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Lil' Wolf I: Party On, Wolves
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Legacy of Smiles
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  • Great!
    It was a reactions test, I wanted to get a better grasp on you before I was comfortable outing my town lean on you. (The thought process being that scum answering that question would pick the obviously more towny answer and list specific names / groups of people or otherwise react in any way other than what you did, especially because scum-you would have had to already have considered who you were willing to vote in order to presumably not last min vote a scumbuddy and would have probably just shared a tweaked version of your real scum thought process in that case). So the question was designed in a way, I hope, that means that only a Townsperson would have responded the way you did.

    Not an exhaustive reason to TR you but I'm fine giving you the day pass for that + how you acted late D1.

    Anubhav, thanks for the question, I'll get to answering you shortly when I have time to sit down.

    Nah, LoS, Sapph is a damn good player, that answer was NAI from him.
    I would have 100% failed that test if you asked me last game. Sapphiron's response doesn't mean town or scum, I think it shows how much thought he put into yesterday's vote (which isn't something Sapph would try to hide because why would he hide that?). Of course, there's a chance this is just a really dumb play by me but I can at least say that I accurately predicted what Sapph would respond to what I said (assuming he was town from my earlier TL).

    So tl;dr I'm not putting Sapphiron as a strong town read for this but I think I feel comfortable enough to place him above my nulls for now.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Okay, one more question before I decide on my course of action: @Gerrick, is Anu alright?
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Great , now I don't know if I am right about this , because I never switched in between writing a post to check the warning notifs, but your post came 8mins after Doc's post , and your post couldn't have taken more than 3-4mins to type out(at most) . Pls correct me if I have got something wrong about the timing and stuff
    Maybe 3-4 minutes for a normal person...  :P Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a man of few, carefully crafted words. In life in general, and in WW especially. When I saw that Doc had posted, it took me at least 2 minutes to decide whether or not to still post, much less actually revise my post.

    I don't mind a push against me, as long as I understand the thought process behind it. It would honestly be very weird to me if Colby doesn't reaction test me, given our long history. We're both base bastards at our cores, and we think alike a lot.
    Can wholeheartedly confirm.

    I have no answer to History  :P
    Anubhav Ghosh
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Oh, my b, I meant to ask that question to Anu.

    I was tempted to answer it , but waited for Sapph , as of the vote , I don't take the seriousness around it as concerning , the pre-emptive defensiveness part of your reasoning rang alarm , and he said that he would be busy , and honestly , its the last excuse that could be distrusted if a player is honest . And Gerrick is a dangerous person out there , which is why an early wagon on him could have had ended as a farewell for Gerrick.

    Was he a wagon, though? I made one RVS vote on him which he didn't even bother to address.

    What is RVS vote ? And as for wagon , a early shot has a chance to end up as a wagon . The only issue that scars me is the fact that its going bidirectional here , 3 pages , just consisting counters and tunnelling . If you're a townie , then please urge the rest to speak up as well , just like I said , I am tired of chasing just one person . 
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • They're put off by the activity, at this point. As soon as we chill a bit, I think we'll see the others jump in more.
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  • I'm pretty sure we're arguing for no reason.  I'm pretty good with reading Valeria people methinks, and Lau and Colby are definitely very townie right now, they'd be less jokey in my opinion if they were wolves.  There'd be some humor for sure, because they probably know they would need to add some to be on par with normal them, but none of it seems even slightly forced so I'm definitely betting both are town.

    LoS again really not sure could go either way, but I do like the Gerrick and Doc analysis that he's got.  But as Bush says, "fool me once—shame on, shame on you.  Fool me twice... you can't fool me again" 

    Also Anu what exactly are you trying to say about Colby?  I think you *might* be a bit overthinking things there I don't see anything particularly incriminating


    Overthinking is a possibility , and after having a talk with him , I feel a bit more comfortable about him.
    Anubhav Ghosh
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • The vote post from Colberius X certainly seems a push against you , if not , then a soft try to get you into a soft claim stuff . The other obvious option is trying to distance , and the way he asked you about link to BSR , on relatively miniscule miss seems out of place .
    I don't mind a push against me, as long as I understand the thought process behind it. It would honestly be very weird to me if Colby doesn't reaction test me, given our long history. We're both base bastards at our cores, and we think alike a lot.

