Yeah, see, here's the thing. A lot of your statements here are not supported by facts. For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it. It helped me gain a better read on ENE, TGN and Anubhav, for example, and seeing as all three tend to be less active and overwhelmed, I call that a win every day of the week. So to say it didn't net any reactions is a bold-faced lie.
Also, your statement about seeing I lied merely through people's comments in-thread is absolutely nonsensical, because I actually went back and checked, and all anyone summarising the events said was that I lied, they didn't say I lied to get reactions. That is something that could only have been found in my post where I retracted. So either you DID read my post and are lying about it (scummy) or you didn't read it and only got updated on that part through scum chat (again, scummy).
Yes, the inherent risk of such a play is always that a town can respond negatively to it and a PR could stupidly expose themselves. I took every step I could to mitigate that risk, by for example saying I only had one chance to use it, generating the impression I could be a Jack-of-all-trades type role, which wouldn't be directly in contention with any more standard investigative roles actually in the game. The nonsensical nature of a day cop was another safeguard and I'm surprised so many people went with it. And that's also why I retracted right before going to bed, despite not having yet achieved my goal of getting Gerrick to react. Despite all that, yes, it does remain a risky play. But it's only anti-town in a Town that plays badly to begin with and would expose themselves in a situation like that.
If you are Town, you also haven't considered what benefit Wolf!Me gains in this situation. In that worst case scenario where a Town PR does expose themselves, I'm automatically dead. Even in a best case scenario, the play is so chaotic that I bring myself down in the PoE order for a lot of people on principle, and practically invite a Seer to scan me on top of that. So it would be way more anti-wolf than anti-town.
A better read, lmfao. It's D1 and you're there acting like any reaction to your pseudo-trick means anything.
Also mitigate the risk lmfao, how about, like, not causing such a risk in the first place over subjective information? Is it really worth it to risk PRs to expose themselves for you to have a weak lean over people? Are you going to stick to these reads until the end of the game or something? Why ya treating it like they're a holy scripture lmfao they're very likely to change completely by D2 or D3, or as mechanical information comes out so no definitely weird reason to pull something like this
:crab: this is scummy as heck :crab:
Lying to get reactions is the expected, anyone with basic logic can figure you'd go for that excuse, why else would someone lie and backpedal on the same day :nottoday:
And you did mention that you did it for that reason a couple times, not in just a single post, when skimming I saw it here and there. And I think you're having some trouble realizing that you didn't repeat every single thing in every single post you made. Hell even if you did mention only in the one and the same post as the name change doesnt mean me skimming paid the same amount of attention to every sentence? I don't know why you're obsessing with assuming that me skimming means I either assimilated everything or nothing, it doesn't even make sense?? Skimming is inconsistent and results in just bits of information being understood, that's, like, common sense meaning in the very word right :notlikeduck:
Also, yes I have. Wolf you can always use the "it makes no sense for a wolf to expose themselves this early" sort of rhetoric, which we both know is bull lmao. Mafia usually knows what they have and what they might expect from stuff, as far as I know your scummates could have something like a deflector or tailor, or you be a godfather. Not to mention that it's a decent way to kinda coordinate reactions from scumbuds for them to look townie since it's not like they would ever fall for it if such bluff came from one of their teammates, right? There's literally no risk in the reactions for mafia and it only results in town looking bad.
"For example, you say it didn't get any reactions, but our D1 lynch was to a large extent derived from it, and many players, including No Name, Abigail, Anubhav, Cozmikrae and Dolby, did get readable reactions from it."
It's more accurate to say that CL continually posting just dug himself into a hole which was a greater part of why so many actually voted him in the first place vs him actually *not* reacting to the fake claim/lie. The lie was the catalyst more so than anything.
This. Oh god am I agreeing with you I hate this
Lunch flipflopping and random tunnelings were what really caused him to die, it was largely unrelated to your fake claiming shenanigan.