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Lil' Wolf I: Party On, Wolves
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    3 people like this post: Colberius X, Laurentus, Legacy of Smiles
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
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    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
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    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • I'm really liking TGN so far, for some reason.
    1 person likes this post: Legacy of Smiles
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  • Nyght's entire post history
    Which Egyptian God is this ?
    Honestly, it is surprising to me that of all animals that were used, turtles don't particularly have much representation in being the literal faces of the Egyptian gods per se, but they were symbolically linked to Set so I guess?
    Truly tragic.

    What do you mean by WIM, LoS?

    WIM = Want It More (in reference to winning the game, e.g how enthusiastic the player is... pretty hard to explain if you don't see it used but it usually indicates a townsperson if they are eager to solve the game).

    How are you defining scum hunting, exactly, LoS?

    To be completely honest, scum hunting was probably a bad description. I would more say that Nyght was eager to get to the "meat and potatoes" of the game which is what he described as "getting the ball roling" i.e looking for scum (which is why I originally called it scumhunting but I think I took a bit of a logical leap there).  To contrast, last game Nyght seemed to prefer to try to avoid discussion like that last game when possible and would often come and talk to me in wolf chat without ever saying anything in thread so I think it marks a change in attitude for him because of a change in alignments.

    Colberius I would have kept you in the null category based on your first post but you're a town lean for me now. And to answer your question, it's because I originally started playing mafia on discord servers where players might post only 2 relevant lines of information in an entire game and I eventually learned how to (at least attempt to) read into that (and my reads are weak at this stage to be completely honest which is why so many people are just in the nulls category).
    Makes sense. I was more asking how to interpret the list, though. Obviously it's Town/Null/Scum, but does the order matter?

    The order does matter for lists I make (may vary based on the person) but at this point the differences are so thin that it's not really worth considering.

    I'm shocked to see a reads list this early on. Well done sir. You're either possessed of one hell of an intuition or a bit more information than the rest of us...

    Vote: Make NyghtOwl Leave

    Because he also won last game. Amd to anyone who mentions me, I'm gonna be at work for the next 12 hours, so I won't be able to see it until then.

    Teehee. I think Gerrick is mad that I turned things around on him last game but it's okay. I don't hold grudges.

    That being said, I'm gonna Vote to make Laurentia leave because it's never a good idea to let a formerly omnipotent being attend your parties.

    But... if you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to hide. Do you?

    I mean I have a lot of things to hide. But this is a Sfw forum.

    I'm just getting the ball rolling and stirring up some responses.

    Vote: Make NyghtOwl Leave

    Because he also won last game. Amd to anyone who mentions me, I'm gonna be at work for the next 12 hours, so I won't be able to see it until then.

    Teehee. I think Gerrick is mad that I turned things around on him last game but it's okay. I don't hold grudges.

    That being said, I'm gonna Vote to make Laurentia leave because it's never a good idea to let a formerly omnipotent being attend your parties.


    Can I have a read list from you , just wanna see where you place the veterans

    Would you be willing to wait a few hours until I get home? If not I can cobble one together in between patients.

    Legacy of Smiles(I am already regretting)

    Townlean : Gerrick as of now

    Null on Sapph , TGN , ENE, and Lau for time being , D1 posts are the scummiest of all tbh .

    Nyght: I have seen her as wolf already , and she tried to start a wagon on a veteran . Here she does the same thing and botes Lau , almost siting the same reason

    Colberius: Seems like he had nothing to add , just wanted to grab onto something that came flying by , which is Doc's statement saying why Lau didn't mention BSR among inactive listings and placed it in.

    A Nyght/Colberius scumteam looks very possible to me.

    For context I started out the last game in a very town mindset as I had missed the pm for the group chat and jumped right into the game thinking I was town. Which I imagine is why I got town read as early as I did. I was working under the impression I was town.