    I don't at all see what you mean by him trying to get me to soft-claim.

    Distancing is a viable hypothesis. I agree with you there.

    I don't get what you mean when you say that investigating whether there is a link between me and BSR is out of place. It's a valid road to go down. I'd have asked the same question in Colby's place. This rather chummy thing BSR and I have going on should make any reasonable person wonder at that too.

    I don't get what's happening here, Anu. Your reasoning was razor sharp last game. Now you're grasping at straws and, to be blunt, pushing false narratives.

    Last game was lot , A LOT easier .
    Anubhav Ghosh
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • @Legacy of Smiles

    What are your thoughts on Lau , and how much do you agree on my points , except for the part in which I put you in the same alignment as I have put Lau in (definitely that part is a disagreement)
    Would you mind quoting the post where you explained why you scumread Lau? I must have missed it.

    As for my read on Lau, I will say that I still TR him right now. I think something to point out that I haven't said yet is look at his reaction to my read on him, he obviously doesn't seem to realise that his posts are as towny as they are. Compare that to, say, me as scum last game and a lot of my posts were towny on purpose and, since I was aware of my posts being towny, I never bothered to question others townreading me.
    Legacy of Smiles
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • The vote post from Colberius X certainly seems a push against you , if not , then a soft try to get you into a soft claim stuff . The other obvious option is trying to distance , and the way he asked you about link to BSR , on relatively miniscule miss seems out of place .
    I don't mind a push against me, as long as I understand the thought process behind it. It would honestly be very weird to me if Colby doesn't reaction test me, given our long history. We're both base bastards at our cores, and we think alike a lot.

    I don't at all see what you mean by him trying to get me to soft-claim.

    Distancing is a viable hypothesis. I agree with you there.

    I don't get what you mean when you say that investigating whether there is a link between me and BSR is out of place. It's a valid road to go down. I'd have asked the same question in Colby's place. This rather chummy thing BSR and I have going on should make any reasonable person wonder at that too.

    I don't get what's happening here, Anu. Your reasoning was razor sharp last game. Now you're grasping at straws and, to be blunt, pushing false narratives.

    Last game was lot , A LOT easier .
    Last game you had me! I was mechanically confirmed, widely townread, very active and even knew the identities of all the wolves... What could go wrong?
    Legacy of Smiles
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • @Legacy of Smiles

    What are your thoughts on Lau , and how much do you agree on my points , except for the part in which I put you in the same alignment as I have put Lau in (definitely that part is a disagreement)
    Would you mind quoting the post where you explained why you scumread Lau? I must have missed it.

    As for my read on Lau, I will say that I still TR him right now. I think something to point out that I haven't said yet is look at his reaction to my read on him, he obviously doesn't seem to realise that his posts are as towny as they are. Compare that to, say, me as scum last game and a lot of my posts were towny on purpose and, since I was aware of my posts being towny, I never bothered to question others townreading me.

    There is no definitive post , every page has some of those scumread posts  :P
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • I'm going to request that we not post anymore until Doc has finished his novel.
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  • @Legacy of Smiles

    What are your thoughts on Lau , and how much do you agree on my points , except for the part in which I put you in the same alignment as I have put Lau in (definitely that part is a disagreement)
    Would you mind quoting the post where you explained why you scumread Lau? I must have missed it.

    As for my read on Lau, I will say that I still TR him right now. I think something to point out that I haven't said yet is look at his reaction to my read on him, he obviously doesn't seem to realise that his posts are as towny as they are. Compare that to, say, me as scum last game and a lot of my posts were towny on purpose and, since I was aware of my posts being towny, I never bothered to question others townreading me.

