Post #162318
December 27, 2021, 07:07:45 AM
They say that regularly practicing gratitude is a way to feel more positive by focusing on the good in life rather than the bad, so when I made a daily planner earlier this year I put in a section to list what I was grateful for that day. I admit I may actually get to filling out it 5% of the time, but when I was doing so today I thought it'd be cool to have a daily gratitude topic on here for people to post and discuss what they're grateful for.
So what are you grateful for today?
For me: I’m grateful for the response that today’s Frosty Bugle got! Not only has it already matched my record for most upvoted edition, I got 2 new subscribers for a total of 5! I envisioned The Frosty Bugle as something of a community notice board where people from any part of Wintreath can read and know what’s going on everywhere in the community, and I’m glad that looks to be starting to take shape.