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Botwolf: Welcome to Boneville
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  • You for real right now? Friends as in not how we usually dance every game.

    Do you want me to push you for a D1 lynch over how you're reacting to me wanting to be friends with a pp D1?

    Because I'll do it. You know I will.
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • I think Minish's interest in Gerrick's statement is well-founded. There are 5 little paragraphs in the OP, the last one seems like a general statement perhaps while the previous 4 (3.5 alignments, remember?) seem to be stating all the alignments that exist. Gerrick, you can be inferred to not be the first alignment listed, is this true?
    I mean my role used both the phrase "Party Wolf Villager" and "Town" synonymously, so I think my phrasing of "party-going town members" is perfectly accurate. 
    1 person likes this post: Melehan

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  • I think Minish's interest in Gerrick's statement is well-founded. There are 5 little paragraphs in the OP, the last one seems like a general statement perhaps while the previous 4 (3.5 alignments, remember?) seem to be stating all the alignments that exist. Gerrick, you can be inferred to not be the first alignment listed, is this true?
    I mean my role used both the phrase "Party Wolf Villager" and "Town" synonymously, so I think my phrasing of "party-going town members" is perfectly accurate.

    This whole "party wolves are town" thing is giving me strong lil wolf vibes.

    Anyone wonder where "Boneville" came from? Maybe a clue to help us interpret? Or maybe just as random and confusing as everything else.
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    • If this isn't nice, then I don't know what is.
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  • Thought: could the post restricted players by linked with the .5 alignment Time? Kinda makes sense, like, they're here but not really?
    5 people like this post: ExLight, Laurentus, Melehan, Vroendal, NyghtOwl
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  • Human Meltdown
  • You for real right now? Friends as in not how we usually dance every game.

    Do you want me to push you for a D1 lynch over how you're reacting to me wanting to be friends with a pp D1?

    Because I'll do it. You know I will.
    I'd appreciate that but I don't see why pping here. I didn't say a bad thing about you here so far and that should've showed you I don't intend to be hostile towards you unless you throw the first rock.
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Count of Highever
  • You for real right now? Friends as in not how we usually dance every game.

    Do you want me to push you for a D1 lynch over how you're reacting to me wanting to be friends with a pp D1?

    Because I'll do it. You know I will.
    Vote: Kingdom of Dominaria! :0
    1 person likes this post: Melehan
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Any other time you're more than happy to pp (how you're town). I'm not even asking you to pp that. That's why your denial of that simple pp is ringing oddly to me.

    And no, I wouldn't trust your words (without a pp) just because I have experience with how willingly you'll take a knife to the back of the good guys.

    Hi Laur. You don't want to know the history between Ex and I. It's heartbreaking as it were. Well, heartbreaking is the wrong way to describe it. Tragic perhaps. For him.
    "As I desire, so it shall be."
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  • wrt to the flavor again, I don't think it is that confusing at all. The Party Wolf Villagers are the town whereas the other alignments are scum (this includes Time as well, unless the complexity of the game allows for half alignments and varied win conditions within the normal town/scum alignments -- I'm purposefully excluding the Unaffiliated Horrors per my speculation last time).


    Concerning the Time alignment, it's not impossible. Until such time as we see something regarding it, we have no clue what to expect from Time.

    "As I desire, so it shall be."
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  • And we both know our history isn't the best one. You like to drag me to the mud even if that means you losing too.

    Hold up. You know full well you'll kill your teammate just to make them lose.

    But the entire point was to extend an olive branch to you. As I mentioned earlier, when you brought up a valid point, it wasn't to hinder you from being able to retaliate against me should I deserve it (or I you). You actively nix that avenue though and, given our history, suggest that I should take the implied meaning of your words to know you will not react against me in a bad way.

    How am I suppose to trust you, Ex?
    "As I desire, so it shall be."
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  • I wonder if the time alignment has something to do with parties happening on d3. Also wonder if getting to d3 means something for the party wolf villagers. 
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  • Human Meltdown
  • And we both know our history isn't the best one. You like to drag me to the mud even if that means you losing too.

    Hold up. You know full well you'll kill your teammate just to make them lose.

    But the entire point was to extend an olive branch to you. As I mentioned earlier, when you brought up a valid point, it wasn't to hinder you from being able to retaliate against me should I deserve it (or I you). You actively nix that avenue though and, given our history, suggest that I should take the implied meaning of your words to know you will not react against me in a bad way.

    How am I suppose to trust you, Ex?

    but yea a friendly truce is fine
    • Human Meltdown
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  • You literally returned the olive branch with a, "Thanks, but no thanks."

    I can't make nice with you.

    So please explain to me which flavor of scum you are, Ex: Cult or Horror (or Time pending on how it functions)?
    "As I desire, so it shall be."
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  • Human Meltdown
  • why are you like this smh

    I'm party wolf villager
    • Human Meltdown
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  • See, I'd have way more confidence in your response if you actually acted like yourself, but you literally reacted to my pp request in such an odd way ("If things go bad and you're bad I'm stuck," etc etc) despite no request on my part (regarding no harm).

    And don't act surprised. The last game we played was made of pinky promises. Without me even specifying that stuff specifically, you decide act in a way that was not characteristic of how you usually act (towards someone not me).

    But, yeah. That's just a long way saying I'm pressing X to doubt you.
    "As I desire, so it shall be."
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  • Thank goodness for Discord pings.

    Also wowie the insanity thus far.

    So it seems to me that the "cult" mentioned in the description bit is kinda like the scum of a regular game and set people on fire?
    should we trust the flavor? as far as we know it could just be nonsense lol

    I do agree there's likely to be a cult at some point though

    if anyone has a day role could they try using it now? it would tell us if we have an even number of parties

    my current theory is that we don't have any parties at the moment and might only have maybe indepts

    I'm not fully sure of my alignment to be honest but I don't think I'm mafia?

    You know what, Ex?

    I think you telegraphed your alignment right here. You're cult, aren't you? And I'm guessing, with the small fish bait there, you're hunting players that have day abilities.
    "As I desire, so it shall be."
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