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The Wintreath Citizen Handbook
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Greetings, Citizen!

    Welcome to the ranks of our Citizenry! Wintreath is a large community, and as a Citizen you can get involved in many different ways. This handbook will help you explore Wintreath and all the things you can do, and includes information on how to get started in just about any area of our community.

    This handbook is pretty long, but it’s meant to be a guide that you can reference as needed. I would recommend reading the next section, “What is Wintreath?”, and at least skimming over the rest so you know what information is available in case you need it for the future. If all else fails, don't be afraid to ask any questions in this topic or in the topic that you applied for Citizenship in. We're glad to help!

    Thank you for making Wintreath your online home as a Citizen. I hope that you make friends, have fun, and become a pillar of our community!

    -Monarch and Founder of Wintreath

    What is Wintreath?

    As a new Citizen, of course you know that Wintreath is a community based on NationStates, our forums, and our Discord chat server. But the truth is, we’re much more than that.

    We’re a community of friends where we can be themselves without judgment, share our thoughts and feelings, and make friends. We’re a warm and personal community, one that is there for help and support, to hear you out, and to share your joys and triumphs with. It’s not a requirement, but if you want to be part of this there are people here for you.

    We’re a compassionate and empathic community that cares about its members. We believe that each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done. We practice that in our actions, taking in those that other communities have shunned if we believe they sincerely regret what they have done and are determined to overcome their pasts.

    Finally, we’re a place of fun and games, through our contests, forum and Discord games, NationStates page, Minecraft server, gaming events, and more. There’s always something going on that you can have fun doing. Because what goes better with friends than fun?

    If you'd like to learn more about our principles as a community, check out this document that was created by our then-Citizen Council for Wintreath's 7th birthday.

    Getting Started in a Community of Friends
    Starting out in such a close-knit community can be intimidating, but there’s easy ways to get started without having to put yourself out there too much. On the forums, there’s a number of casual topics in the Howling Wind Tavern, many of which are just answering a question. On the Discord, the #wintreath channel is our general discussion chat, where many of us hang out. We also have channels dedicated to academics (#the-fount-of-knowledge) and geeky stuff (#frostbyte-cafe).

    Getting Started with Fun and Games
    We have a lot going on, so it may be hard to know what’s out there and what you would like to play. In the future I hope to include a guide on each of our games, but for now the best thing to do is to check out the forums for each of our games, read the sticky topics, and just join in if they sound interesting to you!

    A Brief History of Wintreath

    Wintreath was founded on October 17th, 2013, after Wintermoot got fed up with the divisive politics of another region and left. A number of other people left as well, and they convinced him to try running his own serious region. That’s how Wintreath got its start.

    If you’d like to know more about the ideals and principles we were founded on, check out A Community Vision, the closest thing we have to a founding document.

    Within the first few months, we put together our government and laws, established relations with other NationStates regions, and began getting our first Citizens who were new to NS. Over time, people started doing things in Wintreath that weren’t related to NationStates, and that’s how our games and culture scene began. Thanks to them, we now have a thriving forum Werewolf scene, our Minecraft server, and other forum and Discord games.

    Of course, we’ve had our triumphs, dramas, highs, and lows, but this is a brief history of Wintreath. If you would like to learn more about the details of our history, check out the the Wintreath History Project.

    The Krone, Our Regional Currency

    Our regional currency is the krone, which you can use to purchase things in our region.

    Using Krone
    To see how much Krone you have, go to your profile. It will be listed on the left, underneath the last time you were online. Clicking the amount will take you to a page showing any transactions where you have paid or been given krone.

    To pay someone in Krone, you would go to their profile, click the amount of krone they have, and then click the “[Pay]” link at the top of the page. You will be asked for the amount and a description of why you’re paying them, then if you have enough Krone the amount will be dedicated from your total and added to theirs.


    Professions are jobs that Citizens can choose to do that help Wintreath or the people in it in some way.

    The Civil Service: Work for the Government of Wintreath
    Ambassadors are Wintreath’s official representatives to other communities. Being an emissary involves getting to know the community you’re sent to, reporting back any information that you feel is important for the government of Wintreath to know, and posting our official foreign dispatches. If you would like to become an emissary, contact Jarl of Foreign Affairs Ruguo.

    Hearthkeepers are dedicated to making Wintreath as warm and welcoming as possible. They welcome new nations and Citizens, start regular discussions (icebreakers) and activities (bonfires), and wish Wintreans a happy birthday among other things. If you’d like to join the Hearthkeepers, read {thread} for more information and contact Jarl of Culture Michi.

