Post #162163
December 11, 2021, 10:57:34 PM
Hello there!
First off, let me extend my welcome to you, to both the game and the region!
Second, I can tell you're really passionate about this topic! However, I would like to disagree with you on this topic. Economy just isn't a huge factor for our region. In fact, most NS statistics are just arbitrary values that are fun to play with, but have little to no real meaning.
You make a good point that we have a good community- and that's what being a part of Wintreath is all about! When we get new people into our region, usually the first thing they are drawn to is the RMB Roleplay, the Minecraft server, or the fact that we have an LGBT community. We pride ourselves on being accepting to everyone, and well, no number that the NS game can give us can showcase that.
In that inclusive point, we welcome people to run their nations within the region however they want, so long as they aren't breaking any common sense or site rules. So if someone wants to run their version of a utopia where an economy doesn't exist and everyone is free to do whatever they want politically and civilly, that's their choice! I personally don't believe there is a good cause for the Wintrean government to push people to inflate their economies, especially with there being over 400 nations in Wintreath that all want to do their own thing.
I'd like to close with the counteroffer that maybe we don't need to make Wintreath great again- Wintreath is, and always has been, a great place to be. Instead of looking to some unknown past greatness, maybe we can look to an even better future for all of us in the community, and those yet to join us. One that I hope you'll stay around and be a part of, no matter what the numbers on NS say about the region.