With the end of the election, I’m happy to announce the winter lineup of our Cabinet, the Riksraad. It's exciting to see so many people who have never held a government position in Wintreath before! With fresh faces, I hope we'll have new insights and ideas on how to improve our community, especially as we fight stagnancy in many areas of our region.
But first, the specifics on the race for Thane of Regional Affairs. 13 votes were cast, including 2 private ballots, but it was a complete washout for Stigya, 12-0, plus 1 abstain vote! Congratulations to him on such a commanding victory! And Anthony, condolences to you. It’s never fun to lose an election, but I appreciate that you put yourself out there as a candidate. I hope that you’ll continue to work to better our community and run again in the future.
Stigya will join several other candidates who won their elections by default. That includes Darchangel for Thane of Gaming, TGN for Thane of Embassies, and Svipjoth for Thane of Roleplay. Gerrick and trader will be joining them as Alders based on their contributions during the autumn. Other than a single vacancy, it's a full house!
I appreciate all the candidates who committed to taking time out of their lives to make Wintreath a better place. I also appreciate the community’s support while I was going through my own troubles in the autumn. With that in the past, I hope we can all work together to make our online home better than ever before!
Here’s the complete Cabinet list, congrats and thank you to everybody serving in it!
Jarl of Culture: @MichiThane of Gaming:
@DarchAngelThane of Roleplay:
@SvipjothJarl of Foreigh Affairs: @RuguoThane of Embassies:
@TGNThane of Foreign Releases:
VacantJarl of Regional Affairs: @DawsinianThane of Regional Affairs:
@Stigya2113Thane of WA Affairs:
@MichiJarl of Werewolf: @RuguoAlders: @trader and