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Underhusen: The Underhusen Procedural Rules
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Summary
    The Procedural Rules of the Underhusen governed the procedures of the Underhusen throughout its existance, from 2013 to 2021.

    2013.12.09 - Original Passage
    2014.01.24 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment Act
    2014.03.09 - Amended by the Speaker Selection Omnibus Act
    2014.03.30 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment II
    2014.04.22 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment III
    2014.06.14 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment IV
    2014.10.18 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment V
    2014.10.22 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment VI
    2015.02.15 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment VII
    2015.03.25 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment VIII
    2015.05.02 - Amended by the Structural Amendments to the Underhusen Procedural Rules
    2015.08.15 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment X
    2015.09.15 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment XI
    2015.09.15 - Amended by the Skrifa Action Appeals Act
    2015.09.16 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment XII
    2015.09.19 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment XIII
    2015.10.18 - Amended by the Monarch-Underhusen Rights Removal Act
    2016.04.01 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment XIV
    2016.10.05 - Amended by the Speaker Emergency Powers Act
    2017.08.27 - Amended by the Omnibus Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment XV
    2018.01.08 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment Act XVI
    2018.06.22 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Officers Amendment
    2018.08.15 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Error Correction Act
    2019.03.13 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Tabling and Reintroduction Amendment Act
    2019.05.27 - Amended by the Officer Motions Amendment Act
    2019.07.20 - Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment XVII
    2020.02.18 - Amended by the Underhusen Procedural Rules Committees Amendment
    2020.02.20 - Amended by the Underhusen Committees Amendment Subsection Correction Act
    2020.05.20 - Amended by the At-Vote Amendment Act
    2020.10.23 - Amended by the Procedural Rules Simplification Act
    2021.02.08 - Dissolution of Underhusen

    Final Text
    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure
    2. Any Skrifa may introduce proposals to the Underhusen at any time after the selection of the Speaker.

    3. Any proposal introduced into the Underhusen must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of 48 hours before any motion can be made.  If no motion has been made and seconded after 168 hours, the bill will be tabled.
          (a) In matters of urgency, this 48 hour period may be waived and the bill voted upon if a motion to expedite is made and seconded. If the bill is a Revocation of Citizenship, the ability to expedite shall be relinquished.
          (b) A motion to extend debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 week. Should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Proposals on which, by the end of a session no valid motion has been made and seconded, shall be considered tabled.

    5. Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to vote or second a motion to vote on any proposal once the 48 hour debate period has expired. The Speaker shall open the vote no later than 120 hours after the motion to vote has passed.

    6. Skrifa may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
          (a) Aye, indicating that the Skrifa is voting in favor of the proposal;
          (b) Nay, indicating that the Skrifa is voting against the proposal;
          (c) Abstain, indicating that the Skrifa is voting neither in favor of nor against the proposal but wishes their vote to be recorded.

    7. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for 168 hours or until the requisite number of Skrifa have voted in favor of or against the proposal.
          (a) In order for a proposal to pass (excluding amendments to the Fundamental Laws), the number of "Aye" votes cast during the voting period must exceed the number of "Nay" votes.     
          (b) In the event that a vote is tied, the bill is to be directed to the Overhusen to determine the outcome. For matters concerning matters that are the sole discretion of the Underhusen, a vote that is tied is considered as having failed unless otherwise required within this, or any other relevant law.

    8. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
          (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
          (b) If the bill receives a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Underhusen
    9. At the conclusion of each Underhusen election, the Monarch shall announce a 48 hour nomination period in which elected Skrifa may stand as a prospective candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the nomination period, each Skrifa shall have one (1) vote for Speaker of the Underhusen in a poll lasting 48 additional hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for first place has occurred.
          (a) Should there be only one (1) candidate for Speaker, the candidate shall be Speaker immediately following the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.
          (b) The nomination and/or voting period may be shortened at the discretion of the Monarch if the relevant Underhusen session is shortened.

