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Wintreath in Statistics - May 2021
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Overall, activity in May was mostly stable from April, but summer is coming. As people get back into their offline lives after a year at home and as the traditional summer lull hits us, I suspect that keeping things active will be even more challenging for the next few months. It's not realistic to expect that we'll be getting anywhere close to our 2019 or 2020 numbers anytime soon, but we can hope to at least keep things stable over the next few months with the hope of an autumn and winter rebound. For now though, here is where we stand right now.

    Forums: 512
    From April 2021: +303 (+157.3%) | From May 2020: -1297 (-71.7%) | Breakdown: View Here

    It's a tale as old as, well, 2020: forum activity surges when there's a Werewolf game going on. Outside of Werewolf, activity in the rest of the forum remains anemic, although a few forums were modestly more active. The serious discussions forum returned to numbers that are about normal for it, we saw an increase in Citizen and ambassador applications, and the news forum was slightly more active thanks to weekly publications of The Frosty Bugle. On the flip side, compared to a year ago things still look bad, and given that Discord stats compared to a year ago are similar, we can't dismiss that as a quirk in Werewolf games.

    Top Posters May 2021
    1. Wintermoot - 62 posts (April #1)
    2/3. @ExLight - 49 posts (April #25)
    2/3. @Anubhav Ghosh - 49 posts (April #9)
    4. @KingofDominaria - 45 posts (April N/A)
    5. @Ruguo - 40 posts (April #5)
    6. @Laurentus - 34 posts (April #4)
    7. @Minish - 29 posts (April #20)
    8. @Gerrick - 28 posts (April #3)
    9. @Wischland - 22 posts (April #16)
    10. @NyghtOwl - 20 posts (April #11)

    Discord: 13298
    From April 2021: +675 (+5.3%) | From April 2020: -37351 (-73.8%) | Breakdown: View Here

    The good news is that we had a slight increase in Discord activity. The bad news is that this is entirely due to the revival of Cards Against Humanity games, and had it not been for that activity would have fallen to a low not seen in years for a third consecutive month. Only time will tell if CAH nights can help keep Discord afloat, but at the very least it suggests that Discord games can still be successful even in the midst of a lull. Honorable mention goes to the #roleplay channel, which has seen discussion about reviving our RP scene and saw its best numbers in several months.

    Top Citizen Posters on Discord
    1. @Qymaen - 2330 posts (April NA)
    2. Wintermoot - 1842 posts (April #1)
    3. @redrevoltaire - 984 posts (April #4)
    4. @Drexyl Nox - 480 posts (April #7)
    5. @Michi - 439 posts (April #2)
    6. @Dawcreek - 419 posts (April #17)
    7. @trader - 411 posts (April #11)
    8. @Alistair - 379 posts (April NA)
    9. @tatte - 358 posts (April #19)
    10. @Barnes - 344 posts (April #14)

    NationStates RMB: 557
    From April 2021: -420 (-43.0%) | From May 2020: -766 (-57.9%) | Breakdown: View Here

    Because the RMB community is mostly separate from the Discord and forum community, these stats best show the effect the waning of the pandemic and the return to normalcy in the offline world has had. Activity sharply dropped to the lowest numbers seen since the beginning of the pandemic, returning to numbers that would have been considered good in 2019 and early 2020. We've seen time and time again that activity generated from external events are fleeting, and for what it's worth this decline is NationStates-wide and not specific to Wintreath.

    Median Citizen Age: 24
    From April 2021: +1 (+4.3%) | From March 2020: N/A | Breakdown: View Here

    What do you know, we got a little older this month. Several younger Citizens lost Citizenship, we had a few birthdays this month, and that was just enough to make our median age a year older. The average age grew as well, from 24.8 to 25.2. I've noted before that the community has aged over time and that the average age in the early years was 18. Did it age a little at a time like this? That's one thing I hope to find out through these stats.
    2 people like this post: tatte, taulover
    « Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 09:13:15 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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