    There is no definitive post , every page has some of those scumread posts  :P
    While Doc finishes writing his essay would you mind summarising for me please?
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Doc is eerily silent today (I will blame the timezone, maybe its nap time).
    Bruh, day phase started two hours ago.

    Pre-Swarm Of New Posts Readslist post
    Anyway readslist time.

    WolfTown Core:
    Me (duh)

    Town Leans:
    Anubhav - something about my gut just keeps pinging me in like every third post and I don't know how to describe it, which is why I pulled him from Core to Lean. Why he was in contention at all is that there's a pretty good chunk of me that assumes he's the defender again, considering he and Vro's achievements in that arena last game paired with this last NK being blocked (which, yeet). He also picked up points for agreeing with my sentiment about 'let the Seer Solve', though, even if I'm salty about the post I quote above.
    BSR - In a game with this many Valerias, I don't trust any of them until we've found the 1-2 that are the scumteam. But I like The only post. It had townie flavor all over it, imo.
    Gerrick - his D1 seems like Town Gerrick meta to me.

    Colby - I have no sense of his meta (hence why my D1 reads are basically null), and it strikes me that while he has no sense of the new meta, he's picking it up quick. Weirdly, keeps making a big deal about historically always fighting Lau, but doesn't seem to want to do that this game? Maybe they're buds or maybe he's getting his sea legs.
    Hydra and Taulover - Inactive but that's NAI; not filed with the 3 below because they're Valerias.
    Cozmik, ENE, TGN - I'll likely change my mind as they post more.
    LoS and Nyght - honestly, after last game, I may never fully trust either of them again. But despite that, they've been solvey as hell this game and that's a plus. Nonetheless, Anubhav's sentiment about LoS complimenting/clearing people who sus him last game and him doing so on Lau...well, worrisome. Still, I don't think both he and Nyght are scum, so it's at worst one or the other.

    Scum Leans:
    Lau - someone has to pad out this list and the fact that we're not at daggers drawn yet seems like a bad sign, since almost invariably when we're not, it's because you're scum and I'm often a fairly useful idiot.
    Sapphiron - sorry fam, but 1) statistically speaking, you were Seer last game, implying you're not likely to be this game, and 2) you're a Valeria, which means 3) high scum likelihood.

    In the intervening 41 posts (seriously, guys, it had only been an hour when I first put this in, now it's been 45 minutes since then, please, we can't keep doing this), however, some people have changed positions dramatically.

    I've basically 180ed on both Anub and Lau and switched their positions accordingly.
    Anub is now a scumlean: largely this is informed by just how similar I feel his play is right now to LoS' last game, which was a staggering amount of activity meant to corral people down a particular avenue to a mislynch like a powerwolf in sheepdog's clothing. While there doesn't seem to be a certain specific target being chased, the emphasis on inactive people, when, like, hell, maybe at least some - e.g. Tau's expressed this will likely be 'his last game of WW' because of the activity spike - are just put off. We've had this problem happen before. And the 'Doc sus cause he hasn't posted yet, 2 hours after the phase started' thing is particularly grating now that I'm considering this angle, frankly.
    Lau is now a townlean: he's seemed largely focused on clearing and pointing out NAI behavior, but especially that catch on how Anub's play has seemed off is sort of crystallizing how I'm feeling about his posts.

    BSR made another post! Which I like the reasoning of, so ratcheting him up slightly, from 'town lean' to, er, 'slightly more town lean'.

    I grow less convinced of Sapph's scumminess, which was mostly based on probability anyway, but is a dumb and unfair way to play. I've bumped him up to Null accordingly.

    So the new, short version readslist:
    WolfTown Core:
    Me (duh)

    Town Leans:

    LoS and Nyght
    Hydra and Taulover
    Cozmik, ENE, TGN

    Scum Leans:
    4 people like this post: Legacy of Smiles, Laurentus, Anubhav Ghosh, taulover
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  • The "I townread this push on me" thing is one of the few things I did last game that were there to mimic my town play (mostly for tonal reasons).
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Can you explain your Gerrick read, Doc?

    Also, yay, consensus is starting to form around BSR.
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