
Do you want to start lynching by majority this round?

7 (87.5%)
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: February 24, 2021, 10:57:44 AM

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Werewolf 24: Attack on Titan
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Legacy of Smiles
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  • And if Ex is scum after all that pinkie promise drama or Doc is scum after that "I'm quitting" drama, then y'all are really messed up people. XD

    So I'm left with Wintermoot and Nyght. And since I think Wintermoot is likely the armored titan, I'm assuming that Nyght is the other titan.
    I want to add that when Vro made the "who was suspicious of who list" every single non-cleared person besides ExLight (who was 50/50 on the matter and flipping between the two) and of course Moot himself scumread Wintermoot but he hasn't been a major wagon for I think two days now.

    Moot also pretty much stopped talking after he was no longer scumread I think. I don't remember him speaking at all since the start of the previous day now.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Moot also pretty much stopped talking after he was no longer scumread I think. I don't remember him speaking at all since the start of the previous day now.
    Well, er, from Discord
    Quote from: Discord
    Wintermoot 👑
    just read everything from the last round which he apparently completely missed
    Hahaha, poor Moot >.<
    Wintermoot 👑
    After the XKI game I'm probably going to take a break from forum games for awhile. I just don't have the time to give them the attention they deserve =/
    :( While I'm sorry to hear, that is completely understandable.
    Wintermoot 👑
    I really only joined this one cause I thought it was going to be a peaceful vanilla game that I could handle, lol
    21 players signing up is probably a bad sign for that occuring >.<
    Wintermoot 👑
    I'd signed up long before then, and withdrawing from a game wouldn't be a good look lol
    Yeah... :p
    Moot: signs up for a peaceful vanilla game
    The player list by the time the game starts: "It's a trap!"
    Sapphiras Valeria
    It’s okay everyone thought that too Moot :hugging:
    Wintermoot 👑
    Yeahhhh lol
    But I'm also single-handedly rebuilding the government of Wintreath, and I have things going on offline too
    It's just a case where suddenly this week everything demanded my attention =/
    Well, last week and this week
    Dude's just been kinda busy
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  • Sorry that I wasn't active yesterday...I wasn't aware that the rules had changed and the day ended early before it had already ended. v_v

    I will say this...isn't it odd that just about everybody has put me on the bottom of the list, and I don't even know why at this point other than the fact that I've been just as wrong as everybody else (noting that I haven't been proven right or wrong about Doc yet). I'm sure the wolves will happily pile on me just like they probably have every other misvote, because it brings them one step closer to winning the game. But I've defended myself for a number of turns now, and I don't know what else to say. If you want to vote for me, then that's how it goes I suppose.

    In any case I will Vote: Legacy of Smiles. While I think there's still a strong case against Doc, there's a good history of people clearing themselves through emotional outbursts (funny how that seems to be the number one way people get decisively cleared, lol), so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I still believe that Ex is town, if only cause if he isn't after that pinky promise thing I will never believe a thing he says in Werewolf again. I don't have a read of any kind on Nyght besides the fact that he's twice tried to start wagons against me, including on the very first day, but everyone else is certain that he's town, so there's no point trying to go up that hill even if I had something more to go on.

    Then there's Gerrick, who is apparently suspicious along with me, but if you look at the fact that in most turns every wagon turned out to be town, that's hardly a reliable thing to go on. At this point I'm forced to conclude that the wolves are among those we'd least suspect, leaving Smiles and Red. Between the two, Smiles has been more aggressive the last few turns, especially toward me, so he comes off as more suspicious to me.

    This isn't necessarily my final vote, but I'm putting it in just in case I'm not able to make another post. Related, I really don't like this lynch by majority thing because it gives an even greater advantage to hyper-active players over those who don't have as much time to keep up with the game.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Sorry that I wasn't active yesterday...I wasn't aware that the rules had changed and the day ended early before it had already ended. v_v

    I will say this...isn't it odd that just about everybody has put me on the bottom of the list, and I don't even know why at this point other than the fact that I've been just as wrong as everybody else (noting that I haven't been proven right or wrong about Doc yet). I'm sure the wolves will happily pile on me just like they probably have every other misvote, because it brings them one step closer to winning the game. But I've defended myself for a number of turns now, and I don't know what else to say. If you want to vote for me, then that's how it goes I suppose.

