Post #163716
January 29, 2022, 03:38:07 AM
As I look at this vote count it looks, to me, like there is at least one mafia member among those voting for CL. Why? Because CL was 3p, and Laur had accomplished the singular task of fake copping someone, lying about it, and creating a situation where CL made himself an easy target to vote. The rub with voting CL, though, comes in the form of CL's claim which is best exemplified by Laur. That is, exercising caution and going elsewhere with a vote.
We have 7 voting for CL:
Captan Lunch: 7 (Cozmikrae, Abbi, Dolby, Wintermoot, Gerrick, NoName)
And I would expect at least one to be mafia.
Notably, the only other wagon close to CL's staggering 7 votes is Gerrick at 3 which isn't saying a lot.
Gerrick: 2 (Aersoldorf, Captan Lunch, Laurentus)
Or 2 I suppose if there are shenanigans going on with the votes. Excluding CL, that leaves only Aer and Laur as the ones on Gerrick. I see Aer more on the townie side of things if only because I haven't disliked his posting. He hasn't struck me with anything scummy in terms of content, but I am interested in why he went with Gerrick here as opposed to CL. Laur's position is already known regarding why he voted Gerrick. His interactions with people are varied and idk how I'd place him as scum wrt to potential teammates (for example my take on ENE and then having to assess Laur/ENE as being on a team which calls for a look at how they've interacted -- I don't see it necessarily unless Laur is power wolfing and ENE is playing ballsy with claiming which makes for an odd combination in and of itself for D1 which I find hard to convince myself of even if I were biased).
Going back to the 7, I'd choose Wintermoot every single time. Gerrick voted the only other wagon than himself which is understandable. Dolby hasn't struck me negatively or oddly to date, and No Name has appeared townie to me with their content (most notably how they've responded to others). I'm ignoring Neon here for now because of her high fluff content and constant talk about neighbors and tea. I mean, only talking about that and posting a large amount of fluff and gifs doesn't do it. It took jumping in on CL, which was easy for anyone, to get some reaction from her, and I don't feel strongly about it. Like, hard null kind of feeling. Cozmik moves on by as not a stand out person to me.
Outside of Wintermoot, from that large group, I am looking at Anubhav with the vote on No Lynch. There's something to be said about someone who doesn't get drawn in by how CL reacted to everything. Like, not even going after CL, Anubhav opted not to go for, say, Gerrick much like Laur in an attempt to treat CL's claim seriously. Might be a time thing though. Might.
What else is there? TGN and ENE's votes? Eh.