Post #162077
December 06, 2021, 10:50:25 AM
I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to having a stronger presence. I think where we're at now with some of the posting done in the NS forums on certain topics is fine. When I think stronger presence, I think of those delegates from regions that strong-arm people into voting the same as them, or hold a particular sway over the WA (aka the WA-Elitists) that basically run areas like the SC to make sure only resolutions they want will be the ones that pass. They're somewhat bullying practices that I don't agree with, and I'm fine being a moderate to low presence that doesn't have that kind of effect on people. I think the only thing we should focus on is getting our own folks interested in the WA and making vote recommendations which they can choose to follow/not follow, and everything else is secondary. If we really want to start to be a stronger presence, half of that battle is getting the folks in our region more interested in WA stuff, since right now vote wise alone you're looking at maybe 30 (31 counting myself) WA votes per issue for a region with currently 429 nations as of writing this.