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Lil' Wolf I: Party On, Wolves
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Legacy of Smiles
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  • No, Nyght sits firmly in my nulls at present. Of course, I only have one scum lean at present, and that's Anu.
    I'm surprised you aren't seeing it, since you hosted last game. Look how wildly different Nyght's approach to this game is than last and look at how Nyght is responding to my reads. I think those two things make Nyght clear cut town here.
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  • I'm going to be a bit more chill and not flood the thread with posts now, sorry. It's just because I'm excited to play with you all!  ^-^
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Doc's quote chain
    My big puzzle for this round is going to be whether one bad game is really likely to make you play with what I would consider an honestly defeatist attitude for this game. If it is, then I will say the same to you I did to Coz: let the past go, man. You honestly played well. Your logic was very good, you just didn't push it in enough directions, and suffered from what I would say was being way too forgiving of new players.
    I'm not treating it as defeatist, I'm saying that in the event we cannot conclusively solve the game, by taking some honestly pretty simple actions we can create a safety net for ourselves.
    Do the math; with just one no lynch we buy an entire extra day for ourselves, and with three we get two. The only reason I'm pushing for it today rather than tomorrow is because if we do it today, we still have the option of the third no-lynch, instead of being forced into LyLo.
    I don't consider building ourselves a safety net to be defeatist; I consider it common sense. We could rely on our ability to scumhunt and solve the game, just like we could rely on good diet and exercise to stay alive long-term, but just like most people want insurance just in case the whole diet and exercise thing doesn't work out because you develop, idk, cancer, I'd also rather be able to fall back upon the Seer in case that plan doesn't work out.

    Vote Tracker:
    Sapph: Legacy
    Gerrick: Nyght
    Lau: Gerrick
    Doc: No Lynch
    Nyght: Lau
    LoS: Anubhav
    TGN: Sapph
    Doc: cozmikrae
    Colberius: BSR
    LoS: Doc
    Doc: No Lynch

    Vote Count:
    LoS - Sapph (1)
    Nyght - Gerrick (1)
    Gerrick - Lau (1)
    Lau - Nyght (1)
    TGN - Sapph
    BSR - Colberius (1)
    Doc - LoS (1)
    No Lynch - Doc (1)

    Fascinating interplay between Nyght, Gerrick, and Lau incidentally. Neat little triangle there. I don't read anything into it,  but it's amusing.

    Hmm, I'm still not convinced by the idea, but it sounds like you believe it, at least, and I don't think Wolf!You would risk changing your meta like this.
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  • No, Nyght sits firmly in my nulls at present. Of course, I only have one scum lean at present, and that's Anu.
    I'm surprised you aren't seeing it, since you hosted last game. Look how wildly different Nyght's approach to this game is than last and look at how Nyght is responding to my reads. I think those two things make Nyght clear cut town here.

    I'm not seeing a major difference. He voted for someone right off the bat last game, too, and I would expect the experience to give him more range if he randed Wolf, again.
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  • At the risk of sounding wolfy, I'm worried that since we're already on page 6 on Day 1 that we might be putting off those players who haven't played Werewolf here in a while. This format of Werewolf (Lil' Wolf) was aimed at giving those players a slower game and not have to stay on top of the game 24/7, lest they come back to 20 votes in as many pages. I'd like to hear from taulover, Hydra, Colberius X (and perhaps BraveSirRobin) to get their thoughts on how the game is currently progressing to make sure this isn't getting too out of hand and turn into one of our now regular games of Werewolf. Also as Michi pointed out in the OP, I'd discourage everyone from using any sort of Werewolf-based abbreviations as well as posting 7 bloody times in a row (looking at you, Laurentus O_O).
    How do I think it's progressing? Quite spectacularly! No one knows anything, yet so many people know so very much.

    Do I think it may also be a bit much already for "Lil' Wolf"? I think it might, but I haven't been around to see what Werewolf has turned into around here, so not much basis for comparison.