    In any case I will Vote: Legacy of Smiles. While I think there's still a strong case against Doc, there's a good history of people clearing themselves through emotional outbursts (funny how that seems to be the number one way people get decisively cleared, lol), so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I still believe that Ex is town, if only cause if he isn't after that pinky promise thing I will never believe a thing he says in Werewolf again. I don't have a read of any kind on Nyght besides the fact that he's twice tried to start wagons against me, including on the very first day, but everyone else is certain that he's town, so there's no point trying to go up that hill even if I had something more to go on.

    Then there's Gerrick, who is apparently suspicious along with me, but if you look at the fact that in most turns every wagon turned out to be town, that's hardly a reliable thing to go on. At this point I'm forced to conclude that the wolves are among those we'd least suspect, leaving Smiles and Red. Between the two, Smiles has been more aggressive the last few turns, especially toward me, so he comes off as more suspicious to me.

    This isn't necessarily my final vote, but I'm putting it in just in case I'm not able to make another post. Related, I really don't like this lynch by majority thing because it gives an even greater advantage to hyper-active players over those who don't have as much time to keep up with the game.
    I'm cleared...
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • I'm cleared...
    How so? I must have missed that part. v_v

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I'm cleared...
    How so? I must have missed that part. v_v
    Oops sorry for the snark. Me and Red were both mechanically cleared because Anubhav and Vroendel both protected us on nights where the kills were blocked.
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • Wait lol we literally all forgot Red existed

    On Night 3, Anubhav and Vroendel both protected Red Mones. The kill was blocked.

    On Night 7, Anubhav and Vroendel both protected me. The kill was blocked.

    Both stated who they protected on both of those nights in thread and there were no kills so unless I'm missing something then both me and Red should be confirmed. That's why I initially left out Red on my own list.
    Full explanation.
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  • * Wintermoot sighs

    I just don't know then. I know I'm town, but obviously that isn't going to carry much weight with anybody else. At this point I'd be just as well off voting randomly than going off any 'insights' I have.


    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • * Wintermoot sighs

    I just don't know then. I know I'm town, but obviously that isn't going to carry much weight with anybody else. At this point I'd be just as well off voting randomly than going off any 'insights' I have.

    How would you personally rank Ex, Nyght, Gerrick and Doc from most to least towny?
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • How would you personally rank Ex, Nyght, Gerrick and Doc from most to least towny?

    I suppose Ex, Nyght, Doc, and Gerrick.

    As I said before, I have no feel for Nyght. I feel Doc has a decent case against him but I hesitate to vote for someone that has put themselves out there like he did, because that's often how town have been decisively cleared. I can't say I have much of a feel for Gerrick either, but he's been one of those people hanging out in the background all game and that would seem to fit the mold of the wolves in this game. I just worry that it's too obvious in a game where round after round everyone considered suspicious and killed by town has been town except Ruguo. And now I wonder if getting behind a Ruguo kill was an early move by the rest of the wolves to make themselves look better for the rest of the game. Lose the battle, win the war sorta thing.
    1 person likes this post: Legacy of Smiles

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    Legacy of Smiles
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  • How would you personally rank Ex, Nyght, Gerrick and Doc from most to least towny?

    I suppose Ex, Nyght, Doc, and Gerrick.

    As I said before, I have no feel for Nyght. I feel Doc has a decent case against him but I hesitate to vote for someone that has put themselves out there like he did, because that's often how town have been decisively cleared. I can't say I have much of a feel for Gerrick either, but he's been one of those people hanging out in the background all game and that would seem to fit the mold of the wolves in this game. I just worry that it's too obvious in a game where round after round everyone considered suspicious and killed by town has been town except Ruguo. And now I wonder if getting behind a Ruguo kill was an early move by the rest of the wolves to make themselves look better for the rest of the game. Lose the battle, win the war sorta thing.
    I think we've do e ourselves in honestly. Outside of a very fringe chance of an ExLight scum world we've actually almost entirely had townspeople pushing townspeople wagons with wolves piling on and getting them lynched so far.
    Legacy of Smiles
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  • I don’t think Wintermoot jumps here and votes a cleared person while being scumread by everyone as scum lol
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  • istg I’m not breaking pinkie promises I’m just a moron and I’m Town shsjifskdnmfmgb

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  • to people that played as wolves in this forums, how good is the communication between the scummates usually?
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • So is the whole Pinkie Promise a big thing in WW? Because that's something that has been bothering me quite a bit...like how does a promise that you're town clear someone?

    Honestly Ex is my top townread outside of Leg simply because of how active and driven they've been. But y'all have said something about powerwolfing? I'm guessing that's where a wolf takes the lead and trust to steer the conversations and lynches.

    But the promise seems to hold a lot of weight here.
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