Post #160360
May 05, 2021, 04:52:14 PM
The game seems to be set up in a way such that none gets to know each others attributes , abilities or the purpose of their alignment. Maybe the one's in the same alignment need to somehow drop an unified action .
Voting seems to be an ability in itself .
Time is not a faction . Votes are cancelled if a player is on fire . Which means that for every NK ( maybe the fire thing) , the ability to vote is lost . That seems quite improbable. What does seem probable is that the votes before a factional burn is placed will be counted , else not. Time works this way.
Glitter seems an ability. I did some research on cult's way of work in mafia , and it seems that dowsing someone with glitter changes alignment . Cult's alignment can be changed with glitters
Personally , it makes more sense that there are glitter throwers in all alignments . The one who gets the glitters right , wins the game sort of stuff .
Cult , scum(rule 15)and town --> seems likely to be the three alignments.
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