    If possible, I would appreciate a few less WW specific abbreviations (at least without defining it the first time it comes up). I know Laurentus has that awesome post of WW Terminology, but I'd rather not keep having to go back to it.  :P

    No, Nyght sits firmly in my nulls at present. Of course, I only have one scum lean at present, and that's Anu.
    I'm surprised you aren't seeing it, since you hosted last game. Look how wildly different Nyght's approach to this game is than last and look at how Nyght is responding to my reads. I think those two things make Nyght clear cut town here.
    I know I wasn't there for the last game in question, but I've definitely suggested to teammates that they change up their usual style if I know how they play, just to throw people off, nevermind doing so myself.  Different behavior on Day 1 is not nearly enough to draw good conclusions.

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
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  • No, Nyght sits firmly in my nulls at present. Of course, I only have one scum lean at present, and that's Anu.
    I'm surprised you aren't seeing it, since you hosted last game. Look how wildly different Nyght's approach to this game is than last and look at how Nyght is responding to my reads. I think those two things make Nyght clear cut town here.

    I'm not seeing a major difference. He voted for someone right off the bat last game, too, and I would expect the experience to give him more range if he randed Wolf, again.
    Ah, now I understand. I think we are using very different methods of reading. I'm not considering who or when Nyght voted at all, I'm looking at his thought process / mindset in the game so far (as opposed to a couple of specific posts of his being towny) and I just can not equate the person that I am seeing now with the person I wolfed with last game. Like if how Nyght was playing could be described as a story then Nyght being scum would mean that the story had a bunch of plot holes already.

    It's a bit of a different method of reading I've picked up recently which I believe is known as macro reading? Might be cool if I can find an article on the differences.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Considering how lynch happy we were in the last game we played together, this no lynch preference is interesting. And if I recall correctly, Doc was one of the ones recommending a D1 lynch for info purposes. Not sure what to make of that.
    On the assumption you're targeting me because I'm not especially scumhunting (because on what basis would I try? This is RVS, nobody knows diddly except scum and they're not gonna tell us anything), I've said it before and I'll say it again; if there ever really is a time for a mislynch to get info, D1 is that time, because today of all days information is at a premium and lives are not.
    I did, in fact, recommend that in the first half of my post, before changing my mind for the reasons I outline below.
    But... he said he's choosing a different route and this is a much smaller game, so I suppose it stands to reason that we're might lose to the humans if we mislynch at the incredible rate we did last game.

    Idk, it checks out and doesn't read too humanish to me.
    My reasoning changed solely because if we no lynch today and every other day after, we hit LyLo D6, whereas if we no lynch tomorrow and every other day after we hit LyLo D5. If we lynch every day, we'll hit LyLo D4, or D5 if the defenders block 1 NK.
    (All of these numbers are worst-case, where we mislynch every day, because I'm paranoid after the absolute fucking drubbing LoS gave us (well, full disclosure, in my head mostly just me) last game)
    My decision that no-lynch is optimal is on the basis that we decide the Seer solving the game is optimal. If we decide otherwise - since LoS does point out that's sort of lame and a bad lesson to teach - then I'm happy to try going back to old tactics.

    Two other people who I both townread have picked up on Anubhav feeling... off... this game so far I think? Particularly the town read on Gerrick didn't seem genuine to me.

    Also got a very solid TR on both Nyght and Lau right now. And to address what Lau said in regards to my reads, my explanations for stuff will be similar NAI because I always plan them out a lot in my head.

    If there's anything you want to ask me about my town/scum play then I'm usually happy to answer honestly. I'm not concerned about outing any of my scumtells because doing so just forces me to play better whenever I next rand scum.

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  • EBWOP because I'm not sure if there's a rule against editing... I hit "Post" instead of "Preview" up there.  :-[

    Considering how lynch happy we were in the last game we played together, this no lynch preference is interesting. And if I recall correctly, Doc was one of the ones recommending a D1 lynch for info purposes. Not sure what to make of that.
    On the assumption you're targeting me because I'm not especially scumhunting (because on what basis would I try? This is RVS, nobody knows diddly except scum and they're not gonna tell us anything), I've said it before and I'll say it again; if there ever really is a time for a mislynch to get info, D1 is that time, because today of all days information is at a premium and lives are not.
    I did, in fact, recommend that in the first half of my post, before changing my mind for the reasons I outline below.
    But... he said he's choosing a different route and this is a much smaller game, so I suppose it stands to reason that we're might lose to the humans if we mislynch at the incredible rate we did last game.