    Myself, I find it strange that you've latched onto Gerrick as a town when there hasn't been much to go on. But you've scum read someone who threw a vote on them.

    Someone asked for a read list so here it is.

    Town:Doc and Laurentus

    Null:Coz, TGN, Sapph, Hydra, Colb, BSR, Gerrick, Tail, ENE

    Scum:Anub and Legacy

    I would be more than happy to answer any inquiries into my reasoning.

    And also, unvote: Laurentus

    He seems pretty genuinely invested in working things out.

    Screw doing this on a phone and getting autocorrected.

    Vote to make Laurentus leave

    Which Egyptian God is this ?
    Honestly, it is surprising to me that of all animals that were used, turtles don't particularly have much representation in being the literal faces of the Egyptian gods per se, but they were symbolically linked to Set so I guess?

    I thought it looked more like a japanese yokai.

    Legacy of Smiles(I am already regretting)

    Townlean : Gerrick as of now

    Null on Sapph , TGN , ENE, and Lau for time being , D1 posts are the scummiest of all tbh .

    Nyght: I have seen her as wolf already , and she tried to start a wagon on a veteran . Here she does the same thing and botes Lau , almost siting the same reason

    Colberius: Seems like he had nothing to add , just wanted to grab onto something that came flying by , which is Doc's statement saying why Lau didn't mention BSR among inactive listings and placed it in.

    A Nyght/Colberius scumteam looks very possible to me.

    For context I started out the last game in a very town mindset as I had missed the pm for the group chat and jumped right into the game thinking I was town. Which I imagine is why I got town read as early as I did. I was working under the impression I was town.

    Myself, I find it strange that you've latched onto Gerrick as a town when there hasn't been much to go on. But you've scum read someone who threw a vote on them.
    Not sure what you're referring to here. I'm in Anu's nulls, and I'm the one who voted for Gerrick.

    I was talking about Anu. Not you. I voted for you as a poke to get a reaction. And it was sufficiently playful to allay suspicion for the moment.

    Okay, yeah, not gonna lie, those callouts to LoS feel super townie.
    1 person likes this post: Legacy of Smiles
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  • @NyghtOwl

    Can I have a read list from you , just wanna see where you place the veterans

    Would you be willing to wait a few hours until I get home? If not I can cobble one together in between patients.

    Yeah sure , I don't wanna disturb you when you are busy
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Okay well several tens of minutes and many pages later, I have learned exactly one major thing. 

    I'm scared to death of Legacy  :)) :)) :))

    As far as "reads" go, Lau's cavalier domineering does indicate quite townishness to me, at least from his normal town.  Though this is a rather boring strategy of mine, I do feel that generally I have a decently good track record of reading Lau correctly, so I feel safest about that.  I also want to clear Colby for voting me, it does seem like something he'd do if he were town to get me to speak rather than if he were a wolf, where inactivity generally is his friend.  I feel a wolf Colby would be more cautious.  That being said, the mentions are what got me here, not the vote, so that is something still...

    As far as others, I don't think I've got enough Nyght to make any accusations, Doc seems to be preoccupied with no lynch which has some merits considering last game's fast game = wolf win stuff, but I also do prefer Lau's strategy of making people uncomfortable, and I like Legacy's logic there.  Then again, I also liked Legacy's logic last game until my untimely death. 

    At the risk of sounding wolfy, I'm worried that since we're already on page 6 on Day 1 that we might be putting off those players who haven't played Werewolf here in a while. This format of Werewolf (Lil' Wolf) was aimed at giving those players a slower game and not have to stay on top of the game 24/7, lest they come back to 20 votes in as many pages. I'd like to hear from taulover, Hydra, Colberius X (and perhaps BraveSirRobin) to get their thoughts on how the game is currently progressing to make sure this isn't getting too out of hand and turn into one of our now regular games of Werewolf. Also as Michi pointed out in the OP, I'd discourage everyone from using any sort of Werewolf-based abbreviations as well as posting 7 bloody times in a row (looking at you, Laurentus O_O).
    Also 1000% feel this coming home after work to this much stuff is definitely something.  I really wish there was a feature where there was a "synopsis" for vote tracking with links to vote posts themselves.  Doc's vote tracker was a good start for sure.

