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Werewolf XXV: When Worlds Collide
Posts: 1971 Views: 75318

Werewolf Information
Game Over on Round 7 Day
Root Host: Ruguo Other Hosts: Michi

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  • Human Meltdown
  • and lol I'm not letting you lynch moot
    because he's a pretty important role for late game town

    Vote: Neon Abigail

    Mind telling me what role Moot has? Cause I certainly don't know it
    I mean it's not like I know it, I'm speculating it based on stuff he said and other things that happened in-thread. You can go ahead and try figuring it by yourself too maybe

    or neighborize him
    or neighborize me 

    • Human Meltdown
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  • I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

    And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
    why'd you just out someone's role like this to a possible anti-town

    • Human Meltdown
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Still not anti town. Defs gonna get lit on fire though 
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • In what world would anti town give you other anti town players on a silver platter. 
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • In what world would anti town give you other anti town players on a silver platter.
    any hostile third party like cultist/serial killer/arsonist has to kill other 3ps and mafia to win lmfao doesn't matter it doesn't also trample town in the process
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Human Meltdown
  • *doesn't mean it also doesn't (...)
    • Human Meltdown
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  • I certainly don't have any idea what his role is, but I can tell you for a fact that he can steal a vote from someone and place it on the person that he votes for. I noticed a discrepancy in the vote totals listed at EoD1 compared with the number of names listed beside each recipient, but chalked it up to human error in the counting/posting of the results. At EoD2 it was more obvious, since we had the vote feature by that time and so the discrepancy could no longer be attributed to a mistake made by one of the hosts. At first I thought that he might just have 2 votes himself, but then I noticed that wagons that he didn't vote for were missing a vote on each of the first 2 days - that's how I came to the conclusion that he's stealing or redirecting votes rather than having multiple votes himself. That can be of massive benefit to the town at the end of the game.

    And I don't care how you win, I simply know that your win condition does not benefit the town, it benefits you. Which means that you need to go. The fact that Vro 'openwolfed in your town because he knew you could help' is an argument FOR lynching you. If a confirmed scum was willing to work with you then that definitely proves that your interests and the town's interests are not the same.
    I like how you just up and decide this super shady move is pro town with no basis what so ever.

    As for the last sentence in my last post, it's basic. There is no logical nor reasonable basis for your assertion that Neon is cult. It's strictly fear mongering. Meanwhile I've been providing multiple counter points in the form of her headstart and dead neighbors not flipping cult. If you took five minutes to think on it you'd probably see how bjorked a cult would be in such a situation. This is likely why Ex has quelled. But I think your Wolfy blood lust is getting the best of you here and it's likely going to be the death of you.

    @ExLight, Neon is towing my line because I made it clear that I was dousing her last night. Survivor 3ps are easy to take control of when you're an unstoppable killing force.
    There's nothing shady at all about it. The evidence was given to every single player in this game who bothered to read the vote results. I can't believe that I (and possibly Ex) are the only ones who have figured it out yet.
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  • Human Meltdown
  • was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
    • Human Meltdown
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • I haven't figured it out because I don't look at vote counts lol but just because Moot has an extra vote doesn't make him town now does it?
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
    I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • I haven't figured it out because I don't look at vote counts lol but just because Moot has an extra vote doesn't make him town now does it?
    I mean it's a really really busted role for scum but considering we have an unkillable arsonist I'm starting to second guess myself
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Human Meltdown
  • was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
    I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
    I don't understand these roleblockers moves conspiracy shhdjfjgmf

    • Human Meltdown
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • was her getting blocked related to you dousing her?
    I can confirm undoubtedly that it was not
    I don't understand these roleblockers moves conspiracy shhdjfjgmf

    I am 89% sure scum has a blocker and 65% sure ENE blocked me for "my safety"

    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
    "Neon is genuinely exhausting to read"
    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • @Anubhav Ghosh
    since you don't seem to even care about getting lynched or letting your team lose can you at least claim your role and targets?
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Human Meltdown
  • I thought ENE was a flavor cop??
    • Human Meltdown
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