    Idk, it checks out and doesn't read too humanish to me.
    My reasoning changed solely because if we no lynch today and every other day after, we hit LyLo D6, whereas if we no lynch tomorrow and every other day after we hit LyLo D5. If we lynch every day, we'll hit LyLo D4, or D5 if the defenders block 1 NK.
    (All of these numbers are worst-case, where we mislynch every day, because I'm paranoid after the absolute fucking drubbing LoS gave us (well, full disclosure, in my head mostly just me) last game)
    My decision that no-lynch is optimal is on the basis that we decide the Seer solving the game is optimal. If we decide otherwise - since LoS does point out that's sort of lame and a bad lesson to teach - then I'm happy to try going back to old tactics.

    I think a good mix of both would be best. It is a little lame to rely completely on the seer, and I think leaves us open to be misled. But there is a strong purpose that we should lean into for sure.

    Two other people who I both townread have picked up on Anubhav feeling... off... this game so far I think? Particularly the town read on Gerrick didn't seem genuine to me.

    Also got a very solid TR on both Nyght and Lau right now. And to address what Lau said in regards to my reads, my explanations for stuff will be similar NAI because I always plan them out a lot in my head.

    If there's anything you want to ask me about my town/scum play then I'm usually happy to answer honestly. I'm not concerned about outing any of my scumtells because doing so just forces me to play better whenever I next rand scum.

    Oddly enough something about Anu pinged me earlier. Something really small and nondescript that I just logged in the back of my mind as "pay attention here."
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  • Ah, now I understand. I think we are using very different methods of reading. I'm not considering who or when Nyght voted at all, I'm looking at his thought process / mindset in the game so far (as opposed to a couple of specific posts of his being towny) and I just can not equate the person that I am seeing now with the person I wolfed with last game. Like if how Nyght was playing could be described as a story then Nyght being scum would mean that the story had a bunch of plot holes already.

    It's a bit of a different method of reading I've picked up recently which I believe is known as macro reading? Might be cool if I can find an article on the differences.
    Oh, you were wolves together? Then what I brought up about changing behavior is even more relevant. We have no way of knowing that you're not wolves humans together, very deliberately shaking up the ways you play. Your meta analyses of Nyght could be semi-genuine trains of thought, but for all we know, the behaviors you're examining were suggested by you in the first place as a means of painting Nyght as a townie.

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
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  • So here's the thing: if we just go no lynch, then that means the votes carry no pressure, and votes that carry no pressure means I can't gauge people's reactions.
    3 people like this post: Colberius X, Legacy of Smiles, cozmikrae
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  • Ah, now I understand. I think we are using very different methods of reading. I'm not considering who or when Nyght voted at all, I'm looking at his thought process / mindset in the game so far (as opposed to a couple of specific posts of his being towny) and I just can not equate the person that I am seeing now with the person I wolfed with last game. Like if how Nyght was playing could be described as a story then Nyght being scum would mean that the story had a bunch of plot holes already.

    It's a bit of a different method of reading I've picked up recently which I believe is known as macro reading? Might be cool if I can find an article on the differences.
    Oh, you were wolves together? Then what I brought up about changing behavior is even more relevant. We have no way of knowing that you're not wolves humans together, very deliberately shaking up the ways you play. Your meta analyses of Nyght could be semi-genuine trains of thought, but for all we know, the behaviors you're examining were suggested by you in the first place as a means of painting Nyght as a townie.
    Yeah but my reads are made from my perspective so I can usually hopefully assume that I'm town when I'm making the reads.

    Regardless, I'm not reading based on things that Nyght could have been told to say or do easily (and I think you're definitely underestimating how hard it is to significantly change playstyle between consecutive games) but moreso the way they actually approach the game. Maybe a better comparison to what I'm doing to read Nyght is asking "why did this person make this post?" and "does this person benefit from making this post as scum?" for all of Nyght's posts and getting a town read from that. The majority of my town read on Nyght isn't for meta reasons but some amount of meta can be at least a good start.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Oh, damn, I think I've been fundamentally misreading something. Do we have linked defenders?
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  • Oh, damn, I think I've been fundamentally misreading something. Do we have linked defenders?
    I interpreted it as such... @Michi?

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
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  • Dipping for the night but I'll actually be online for EoD for once which is cool probably.
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  • Ey, since BSR is active:

    @BraveSirRobin, get in here and tell me what you see, or your ass is banned from this party.
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