    (Is this a possibility for future Werewolf @Wintermoot ? )

    Other fun tidbits of thought:
    ** If Sapph is the Seer again I'm going to die laughing.

    ** Also what the hell is WIM????!!!

    ** Anub suggesting Colby/Nyght scum team.  I'm not seeing it.

    Don't vote for me, I'm innocent. It took a discord ping to get me to realize the game had started and it's already out of hand. Rereading...
    This clears coz for me more than anything else could

    ** Also @Hydra and @taulover please come out I want Valeria to carry

    4 people like this post: Colberius X, Laurentus, cozmikrae, Legacy of Smiles
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
    Citizen: 4 June 2015 - present
    Member of the Hvitt Riddaral: 21 August 2015 - present
    Strifa of the 12th Underhusen: 8 October 2015 - 13 December 2015
    Speaker Pro Tem of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
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    Speaker of the 21st Underhusen: 10 April 2017 - 10 June 2017
    Delegate of Wintreath: 10 June 2017 - 15 March 2020
    Strifa of the 23rd Underhusen: 10 August 2017 - 10 November 2017
    Thane of Ambassadors: 10 October 2018 - 10 December 2018
    Commendation of Wintreath: Sept 24 2020

    New Hyperion:
    Citizen: 27 November 2015 - present
    Patrician: 12 January 2016 - present
    Lord of Development: 5 February 2016 - present

    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • Doc
    Legacy of Smiles(I am already regretting)

    Townlean : Gerrick as of now

    Null on Sapph , TGN , ENE, and Lau for time being , D1 posts are the scummiest of all tbh .

    Nyght: I have seen her as wolf already , and she tried to start a wagon on a veteran . Here she does the same thing and botes Lau , almost siting the same reason

    Colberius: Seems like he had nothing to add , just wanted to grab onto something that came flying by , which is Doc's statement saying why Lau didn't mention BSR among inactive listings and placed it in.

    A Nyght/Colberius scumteam looks very possible to me.

    For context I started out the last game in a very town mindset as I had missed the pm for the group chat and jumped right into the game thinking I was town. Which I imagine is why I got town read as early as I did. I was working under the impression I was town.

    Myself, I find it strange that you've latched onto Gerrick as a town when there hasn't been much to go on. But you've scum read someone who threw a vote on them.
    Not sure what you're referring to here. I'm in Anu's nulls, and I'm the one who voted for Gerrick.

    Not all cards are meant to be placed on the table , all I want to say is that your point on pre-emptive defense of Gerrick seems very out of place . Considering Gerrick supports D1 lynch and does go for a vote early only to go inactive for that day , and he has told us of being busy last time as well . I don't see defensive attitude in that .

    Anubhav Ghosh
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Damn , I thought you quoted me @Laurentus . However this voting of Gerrick looked scummy , but its D1 , the scummiest are the good guys on D1 , aren't they ?
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Which is why you look null to me , can't be enough sure about town lean (as of now)
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • @NyghtOwl

    Can I have a read list from you , just wanna see where you place the veterans

    Would you be willing to wait a few hours until I get home? If not I can cobble one together in between patients.

    Yeah sure , I don't wanna disturb you when you are busy

    I actually already posted it. I found some time.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Damn , I thought you quoted me @Laurentus . However this voting of Gerrick looked scummy , but its D1 , the scummiest are the good guys on D1 , aren't they ?

    I mean, if I'm scum, eliminating me early is going to up Town's chances a lot. So if you felt it was scummy, why not vote?
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  • @Anubhav Ghosh, what do you think about the play between LoS and Nyght?

