Post #160585
May 15, 2021, 09:52:32 PM
The glorious KoD, wise in all his ways, has an announcement.
The next step is for you all to decide who must die each day. Failure to do so will result, most likely, in those who failed to follow the conditions I put forth being in jeopardy first and foremost. Should all comply, then it is up to you all to decide who dies at the end of each day phase.
In this most glorious task you all give me entertainment like puppets should. In entertaining me, you all achieve boundless glory through my admiration (and the chance to continue living another day).
To further help give you all incentive, as if your lives weren't enough incentive along with stopping me, I've completed my test with Anubhav. I have returned Anubhav back to interact with you all.
I am taking Melehan hostage into my glorious castle. Much like how ExLight is my prize from the realm of the dead, Melehan shall be my prize from the realm of the living. Should you all fail to comply, well, I have a handy scapegoat for my entertainment (ie. she'll be the one to pay for all your sins).
I do believe the end of this current day phase is out of my hands, and yours, given some people didn't follow the rules. Going forward, though, I wish you all the utmost of luck in stopping me.
I've also got a fully armed battalion ready to deploy, and this most glorious idea for a Thunderdome in the near future. So exciting!