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Wintreath in Statistics - April 2021
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • April was another period of relatively low activity, with Discord activity slightly dropping from last month and forum activity plummeting in the absence of a Werewolf game. For more details on all the stats and the introduction of a new feature, read on!

    Forums: 199
    From March 2021: -1287 (-86.6%) | From April 2020: -1443 (-87.9%) | Breakdown: View Here

    The forums saw another big drop in April, mostly due to the absence of either a Werewolf game or elections, which have long been the main drivers of forum activity. The most active area was the Landsraad, which saw voting for a constitutional amendment, discussions on finalizing the moderation of our laws, and the drafting of the rules for electing a Chancellor. Other areas were particular, the entire discussion category (The Frozen Village of Fourneshore) only had 18 posts for the month and 221 posts for the entire year so far. That raises the question of whether we need five main discussion forums, considering that most casual discussion has long moved to the Discord. Another area of concern is the forum roleplay category (The Roleplayer's Gathering), which has had low activity for a long time but had 0 posts for the first time in a month. Making it more prominent on the forums has not made it more active, so the question now is whether it can be revived or should it be scaled back down to one forum.

    A new feature of Wintreath in Statistics is the top poster's list for the month, which you can find below!
    Top Posters April 2021
    1. Wintermoot - 91 posts
    2. @taulover - 17 posts
    3. @Gerrick - 11 posts
    4. @Laurentus - 10 posts
    5. @Ruguo - 10 posts
    6. @TGN - 8 posts
    7. @Doc - 6 posts
    8. @Michi - 6 posts
    9. @Anubhav Ghosh - 4 posts
    10. @Shadowfang - 3 posts

    Discord: 12623
    From March 2021: -149 (-1.2%) | From April 2020: -37977 (-74.8%) | Breakdown: View Here

    The Discord saw a slight drop in activity, but because activity was already so low from last month it's still the least active month on Discord since December 2018 once again. Interestingly, areas that drop last month tended to revive, and areas that were very strong had a drop. The adult community, which was the only area that was more active last month, while the content warning area had around 1k more posts this month. As I said last month, because Discord is the main platform in Wintreath for many people, it's especially important that we raise activity in this area.

    As with the forum top 10, there's also a new Discord top 10 for the month! However, due to the manual effort that has to go into getting Discord statistics, this top 10 is limited to Citizens with linked accounts.
    Top Citizen Posters on Discord
    1. Wintermoot - 1531 posts
    2. @Michi - 1403 posts
    3. @Laurentus - 963 posts
    4. @redrevoltaire - 846 posts
    5. @Doc - 790 posts
    6. @Drexyl Nox - 593 posts
    7. @Forren (atriskad) - 529 posts
    8. @Ruguo - 473 posts
    9. @AJ BLarg - 434 posts
    10. @trader - 377 posts

    NationStates RMB: 977
    From March 2021: -264 (-21.3%) | From April 2020: -61 (-5.87%) | Breakdown: View Here

    Activity on the Wintreath RMB also fell to its lowest level since August, but is still around where it was this time last year. As far as I'm aware, there's no real cause in the drop in activity, and I believe it's just people returning to offline life after a year of being stuck at home. NationStates Today recently noted that the number of World Assembly nations in NationStates is the lowest it's been in any April since 2014, which suggests that the issue is beyond Wintreath and may be not only be due to people returning to offline life, but less interest in NationStates in general.

    Median Citizen Age: 23
    From March 2021: +0 (0.0%) | From March 2020: N/A | Breakdown: View Here

    There's little change in last month, though the average age ticked up .1 to 24.8 due primarily to the departure of several younger Citizens (who weren't active to begin with).
    1 person likes this post: taulover

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    They said "You'd better look alive"
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