    10. The Speaker of the Underhusen shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 3 of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Underhusen will close votes after 168 hours of voting, or if enough votes have been cast to decide the outcome of the proposal.
          (a) The Speaker may close a vote but leave the record open to allow other Skrifa to record their votes.  Votes cast after the vote has been closed will not affect the result of the vote.

    12. The Speaker of the Underhusen shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that they deem necessary during the term.
          (a) The Monarch shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Underhusen shall appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the Skrifa of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Underhusen, preside over the Underhusen.
          (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever they are presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Underhusen.
          (b) Any Skrifa may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Underhusen is absent without notice for longer than 120 hours. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another Skrifa.
          (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Underhusen.
          (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Underhusen and the Speaker pro tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.

    14. The Speaker of the Underhusen may appoint a Librarian from among the Skrifa of the Underhusen, who shall be tasked with the maintenance of all public records of the Underhusen and updating archives of laws and of releases of the Underhusen.
          (a) Should the Speaker of the Underhusen not appoint anyone to this position, these responsibilities shall fall on the Speaker of the Underhusen.
    « Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 10:20:22 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Original Version

    Time in Effect: December 9th, 2013 to January 24th, 2014 (passage of the Omnibus Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment Act)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Version Text

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of two days before a motion to vote may be made.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    7. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    8. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Omnibus Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment Act

    Summary: The Omnibus Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment Act contained a set of changes introduced by @Denth Kasten. One more specifically defined the procedures around the period that legislation was open for consideration, while the other created a procedure for overwriting a veto from the Overhusen.

    Time in Effect: January 24th, 2014 to March 9th, 2014 (ratification of the Speaker Selection Omnibus Act)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Omnibus Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate for a further 2 days, or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen Representative.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.
    (a) In the event that a vote is tied, the bill will be passed directly to the Overhusen for a vote.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a
    temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of two days before a motion to vote may be made. will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate for a further 2 days, or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    7 8. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    8 9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    9 10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    10 11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    11 12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    12 13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Speaker Selection Omnibus Act

    Summary: The amendment contained both a constitutional amendment and procedural rule amendment concerning the election of Speakers. It was common practice to combine different legislation types into one act in Wintreath's early history, but fell out of favor quickly for organizational reasons.

    Time in Effect: March 9th, 2014 to March 30th, 2014 (passage of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment II)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen | Overhusen | Ratification

    Amendment Text
    1. This bill shall be cited as the Speaker Selection Omnibus Amendment Act.

    Amendment to the Fundamental Laws of Wintreath
    2.  Section 4 of the Fundamental Laws of Wintreath shall be amended to read accordingly:
    4. Upon the conclusion of the election, the Underhusen shall, under supervison of the Monarch, select a member of it's own to preside over the Underhusen. Further procedure shall be declared in the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.
    Amendment to the Procedural Rules of Wintreath
    3. At the Conclusion of Section 7 of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen, the following section shall be inserted, and all subsequent sections renumbered accordingly:
    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediatly open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    Passage and Compliance
    4. Section 3 of this bill will only become effective if the bill in it's entirety passes a referendum of all citizens of Wintreath.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate for a further 2 days, or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediatly open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.

    8 9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    9 10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    10 11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    11 12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    12 13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    13 14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,501
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment II

    Summary: This amendment gave Skrifa the option of specifying an amount of time to extend debate on legislation besides 2 days as mandated before.

    Time in Effect: March 30th, 2014 to April 22nd, 2014 (passage of the The Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment III)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. Title
      1.1 The title of this document shall be The Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment II

    2. Amendments
      2.1 This shall modify the Article Entitled: Underhusen Procedure section 3 of the document to read:
    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
      2.2 This shall add Section 3 b which shall read:
    “b. A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours. “ 

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate for a further 2 days, or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediatly open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment III

    Summary: This amendment allowed the nomination and election period for Speaker to be shortened in the event that the session was shortened by an event such as an Underhusen run-off election.

    Time in Effect: April 22nd, 2014 to June 19th, 2014 (passage of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment IV)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. Title
      1.1 This shall be titled The Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment III
    2. This shall add Section 8.1 which shall read:
    The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediatly open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    8.1 The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 08:08:50 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment IV

    Summary: This amendment specified that in cases where Speaker elections resulted in a tie, there would be an instant 24-hour run-off election.