    Recruiters telegram new and returning NationStates nations about Wintreath and why it would be a great community to join. Chances are, you joined Wintreath because you received such a telegram, so you know from personal experience how important it is to spread the word about who we are. If you would like to become a recruiter, contact Monarch Wintermoot.

    Private Business in Wintreath
    These are the current professions supported by the government, but you’re not limited to just working for the government. You can make your own business offering services (perhaps creating flags as an example) for other members! Members can send you krome, our regional currency, in exchange for anything you would like to offer. Just set up a shop on the forums detailing what you would like to do so interested members can contact you!

    Government: The Riksraad (Cabinet)

    The government of Wintreath is enshrined in our constitution, the Fundamental Laws, but the gist of it is that as a Citizen, you have the right to participate in government. Currently that government consists of two parts: the Riksraad (Cabinet) and the Landsraad (Legislature).

    The Riksraad
    As Monarch, Wintermoot is the current leader of the government. The Riksraad advises him in government matters and assists him in overseeing the day to day operations of Wintreath. To best do this, the Riksraad is split into ministries which are led by a Jarl (which is like a Minister) to oversee a specific area of Wintreath. Ministries are further split into more specific portfolios overseen by Thanes (which are like Vice-Ministers). Jarls are appointed by the Monarch, while Thanes are elected to 3 month terms.

    In addition to Jarls and Thanes connected to ministries, the Riksraad also has Alders, who are advisory members with no specific responsibilities. They are appointed by the Monarch after Thane elections based on their contributions to Wintreath in the previous season.

    The Ministries of the Riksraad
    The Ministry of Culture is the fun and games portion of the government. They’re tasked with creating fun games and contests for the community, as well as helping Citizens get their own ideas rolling. The Ministry currently contains two offices headed by Thanes: the Thane of Gaming, which focuses on video gaming; and the Thane of Roleplay, which focuses on RP throughout Wintreath.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs handles our diplomatic relations with other communities. They get the pulse of our diplomatic partners, communicate our messages and dispatches to them, and are a point of contact for them. The Ministry currently has two thanes: The Thane of Foreign Releases, which puts together our dispatches; and the Thane of Embassies, which investigates potential new relations and weighs in on whether any current relations need to be closed.

    The Ministry of Regional Affairs oversees our NationStates region page, making sure that the Regional Message Board (RMB) is friendly and welcoming. This Ministry also employs 2 thanes: the Thane of Regional Affairs, which is essentially a partner and backup for the Jarl, and the Thane of World Assembly Affairs, who serves as our delegate to the World Assembly.

    The Ministry of Werewolf is dedicated to our forum Werewolf games, which have grown so large that it requires a dedicated ministry. The Ministry both hosts their own games, but also helps other hosts get their games designed and running, helps promote our games, and helps new players get into it and learn the game.

    Getting Started with the Riksraad
    Because these are leadership positions, we recommend that new Citizens spend some time getting to know Wintreath and the area of the Riksraad they want to be a part of before running for a Thane position. For example, if you want to be involved in foreign affairs, you may want to serve as an ambassador first. This will not only get you involved in the area, but will teach you the concepts and ideas that you will need as a leader in it.

    Government: The Landsraad (Legislature)

    The Landsraad is our all-Citizen legislature that has specific authorities. If you are a Citizen, you are automatically a member of the Landsraad. The Landsraad has the specific authority over:
    • Commendations, titles, and other Citizen recognitions
    • Management of clubs
    • Adoption of community symbols
    • Creation and revision of the Landsraad’s procedural rules
    • Selection of a Chancellor
    • Requirements for Citizenship (with a ⅔ majority vote)
    The Chancellor enforces the procedural rules of the Landsraad, and is elected every three months, unless another member of the Landsraad successfully challenges the sitting Chancellor for their seat. More information on the Landsraad and how it works can be found in the decree that set up the legislature.

    Getting Started with the Landsraad
    The best way to get started with the Landsraad is to review the current laws and jump right in! If you believe a law should be made, make a post in the Landsraad area explaining what it is and why you think it should be made. That way you can get feedback from the rest of the community which will help guide your path. If you need additional help you can also contact the Chancellor.
    5 people like this post: Michi, Lusgastan, taulover, Red Mones, Icebergia
    « Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 03:01:15 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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