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[DEFEATED][SC] Liberate Anarchy
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  • The Security Council,

    Aware that "Liberate St Abbaddon" (SC#134) was passed to battle the then extant threat of The Brotherhood of Malice and a variety of regional armed forces to the region of St Abbaddon,

    Understanding that the passage of this liberation helped to end the threat of destruction St Abbaddon was facing,

    Knowing that the passage of this liberation, while successful in achieving its goals was also passed under false pretenses, and used as a tool by raider forces to open the region up further,

    Cognizant that the liberation of St Abbaddon was passed without input or permission from the region's native residents whom have voiced their desires not to have this proposal in place,

    Believing that this liberation is now superfluous, and an insult to the very principals this council stands for,

    Hereby Repeals "Liberate St Abbadon"

    Co-Authored by The Gatekeeper Ministry of Abacathea
    « Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 02:47:31 PM by Reon »
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • Love Treize and Aba as I do, I am staunchly opposed. Topid took actions to destabilise the legitimate Government of The South Pacific, and in my opinion deserves the punishment that is inflicted upon him by this resolution.

    Paragon of the Realm
    Skrifa of the 40th Underhusen
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Isn't this Repeal Liberate St Abbaddon and not Liberate Anarchy? :P

    In any case, I disagree that Topid "took actions to destabilise the legitimate Government of The South Pacific". He staged a protest of The South Pacific's involvement in the invasion of St. invasion it seems it took part in because of a petty vendetta it held against Topid over posting about a planned operation which turned out to be against NAZI EUROPE. I don't think it was right of Topid to either post information or to attempt any sort of unendorsement campaign, but I don't personally think it rises to the level that it was made out to be in gameplay. I tend to believe that the Brotherhood of Malice didn't invade the region because of Topid, but I believe TSP and perhaps TNP latched onto it because of him, and I find that incredibly petty. It'd be like Wintreath attempting to seize Spiritus over what happened in October.

    In fact it came dangerously close to sounding like "Oh, here's another traitor defender that'll turn on your region in a heartbeat."

    And not even accounting for that, why should the natives of the region pay the price over something a former delegate did in another region? We're talking about a community that has been around for years, founded in antiquity, with players that have been around for over a decade. Recently apparently they decided to remove the password from their region in an attempt to pick up new members and revitalize the region, a move that was probably necessary but risky, as we can see here. In effect, a forced liberation doesn't punish Topid, it punishes people that haven't even been involved in gameplay and are just in the region.

    That said, having countered Charax's argument, while I support a repeal in general, I can't support *this* repeal. This repeal is drafted by The Dourian Embassy...the same person that clandestinely drafted the original liberation under an anonymous account. This repeal isn't meant to protect natives or the integrity of the's meant to continue a farce created by the "Osiris Fraternal Order" and to give the Brotherhood of Malice another mention in the Security Council's book of laws. Perhaps this is even the first step of justifying a condemnation badge for the BoM. Abacathea, the Minister of WA Affairs in The North Pacific (a region which assisted in the invasion of St Abbaddon), already seems eager to hand out such badges to Cormac and The Dourian Embassy, the author of both this and the original liberation.

    Supporting this liberation would be to allow the OFO to continue a disingenuous farce, and for that reason I most vote against as well.
    « Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 07:00:24 PM by Wintermoot »

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