    Time in Effect: June 19th, 2014 to October 18th, 2014 (passage of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment V)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. Title
      1.1 This shall be titled The Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act Amendment IV
    2. Amendments
      2.1 This shall add section 8.2 which shall read:
    In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
      2.2 This shall add section 8.2(a) which shall read:
    The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediatly open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    8.1 The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 08:13:22 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment V

    Summary: This amendment had a number of minors effects, from correcting spelling and formatting in section 8 to specifying that a Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within a week of being elected. It also allowed Speaker elections to end early if all Skrifa had already voted.

    Time in Effect: October 18th, 2014 to October 22nd, 2014 (passage of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment VI)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. Title
      1.1 This shall be titled the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment V

    2. Amendments
      2.1 This shall amend Section 8 to read,
    At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote."
      2.2 A section shall be added on Amendments to the Procedural Rules of
          the Underhusen entitled, "Amendments of the Procedural Rules."
        2.2.1 This shall contain section 15, which shall read,
    The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.
      2.3 Section 8.1 shall be renamed to Section 8 a, which shall look like
          (a) in order to fit with the style of the Fundamental Laws.
      2.4 Section 14 e shall be added in which it shall read,
    The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected, afterwards the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the event of a tie in that category the Speaker must choose one of the candidates.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediatly immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    8.1 (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected, afterwards the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the event of a tie in that category the Speaker must choose one of the candidates.

    15. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment VI

    Summary: This amendment specified that the Speaker or Speaker Pro Tempore was responsible for maintaining an archive of Underhusen votes that was accessible to all Citizens.

    Time in Effect: October 22nd, 2014 to February 16th, 2015 (passage of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment VII)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. Title
      1.1 This shall be titled Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment VI.
    2. Amendments
      2.1 This shall add section 16 which shall read:
    The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected, afterwards the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the event of a tie in that category the Speaker must choose one of the candidates.

    15. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    16. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,501
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment VII

    Summary: This amendment further specified the responsibilities around choosing a Speaker Pro Tempore, and also allowed for the elimination of Speaker elections in the event that there was only one candidate at the end of the nomination period.

    Time in Effect: February 15th, 2015 to March 25th, 2015 (passage of the Procedural Rules Amendment VIII)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. This is titled Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Amendment VII

    2. Section 14, subsection e, shall be amended to read as follows:
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.
    3. Section 8 shall be amended with subsection b which reads:
    (b) Should there only be one candidate running that one candidate is to be speaker at the end of the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (8.2 a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.
    (b) Should there only be one candidate running that one candidate is to be speaker at the end of the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected, afterwards the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the event of a tie in that category the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    15. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    16. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment VIII

    Summary: This amendment gave Skrifa the right to table a motion at the end of debate, in addition to the previous options to motion to table or motion to vote.

    Time in Effect: March 25th, 2015 to May 2nd, 2015 (passage of the Structural Amendments to the Underhusen Procedural Rules)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. This shall be titled the Procedural Rules Amendment VIII

    2. Section 3 of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen shall be amended to read as follows:
    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate, motion to table, or motion to vote. The motions must be seconded before being passed.
    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate, motion to table, or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.

    4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (8.2 a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.
    (b) Should there only be one candidate running that one candidate is to be speaker at the end of the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    15. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    16. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,501
    • Karma: 9,713
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Structural Amendments to the Underhusen Procedural Rules

    Summary: This amendment made a number of changes to the procedural rules to make it easier to understand, close loopholes, and provide more detail on some procedures.

    Time in Effect: May 2nd, 2015 to August 20th, 2015 (passage of the Procedural Rules Amendment X)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1.  This Section shall modify Section 2 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "2. Any Underhusen representative may introduce legislation into the Underhusen."

    Section 2 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall be amended to read:

    "Any Skrifa may introduce proposals to the Underhusen at any time after the selection of the Speaker. 
    (a) At the beginning of the term, the Speaker shall designate one Skrifa other than him/herself or the Speaker pro tempore as Secretary of the Underhusen, who shall have the responsibility to post newly introduced proposals to the Citizens' Platform and to notify Citizens of new proposals through various means of communication."

