Post #159476
March 12, 2021, 02:13:32 PM
Woo, 23 pages to read through, heh.
Anyways, Party Time is over. I can see you all are getting serious now with your arguments, and two in particular, TGN and Eastern New England, have been considered the most suspicious ones potentially being humans.
But let's not fight wolf buds! Please, stay a while and party on! I know you didn't mean to make them fight each other, so let's just let both of them stay since you can't seem to decide on them. Okay? We good? Great.
While you sleep off your anger, please have some cake and let's have a nice Chill Out Time.
Power wolves, you know what to do. Humans...I guess do your thing since I can't seem to talk you out of it, and let's have some nice quiet relaxation, alright? Great.
This phase will end 24 hours from now.