    Nyght has LoS in her scum team already . Not very sure what LoS usually does in this case , but he certainly flatters the one who susses him (he 99% townie-d me last time) , might not be on the same team . I don't know if I should go for playstyles to this extent
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    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Damn , I thought you quoted me @Laurentus . However this voting of Gerrick looked scummy , but its D1 , the scummiest are the good guys on D1 , aren't they ?

    I mean, if I'm scum, eliminating me early is going to up Town's chances a lot. So if you felt it was scummy, why not vote?

    The same reason why I had confidence in Mel on D1 last game . D1 is the day of bluntness . Not much info in store
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  • At the same time,  Mr. and Mrs. Happy Wolf (wtf comes up with these names?) can choose to protect one of their friendly wolf pals from the mean old humans.  While they can’t protect themselves, they can protect each other, and they can’t protect the same wolf twice in a row.
    shakes head "Mister and Missus Happy Wolf" who are basically our two defenders.  During each night, they can each protect someone from a potential human-attack (has less zing than "wolf attack" imo).  They can't protect the same person twice in a row, and they can't protect themselves (though they can protect each other).
    1. Mr. and Mrs. Happy Wolf cannot protect themselves, nor the same person twice in a row.  They can, however, choose to protect each other.
    From the name 'Mr. and Mrs.' as well as the constant indication of 'they can protect each other but not themselves', it does seem to strongly imply they're linked. That's certainly the assumption I've been working off of, but I suppose we can reserve judgment for if/when Pengu clarifies.
    So here's the thing: if we just go no lynch, then that means the votes carry no pressure, and votes that carry no pressure means I can't gauge people's reactions.
    Yeah, I'm trying to weigh D1 information against what is for me the near-certitude of a D6 solved game.
    Cozmik also made a valid point in pointing out that we might well get straight up misled, which I'd discounted since I figured that could last a day at best, but would be a crippling blow if it drove a mislynch of the actual Seer.
    Still...I have no real suspicions to work off of, apart from probably what is just residual OMGUS annoyance at LoS.
    Not very sure what LoS usually does in this case , but he certainly flatters the one who susses him (he 99% townie-d me last time)
    Shit, that was something explicitly pointed out in last game's deadchat from when I looked it over.
    I'll note that I had a spiel written up about how he's still probablt town since he's playing radically different from last time, and so he could well be town - as is, incidentally, the case for Nyght too - but then realized that since I myself have made explicitly clear that I'm trying to play different from last time, that's hardly conclusive evidence of different alignment.
    About the only thing I'm sure of with Nyght and LoS is that, considering the odds of both rolling scum twice in a row are astronomically low, if we lynched LoS and he flipped scum I'd consider Nyght mathematically, if not necessarily mechanically cleared, and vice versa.
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  • @NyghtOwl

    Can I have a read list from you , just wanna see where you place the veterans

    Someone asked for a read list so here it is.

    Town:Doc and Laurentus

    Null:Coz, TGN, Sapph, Hydra, Colb, BSR, Gerrick, Tail, ENE

    Scum:Anub and Legacy

    I would be more than happy to answer any inquiries into my reasoning.

    And also, unvote: Laurentus

    He seems pretty genuinely invested in working things out.

    I asked Nyght about a reads list , she gave me one with me and LoS in the scum team(new guys) while the first vote of her was on Lau(poke as she said , but she was poking a player who is usually active and with closed eyes I could say that Lau would have had come even without a poke). The fact that I wanted to see where she placed the veterans came with this response . I want others to conclude if this looks scummy or is normal.
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  • Since I have drawn a large amount of suspicion , that might be going well for me in case I don't get lynched , because the seer (if active :'( ) will certainly have the urge to read me and potentially clear me . As of now my 10 fingers are pointed in 10 directions , and so I will advocate for a no lynch . Btw @Michi , when is EoD , today or tomorrow ?
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