    2. This Section shall modify Section 3 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate, motion to table, or motion to vote. The motions must be seconded before being passed
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen Representative.
    (b)  A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours."

    Section 3 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall be amended to read:
    "Any proposal introduced into the Underhusen must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of two days before a motion to vote or table can be made.  If no motion has been made or seconded after five days, Skrifa must enter a motion to vote, table, or extend discussion."

    Section 3(a) shall be ameded to read:

    (a) Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to expedite at any time after a proposal has been introduced.  If the motion receives a second, the bill will proceed to a vote no later than 24 hours after the second.

    Section 3(c) shall be amended to read:

    (c)  If a motion to table a proposal passes, the proposal will be tabled.  Should a Skrifa wish to revive debate or bring the proposal to a vote, they must motion to revive discussion or motion to vote.  If either motion passes, the Underhusen shall follow normal procedure for discussion or voting.

            Section 3(d) shall be added to the Underhusen Procedural Rules, and it shall read:

                    "For a motion to table to pass, a majority of Skrifa must support the motion.  After a motion to table receives a second, the Speaker will ask the Skrifa to announce in favor or not in favor.  The Speaker shall not vote on a motion to table except in the event of a tie."

    3.  This Section shall modify Section 4 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "4. Any Underhusen representative may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote."

    Section 4 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall be amended to read:

    "Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to vote on any proposal once the two-day debate period has expired.  The Speaker shall open the vote no later than five days after the motion to vote has passed. 
    (a)  The Speaker shall notify the Citizens of Wintreath whenever a proposal comes to a vote."

    Section 4(a) and section 4(b) shall be rendered null and void. 

    4.  This Section shall modify Section 6 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded."

    Section 6(d) shall be added to the Underhusen Procedural Rules, and it shall read:

    "(d)  "Abstain" votes shall not be considered when determining whether a bill has passed, tied, or failed.  Only "Aye" and "Nay" votes shall be considered."

    5.  This Section shall modify Section 9 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term."

    Section 9 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall be rendered null and void. 

    6.This Section shall modify Section 10 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "10. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act."

    Section 10 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall be amended to read:

    "The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4 of this Act."

    7.  This Section shall modify Section 11 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed."

    Section 11 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall be amended to read:
    "The Speaker will close votes after seven days of voting, or if enough votes have been cast to decide the outcome of the proposal. 
    (a)  In order for a proposal to pass (excluding amendments to the Fundamental Laws), the number of "Aye" votes cast during the voting period must exceed the number of "Nay" votes.
    (b)  After closing a vote, the Speaker shall decide the outcome of the vote according to the above criteria and notify the Citizens of Wintreath with the result. 
    (c)  The Speaker may close a vote, but leave the record open to allow other Skrifa to record their votes.  Votes cast after the vote has been closed will not affect the result of the vote."

    8.  This Section shall modify Section 13 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion."

    Section 13 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall be rendered null and void.

    9.  This Section shall modify Section 14 of the Underhusen Procedural Rules, which currently reads:

    "14. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker."

    Section 14(a) of the Underhusen Procedural Rules shall read:

    "The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall assume all of the responsibilities of the Speaker as listed in relevant law, and shall be subject to the same constitutional and statutory restraints placed upon the Speaker."

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Underhusen representative Skrifa may introduce legislation into the Underhusen at any time after the selection of the Speaker.
    (a) At the beginning of the term, the Speaker shall designate one Skrifa other than him/herself or the Speaker pro tempore as Secretary of the Underhusen, who shall have the responsibility to post newly introduced proposals to the Citizens' Platform and to notify Citizens of new proposals through various means of communication.

