our kids from?

    Maggy: That's just what I think, okay?!

    Whoopsie: Alright, well let's just all talk a moment to calm down, and cut to commercial.  When we come back: is pizza a gateway to cancel culture?  We'll talk about it after this commercial break.
    4 people like this post: Laurentus, Arenado, Gerrick, Melehan
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  • Glorious Bob is here and my gosh is he Glorious or what.
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  • Glorious Bob comes with several helpers. Here comes one now!
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  • Or are you?

    cue dramatic music
    Vote: Wischland
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  • If I cared about hunting scum this game, I'd actually say Vro had a decent shot at being a hit. But I'm just a peace-loving nomad.

    Glorious Bob is very confused why every player in the game who has posted up until this point is hard wolfsiding.
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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    My guru Lau has asked me to take this path. I am taking this path. 
    More so because I think Sock News might make me mad to an extent that I stop feeling stress.
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Two roles thus far appear to have rules governing the style of their posts.

    But are these roles town? 🤔

    I'm also a bit suspicious of Lau pushing for NL today. Pacifist or not, you always get a sacrifice D1, which makes me think it's another role related thing. Perhaps a power which unlocks should NL be achieved?

    Could be a good thing, if Lau is town. But is Lau town?
    Glorious Bob is happy that someone has made an alignment indicative piece of content and is going to give you his first townread. Consider it more of an encouragement award than an actual read though.
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  • I cannot speak the words,
    that haven't already been said.
    A well thumbed thesaurus,
    gathering dust,
    inside my head.
    Glorious Bob considers the likelihood that the host would put two roles of the same alignment in the game that have post restrictions and thinks no, unlikely. Glorious Bob would like to kill the people who are posting like this until we strike gold.
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  • Lau is obvious scum

    also hi
    Glorious Bob doesn't share your conviction so wonders if this bluster is there to mask insecurity.
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  • Aers will be the deep cover scum in this game.

    That's my personal take at this point in time.
    Glorious Bob likes you. Doesn't trust you, but likes you.
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  • Human Meltdown
  • I'm fine with a no-lynch, because Lau is strongly implying that he (or we) will learn something through it.

    If Lau fakes this as wolf, it's a one-way street to death since we'd find by D2, probably.

    Alternatively Lau is a 3p that wins if he gets town to no-lynch or something similar.

    Arenado and Michi are the only ones who seem to have restricted or changed posting abilities thus far, or?
    How did you even get to these absurd conclusions? 

    Extremely scummy posts, pushes the idea of a No Lynch D1 which is CONSTANTLY disapproved by veteran, doesn't put his money where his mouth is at, put all responsibility on Lau, and even throws shade at them possibly being 3p. If you're even CONSIDERING the possibility of them not being town why in heavens would you suggest following them?

    Also the post restrictions are probably memes. We have ESL players here and restrictions like these would just be brutal/unfair unless roles were handpicked as opposed to randomized.
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  • Through the London streets full of shadow
    It’s people voracious and shrewd
    I shall match their energy by blow
    As venom leads people lost to brood
    Glorious Bob is struggling to find allies. Glorious Bob wonders why people in this community don't make an effort to appear town. Glorious Bob is concerned.
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  • Helloes
    Aye a new foe has entered the arena. Glorious Bob is disappointed to see that they haven't made their alignment obvious in their first post.
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