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Lil' Wolf I: Party On, Wolves
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  • Yeah, on that point:

    u is da big brain
    Town: Lau
    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • With the exception of Nyght, does anybody who scumreads me have a reason for scumreading me besides being worried and/or not knowing how to read me? I feel like I should be null to most people based on the explanations they're giving.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Oof, apparently not that big brain, because I just remembered that the defenders can't actually protect themselves.

    Still, though, this is the optimal play. Identify as many townies as you possibly can, as quick as you can, so we can just lynch whoever is left and win.
    1 person likes this post: Legacy of Smiles
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Count of Highever
  • With the exception of Nyght, does anybody who scumreads me have a reason for scumreading me besides being worried and/or not knowing how to read me? I feel like I should be null to most people based on the explanations they're giving.

    I'm null reading you, at present, but I'll say I have no intention of killing you yet.
    1 person likes this post: Legacy of Smiles
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
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  • With the exception of Nyght, does anybody who scumreads me have a reason for scumreading me besides being worried and/or not knowing how to read me? I feel like I should be null to most people based on the explanations they're giving.

    I'm null reading you, at present, but I'll say I have no intention of killing you yet.
    Yeah, this is exactly how I feel I should be read right now.

    Question if you wouldn't mind answering: does my playstyle feel noticeably different this game to last?
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Yeah, it does. But I'm by no means clearing you for that.
    1 person likes this post: Legacy of Smiles
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
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  • Oof, apparently not that big brain, because I just remembered that the defenders can't actually protect themselves.

    Still, though, this is the optimal play. Identify as many townies as you possibly can, as quick as you can, so we can just lynch whoever is left and win.
    I think I would consider the optimal play if you were the defender as being making an excuse to town read your partner as high as possible without it immediately drawing attention or getting them killed if you died.
    1 person likes this post: Laurentus
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Okay, I'm heading to bed. Please don't pile Anu to death, continue prodding people, maybe even ones who have thus far avoided the spotlight, and help us get reads.
    1 person likes this post: Legacy of Smiles
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
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  • Legacy, I'm scum-reading you because you seem to be the most scummy null I have, and I felt I needed a scum read. I'm not convinced you're scum, but I don't have a lot to go on especially since a quarter of the players are inactive and I'm town-reading a lot of players.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Legacy, I'm scum-reading you because you seem to be the most scummy null I have, and I felt I needed a scum read. I'm not convinced you're scum, but I don't have a lot to go on especially since a quarter of the players are inactive and I'm town-reading a lot of players.
    Would you be able to explain to me what makes me scummier than Hydra/taulover/ENE please?
    Legacy of Smiles
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Okay so instead of a full reads list (which I'll post closer to EoD) I'll just post my PoE (process of elimination, I.e group of people I think are most likely wolves).

    Colberius X
    Anubhav Ghosh
    Eastern New England

    The list is roughly ordered with bottom being wolfiest but not concrete yet. Wihin these six people are where I will almost always vote today. Everyone else is a townread to some various degree. Will look through these more tomorrow. If there's a particular TR you want to hear about please ask me.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • After last game, I'm reading you asking people questions to get their thoughts rather than accusing anyone as well as telling people they get town points for certain reactions to you as scummy. But also, your playstyle is more of a toss-up since you're a very pleasant person in game and yet may still be scum. So basically I just don't want to make the same mistake and trust you just because you behave towny when your behavior is not necessarily towny unlike many other players.

    The other three are much more null since they have done nothing, while you are leaning more towards scum, which is why they're higher than you.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • What is RVS vote?
    ISOing you to see if I was willing to actually vote for you instead of just reading you (esp. considering you're currently the biggest wagon, which I don't want to hop aboard unless I'm sure) I noticed you never got an answer to this question; RVS is 'Random Voting Stage', which is another term for a D1 vote made on basically no information whatsoever.

    Now that that's been said, in the end I decided that while I'm still sus vis-a-vis Anubhav, I'd rather we had another wagon both for the reasons I outline above (I don't want to hop aboard the majority wagon unless I'm Sure) and for wagonomics reasons, since I'm obligated to vote today (as are Anubhav, BSR, Cozmik, ENE, Hydra, Nyght, and Tau) rather than no-lynching because of Rule 6.
    Moreover, I'd prefer secondary wagon not be LoS, since even though I'm nullreading him, I acknowledge that that may well be driven by residual paranoia from last game rather than anything else, and so if we let him get lynched I think we're likely to be depriving town of a strong analytical mind.
    Therefore on balance, I'm going to
    Vote: ENE,
    because thus far he has made exactly three posts, all of which are a single line and which give us no information to work off of. He doesn't have the least posts, but I think he has the least substance in his posts, and so among my nullreads he's the one I'm most comfortable offering up as a wagon.
    2 people like this post: Anubhav Ghosh, Laurentus
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  • My reads lists are not ordered from most to least, this is just stream of consciousness from my reread just now.

    Doc - feels exactly like last game.
    Nyght - feels less innocent than last game. This is strangely a good thing.
    Lau - aggressively town.
    LoS - solvey, pushy.

    BSR - hmm.... probably my most towny null...
    Gerrick - feels like last game. Flipped town last game... but I'm not reading them either way yet.
    Eastern New England
    taulover- comes in with a meta game argument and dips again.

    Scum lean---
    Colberius X - Lau made a good point: lotsa posts, not a lot that was memorable. Slight scum lean for this fact alone.
    Anubhav Ghosh - something pinged me yesterday, but I'm not finding it on the reread. Asks for a seer read... this is always a weird move to me, idk how to interpret.
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • What is RVS vote?
    ISOing you to see if I was willing to actually vote for you instead of just reading you (esp. considering you're currently the biggest wagon, which I don't want to hop aboard unless I'm sure) I noticed you never got an answer to this question; RVS is 'Random Voting Stage', which is another term for a D1 vote made on basically no information whatsoever.

    Now that that's been said, in the end I decided that while I'm still sus vis-a-vis Anubhav, I'd rather we had another wagon both for the reasons I outline above (I don't want to hop aboard the majority wagon unless I'm Sure) and for wagonomics reasons, since I'm obligated to vote today (as are Anubhav, BSR, Cozmik, ENE, Hydra, Nyght, and Tau) rather than no-lynching because of Rule 6.
    Moreover, I'd prefer secondary wagon not be LoS, since even though I'm nullreading him, I acknowledge that that may well be driven by residual paranoia from last game rather than anything else, and so if we let him get lynched I think we're likely to be depriving town of a strong analytical mind.
    Therefore on balance, I'm going to
    Vote: ENE,
    because thus far he has made exactly three posts, all of which are a single line and which give us no information to work off of. He doesn't have the least posts, but I think he has the least substance in his posts, and so among my nullreads he's the one I'm most comfortable offering up as a wagon.

    I already voted.
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