    3. Any legislative or non-legislative proposal proposal introduced into the Underhusen will automatically be open for debate for 2 days. At the conclusion of this time period, a representative may either motion to Extend Debate, motion to table, or motion to vote. Either motion must be seconded before being passed. must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of two days before a motion to vote or table can be made.  If no motion has been made or seconded after five days, Skrifa must enter a motion to vote, table, or extend discussion.
    (a) In matters of urgency, this two day period may be waived if the Speaker of the Assembly makes a motion to expedite and the motion is seconded by a Underhusen representative.
    (a) Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to expedite at any time after a proposal has been introduced.  If the motion receives a second, the bill will proceed to a vote no later than 24 hours after the second.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.
    (c) If a motion to table a proposal passes, the proposal will be tabled.  Should a Skrifa wish to revive debate or bring the proposal to a vote, they must motion to revive discussion or motion to vote.  If either motion passes, the Underhusen shall follow normal procedure for discussion or voting.
    (d) For a motion to table to pass, a majority of Skrifa must support the motion.  After a motion to table receives a second, the Speaker will ask the Skrifa to announce in favor or not in favor.  The Speaker shall not vote on a motion to table except in the event of a tie.

    4. Any Underhusen representative Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to vote on any legislative or non-legislative proposal once the two-day debate period has expired. The Speaker shall open the vote no later than five days after the motion to vote has passed.
    (a) The Speaker shall notify the Citizens of Wintreath whenever a proposal comes to a vote.
    (a) A proposal shall proceed to a vote no more than five days after a motion to vote is seconded by another representative.
    (b) The Speaker of the Assembly may not motion to vote or second a motion to vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.
    (d)"Abstain" votes shall not be considered when determining whether a bill has passed, tied, or failed.  Only "Aye" and "Nay" votes shall be considered.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (8.2 a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.
    (b) Should there only be one candidate running that one candidate is to be speaker at the end of the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to set an agenda for the Underhusen at the beginning of his or her term and to revise this agenda throughout the term.

    10 9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4(a) of this Act.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to close votes and declare the official outcome of votes on matters before the Underhusen within the parameters established by Section 5 of this Act.
    (a) The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to leave voting open for votes to the record after official voting has closed.

    10. The Speaker will close votes after seven days of voting, or if enough votes have been cast to decide the outcome of the proposal.
    (a) In order for a proposal to pass (excluding amendments to the Fundamental Laws), the number of "Aye" votes cast during the voting period must exceed the number of "Nay" votes.
    (b)  After closing a vote, the Speaker shall decide the outcome of the vote according to the above criteria and notify the Citizens of Wintreath with the result.
    (c)  The Speaker may close a vote, but leave the record open to allow other Skrifa to record their votes.  Votes cast after the vote has been closed will not affect the result of the vote.

    12 11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    13. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to determine procedure related to any matter that is not covered by this Act at his or her discretion.

    14 12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall assume all of the responsibilities of the Speaker as listed in relevant law, and shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints restraints placed upon the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    15 13. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    16 14. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 11:27:23 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,501
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment X

    Summary: This amendment specifies that the Speaker must choose a Speaker Pro Tempore exactly one week after being elected.

    Time in Effect: August 15th, 2015 to September 15th, 2015 (passage of the Procedural Rules Amendment XI)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. This shall be titled the Procedural Rules Amendment X

    2. Section 12e shall be amended to read as follows
    The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week exactly of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Skrifa may introduce legislation to the Underhusen at any time after the selection of the Speaker.
    (a) At the beginning of the term, the Speaker shall designate one Skrifa other than him/herself or the Speaker pro tempore as Secretary of the Underhusen, who shall have the responsibility to post newly introduced proposals to the Citizens' Platform and to notify Citizens of new proposals through various means of communication.

    3. Any proposal introduced into the Underhusen must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of two days before a motion to vote or table can be made.  If no motion has been made or seconded after five days, Skrifa must enter a motion to vote, table, or extend discussion.
    (a) Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to expedite at any time after a proposal has been introduced.  If the motion receives a second, the bill will proceed to a vote no later than 24 hours after the second.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.
    (c) If a motion to table a proposal passes, the proposal will be tabled.  Should a Skrifa wish to revive debate or bring the proposal to a vote, they must motion to revive discussion or motion to vote.  If either motion passes, the Underhusen shall follow normal procedure for discussion or voting.
    (d) For a motion to table to pass, a majority of Skrifa must support the motion.  After a motion to table receives a second, the Speaker will ask the Skrifa to announce in favor or not in favor.  The Speaker shall not vote on a motion to table except in the event of a tie.

