Post #160417
May 07, 2021, 10:15:56 PM
Other important news! After confirming that I can share this, I'm revealing that I have been in contact with Melehan due to an ability I targeted her with. Sorry Lau, it was between you and her, but at least you can vote.
She is indeed a part of the Time faction, and the bot has been very mean to her, she is not allowed to post or vote, so she's left with post likes and unlike as her only form of communication.
1 Like = Yes/Interesting
1 Like/1 Unlike = No
2L/1U = Yes and no/somewhat correct/Rule 2
2L/2U = Mostly not correct
And then numbers of like corresponding to specific rules, though I doubt she'll need to use this one often.
Feel free to use this system too, Lau! ^
She wants to tell you all: "Time is a bullshit half faction and I can't do anything except like posts smh"