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Spyfall XIV: ????
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  • Haven't heard anything beyond the usual news I sometimes hear about Russia as reported by outsiders (reports of scandals, corruption, cheating, poverty, problems associated with winter, etc.).

    @BraveSirRobin Where do you like to eat your meals?
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
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  • Haven't heard anything beyond the usual news I sometimes hear about Russia as reported by outsiders (reports of scandals, corruption, cheating, poverty, problems associated with winter, etc.).

    @BraveSirRobin Where do you like to eat your meals?

    Something seems very wrong here , I think Kane is the spy here
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • I'd be down for a Kane lynch. Are you formally accusing, Anu?
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  • Yeah , I am formally accusing , but its a high risk lynch
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  • I'm kinda pro Kane lynch, but let's ask one more question to be sure. 

    Response: No better meal than a home cooked meal at the house!  My dear wife is the best cook there is!

    @Imaginative Kane What do you think of Ronald Reagan?
    1 person likes this post: Red Mones
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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  • Pretty sure I can not answer since I seem to have been formally accused while I think there is a rule about asking a question to the player that just asked you a question.

    (In case I can answer) He is too focused on the economy and communism.

    @Nevaeh Gemini What do you think of nuclear weapons?
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  • That settles it then, easy Aye. If for some reason it's not Kane, then BSR is the obvious choice.
    Red Mones
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  • Aye on Kane from me as well, and personally I'm liking BSR's posts.
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  • I mean, Michi hasn't called it yet, but Aye anyway.
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  • Yeah, I was going to call it when Anu said they formally accused, but I figured I'd wait since BSR said he was going to ask one more question.  Since it seems as if the answer wasn't satisfactory to Red, I'll call it now.

    Red has accused Imaginative Kane of being the Spy

    Red, Vro and Ruguo have already voted, so let me mention everyone else.  Remember that it has to be unanimous (barring the accused) for it to go through.

    @Anubhav Ghosh
    @Eastern New England

    Please cast your votes, and @Imaginative Kane you have one post to defend yourself...or if you're the spy you can use this time to guess the exact location based on color setting or overall situation.
    2 people like this post: Vroendal, Red Mones
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  • Aye
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  • Darn it why are these accusations happening so early in the game? >:(

    I won't bother defending myself since I doubt it will be convincing. Yes I am a spy making an official guess.

    I do not have a clue where I am or what is going on so this will be more of a random guess.

    Based on these last two questions and the White theme, my guess is that we are in the US and the Cold War is what's going on, except that this is a version of the Cold War from one of those Fallout games.
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
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  • Aye
    Anubhav Ghosh
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  • Darn it why are these accusations happening so early in the game? >:(

    I won't bother defending myself since I doubt it will be convincing. Yes I am a spy making an official guess.

    I do not have a clue where I am or what is going on so this will be more of a random guess.

    Based on these last two questions and the White theme, my guess is that we are in the US and the Cold War is what's going on, except that this is a version of the Cold War from one of those Fallout games.

    Sorry, but that's not quite right!

    And with that, Imagnative Kane has been removed from the game.

    We're down to our last spy in the game folks...that's right, only one left!

    @BraveSirRobin go ahead and do a new question.
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