    4. Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to vote on any proposal once the two-day debate period has expired. The Speaker shall open the vote no later than five days after the motion to vote has passed.
    (a) The Speaker shall notify the Citizens of Wintreath whenever a proposal comes to a vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.
    (d)"Abstain" votes shall not be considered when determining whether a bill has passed, tied, or failed.  Only "Aye" and "Nay" votes shall be considered.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (8.2 a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.
    (b) Should there only be one candidate running that one candidate is to be speaker at the end of the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4 of this Act.

    10. The Speaker will close votes after seven days of voting, or if enough votes have been cast to decide the outcome of the proposal.
    (a) In order for a proposal to pass (excluding amendments to the Fundamental Laws), the number of "Aye" votes cast during the voting period must exceed the number of "Nay" votes.
    (b)  After closing a vote, the Speaker shall decide the outcome of the vote according to the above criteria and notify the Citizens of Wintreath with the result.
    (c)  The Speaker may close a vote, but leave the record open to allow other Skrifa to record their votes.  Votes cast after the vote has been closed will not affect the result of the vote.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall assume all of the responsibilities of the Speaker as listed in relevant law, and shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory restraints placed upon the Speaker.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week exactly of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    13. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    14. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 11:26:22 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules Amendment XI

    Summary: This amendment changes the wording of the amount of time a Speaker had to select a Speaker Pro Tempore from "one week exactly" to "168 hours (seven days)"

    Time in Effect: September 15th, 2015 to September 15th, 2015 (Skrifa Action Appeals Act)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. This shall be titled the Procedural Rules Amendment XI

    2. Section 12e shall be amended to read as follows
    The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within 168 hours (seven days) of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Skrifa may introduce legislation to the Underhusen at any time after the selection of the Speaker.
    (a) At the beginning of the term, the Speaker shall designate one Skrifa other than him/herself or the Speaker pro tempore as Secretary of the Underhusen, who shall have the responsibility to post newly introduced proposals to the Citizens' Platform and to notify Citizens of new proposals through various means of communication.

    3. Any proposal introduced into the Underhusen must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of two days before a motion to vote or table can be made.  If no motion has been made or seconded after five days, Skrifa must enter a motion to vote, table, or extend discussion.
    (a) Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to expedite at any time after a proposal has been introduced.  If the motion receives a second, the bill will proceed to a vote no later than 24 hours after the second.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.
    (c) If a motion to table a proposal passes, the proposal will be tabled.  Should a Skrifa wish to revive debate or bring the proposal to a vote, they must motion to revive discussion or motion to vote.  If either motion passes, the Underhusen shall follow normal procedure for discussion or voting.
    (d) For a motion to table to pass, a majority of Skrifa must support the motion.  After a motion to table receives a second, the Speaker will ask the Skrifa to announce in favor or not in favor.  The Speaker shall not vote on a motion to table except in the event of a tie.

    4. Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to vote on any proposal once the two-day debate period has expired. The Speaker shall open the vote no later than five days after the motion to vote has passed.
    (a) The Speaker shall notify the Citizens of Wintreath whenever a proposal comes to a vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.
    (d)"Abstain" votes shall not be considered when determining whether a bill has passed, tied, or failed.  Only "Aye" and "Nay" votes shall be considered.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (8.2 a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.
    (b) Should there only be one candidate running that one candidate is to be speaker at the end of the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4 of this Act.

    10. The Speaker will close votes after seven days of voting, or if enough votes have been cast to decide the outcome of the proposal.
    (a) In order for a proposal to pass (excluding amendments to the Fundamental Laws), the number of "Aye" votes cast during the voting period must exceed the number of "Nay" votes.
    (b)  After closing a vote, the Speaker shall decide the outcome of the vote according to the above criteria and notify the Citizens of Wintreath with the result.
    (c)  The Speaker may close a vote, but leave the record open to allow other Skrifa to record their votes.  Votes cast after the vote has been closed will not affect the result of the vote.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall assume all of the responsibilities of the Speaker as listed in relevant law, and shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory restraints placed upon the Speaker.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within one week exactly 168 hours (seven days) of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    13. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    14. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 11:50:18 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Skrifa Action Appeals Act

    Summary: This amendment created an appeals process for when Skrifa felt that there had been a breach of the law or procedural rules within the chamber.

    Time in Effect: September 15th, 2015 to September 16th, 2015 (passage of the Procedural Rules XII)

    Legislative Votes: Underhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. This act shall be titled "The Skrifa Action Appeals Act"

    2.  The following shall be added to the Underhusen Procedural Rules and numbered accordingly.

    If a Skrifa feels another Skrifa (including the Speaker) has made some violation of law or procedural rules, the Skrifa can appeal the action(s) by making an objection.  The objection must state the alleged violation of the law or Underhusen Procedural Rules.  The accused Skrifa is entitled to present their interpretation of the law before Section (a) comes into effect.
        a.  If the objection receives a second, each Skrifa shall declare themselves in support of or opposed to the accused Skrifa's action in question.  The accused Skrifa does not get a vote.  If the number of Skrifa declaring opposed exceeds the number declaring in favor, the Skrifa's action will be reversed and the Underhusen will be prohibited from using a similar interpretation of the relevant portion(s) of law for the remainder of the term.  If the vote is tied or fails, the action stands. 

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen Act.

    Underhusen Procedure

    2. Any Skrifa may introduce legislation to the Underhusen at any time after the selection of the Speaker.
    (a) At the beginning of the term, the Speaker shall designate one Skrifa other than him/herself or the Speaker pro tempore as Secretary of the Underhusen, who shall have the responsibility to post newly introduced proposals to the Citizens' Platform and to notify Citizens of new proposals through various means of communication.

    3. Any proposal introduced into the Underhusen must be considered by the Underhusen for a minimum of two days before a motion to vote or table can be made.  If no motion has been made or seconded after five days, Skrifa must enter a motion to vote, table, or extend discussion.
    (a) Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to expedite at any time after a proposal has been introduced.  If the motion receives a second, the bill will proceed to a vote no later than 24 hours after the second.
    (b) A motion to Extend Debate may include a time period shorter or longer than 48 hours, but is not shorter than 4 hours and is not longer than 1 weeks, should no time period be given or should the time period be shorter or longer than what is allowed, the extension shall be 48 hours.
    (c) If a motion to table a proposal passes, the proposal will be tabled.  Should a Skrifa wish to revive debate or bring the proposal to a vote, they must motion to revive discussion or motion to vote.  If either motion passes, the Underhusen shall follow normal procedure for discussion or voting.
    (d) For a motion to table to pass, a majority of Skrifa must support the motion.  After a motion to table receives a second, the Speaker will ask the Skrifa to announce in favor or not in favor.  The Speaker shall not vote on a motion to table except in the event of a tie.

    4. Any Skrifa other than the Speaker may motion to vote on any proposal once the two-day debate period has expired. The Speaker shall open the vote no later than five days after the motion to vote has passed.
    (a) The Speaker shall notify the Citizens of Wintreath whenever a proposal comes to a vote.

    5. Once brought to a vote, a proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Underhusen representatives have voted in favor of or against the proposal.

    6. Underhusen representatives may cast one of the following votes on proposals before the Underhusen:
    (a) Aye, indicating that the representative is voting in favor of the proposal;
    (b) Nay, indicating that the representative is voting against the proposal;
    (c) Abstain, indicating that the representative is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.
    (d)"Abstain" votes shall not be considered when determining whether a bill has passed, tied, or failed.  Only "Aye" and "Nay" votes shall be considered.

    7. In accordance with Section 9 of the Fundamental Laws, the Underhusen may override a veto by the Overhusen.
    (a) In order to override the veto, the bill must be reintroduced to the floor in accordance with Section 3.
    (b) If the bill recieves a two-thirds supermajority vote, the Overhusen veto shall be overruled, and the bill passed as law.

    The Speaker of the Assembly

    8. At the Conclusion of each election, the Monarch shall immediately open poll within the halls of the Underhusen, where prospective candidates will have 48 hours to stand as a candidate for Speaker of the Underhusen. Following the 48 hour period, all Skrifa may have one vote for Speaker of the Underhusen. The poll will remain open for 48 hours or until all elected Skrifa have voted and no tie for doing so has occurred. The Speaker shall be chosen by popularity vote.
    (a) The time period may be shortened by the descretion of the Monarch if there is a tie vote for the Underhusen or the time that the Skrifa have office is shortened for any reason other than a Recall.
    8.2 In the event of a tie upon the conclusion of voting, a run-off election shall be held in the immediate 24 hours that follows.
    (8.2 a) The candidates who are tied with the most votes will take part in the run off.
    (b) Should there only be one candidate running that one candidate is to be speaker at the end of the nomination period. There shall be no voting period in this instance.

    9. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to bring matters before the Underhusen to a vote within the parameters established by Section 4 of this Act.

    10. The Speaker will close votes after seven days of voting, or if enough votes have been cast to decide the outcome of the proposal.
    (a) In order for a proposal to pass (excluding amendments to the Fundamental Laws), the number of "Aye" votes cast during the voting period must exceed the number of "Nay" votes.
    (b)  After closing a vote, the Speaker shall decide the outcome of the vote according to the above criteria and notify the Citizens of Wintreath with the result.
    (c)  The Speaker may close a vote, but leave the record open to allow other Skrifa to record their votes.  Votes cast after the vote has been closed will not affect the result of the vote.

    11. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to invite any citizen to speak before the Underhusen for any duration that he or she deems necessary during the term.
    (a) All members of the Royal Family shall have a standing invitation to speak before the Underhusen.

    12. The Speaker of the Assembly shall have the power to appoint a Speaker pro tempore from among the representatives of the Underhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the Speaker of the Assembly, preside over the Underhusen.
    (a) The Speaker pro tempore, whenever he or she is presiding over the Underhusen, shall assume all of the responsibilities of the Speaker as listed in relevant law, and shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory restraints placed upon the Speaker.
    (b) Any Underhusen representative may make a motion to empower the Speaker pro tempore in the event that the Speaker of the Assembly is absent without notice for longer than five days. Such a motion shall be brought to a vote by the Speaker pro tempore immediately upon being seconded by another representative.
    (c) The Speaker pro tempore shall cease to preside over the Underhusen upon the return of the Speaker of the Assembly.
    (d) In the absence of both the Speaker of the Assembly and the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Underhusen may decide on a temporary Speaker pro tempore from its number by process of a majority vote.
    (e) The Speaker must select a Speaker Pro Tempore within 168 hours (seven days) of being elected. Should the Speaker fail to select a Speaker Pro Tempore then the Speaker Pro Tempore is the candidate that got the second most amount of votes, in the election of the Speaker; should there have been an election with more than one candidate then, in the event of a tie for second place, the Speaker must choose one of the candidates. If the speaker fails to do so the monarch is to choose a Speaker Pro Tempore out of the tied candidates. Furthermore should there have been no other candidates in the election of the speaker, then one will be chosen at random from the members of the Underhusen, excluding the Speaker.

    13. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall maintain a link to all amendments to these Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.

    14. The Speaker of the Underhusen, or Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.

    15. If a Skrifa feels another Skrifa (including the Speaker) has made some violation of law or procedural rules, the Skrifa can appeal the action(s) by making an objection.  The objection must state the alleged violation of the law or Underhusen Procedural Rules.  The accused Skrifa is entitled to present their interpretation of the law before Section (a) comes into effect.
        (a) If the objection receives a second, each Skrifa shall declare themselves in support of or opposed to the accused Skrifa's action in question.  The accused Skrifa does not get a vote.  If the number of Skrifa declaring opposed exceeds the number declaring in favor, the Skrifa's action will be reversed and the Underhusen will be prohibited from using a similar interpretation of the relevant portion(s) of law for the remainder of the term.  If the vote is tied or fails, the action stands.
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 11:47:42 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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