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Werewolf XXIII: A Lord of the Rings Adventure
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Red Mones
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  • Red Mones
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  • I am not sure why Moot came up with a huge load of hypotheticals and speculations before voting for me, when the only evident reason why I would vote Pengu was that I would rather there be a tie, than a bandwagon against Lau that came from random voting.

    In fact I can understand to a certain extent why there’s a sudden train of votes against Daw, which from my perspective is attributable from piling votes without explanation.
    It's the first day, my "load of hypotheticals and speculations" are no different than anyone else's.

    If your primary interest was in maintaining a tie, why didn't you change your vote when TGN also voted for Michi?

    That said, I'd like to hear more from Moot and BSR
    Was there something specific you wanted to hear about? I thought I had summarized my thought process when I voted. As I said at the time, it's highly speculative, but no more than anyone else's votes...I'm honestly puzzled why people think my post was "mumbo jumbo" and such. I thought I listed some reasonable possibilities with what little we have to go on at this point.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • This is going to sound convenient but at that time I was quite busy with RL commitments which I emphasised during sign ups that I only afforded a 1 sentence reply to a direct ping for my response by Vro then. After which when I finally properly paid attention to the thread, TGN has already changed his vote.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • This is going to sound convenient but at that time I was quite busy with RL commitments which I emphasised during sign ups that I only afforded a 1 sentence reply to a direct ping for my response by Vro then. After which when I finally properly paid attention to the thread, TGN has already changed his vote.
    It could be that despite posting in the topic as you admit you were too busy to keep track of the votes, or it could be that you were laying low after making your vote in order to get lost in the shuffle as others duked it out among themselves as I suggested when I voted for you. I suppose people will have to decide for themselves. For me personally, your actions matched what I expected from a wolf, and that's specifically why I waited to make my see who would cast their votes early and then disappear from the discussion.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • @Princess Hapi do you want me to edit that long post and fix the quotes?

    Yeah if you wouldn't mind ^^
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  • if you want to @ me you now have to type @TGN
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    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • I would like to hear from @HumanSanity on your thoughts. :) Also, I am eagerly awaiting the inevitable post from Doc about everything.
    I want to apologize for being in and out here. There's a lot here and I've been busy with other NS and RL projects ... I'll make an effort to catch up shortly
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    Red Mones
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  • No one was killed during the night.
    Theoden (Dawsinian) was resurrected during the night.
    This is the end of Night 1, and the beginning of Day 2. Phase ends in roughly 48 hours on Saturday, the 13th, at 12 PM PST.

    1 person likes this post: Vroendal
    « Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 09:36:26 PM by Red Mones »
    Red Mones
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  • What is your reads list?
    I'm currently at work, so I really can't write out a whole thing.

    But one change I will note from my last read list is that Vro has started to lean towards scum for me. Also not completely counting out Wischland like everyone else.

    Red just posted the results as I was typing... Wow we got lucky with that one. Also, what role could possibly resurrect people?

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  • Birdbrain...
  • I'm super wary of Wintermoot, and quite amusingly, worried that Vro and Moot could be attempting an epic distancing play here. His vote on a dead wagon (well, actually a wagon that didn't even exist until he created it) looks a lot like just placing a very low-risk vote.

    Finally, and most amusingly of all, I think Pengu's town. Wolf Pengu doesn't make mistakes of a bussing nature, and would have handled my prodding a lot better. Wolf Pengu doesn't disappear when the going gets tough, either. Town Pengu, on the other hand, very much does.

    I have no idea who a potential 4th scum would be, but I don't believe it's Wisch. Sending a Townie over the edge at the last second like that is Wolf suicide of the highest order, but his reasoning for the vote still doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    I see I should explain myself better. I had voted for Gerrick specifically to get him to talk more and explain himself for his first vote. No one else saw the need or validity to vote for him, so my vote was basically a useless vote at that point for someone who had answered what I wanted them to.

    When I called his analysis fair I was talking about this bit ^. At that point the "main" wagons were still Lau and Michi, Lau is just acting too similar to the last game we played where he was town and hammering me in the way I expected him to that there was no way I was letting him get lynched D1. As for Michi, I just wasn't completely reading scum in his posts, and I myself had noticed he was less active which didn't coincide with the game I played as WW with him. I may be taking time to reconsider but as it stood I wasn't feeling like lynching him either. When a new wagon appeared tying all three, the player I felt least convinced about was Daws. I don't think I'm in the least popular opinion to say that of those three Daws was the best choice to lynch. It would have taken off Lau specifically and Michi as an option and would have given me information if nothing else, possibly lynching a lurking wolf. That sounded like the best odds to me.

    First of all, welcome back Daws. :) I understand that you may be suspicious of me, but I hope you can see the reasoning behind my vote.

    Laurentus, the more I think about this, the more I think I have things backwards. You're sussing me, when really I think I should be sussing you, or at least asking you to explain YOUR vote.

    When three wagons were up at the same time, why did you stick with Michi? According to you yourself, you were town-leaning Michi, which you said not half an hour after the result was announced, surely you had been thinking that Michi was not the person to go for at least for a while in the back of your mind, knowing you. So what I'm confused about is why DIDN'T you vote Daws? If you think Michi is town, and it is obvious one of you three is going to be lynched, why didn't you go for the player you were least sure of?

    Tbh this is making me feel that you and Michi could be going for some sort of play, it would be quite within your capabilities. I wouldn't put it past you to "randomly" vote for a fellow wolf because they had irl obligations to confirm yourself more as town.

    Maybe I'm overthinking it, but still I feel I should at least ask. I feel I've explained my vote enough.
    • Birdbrain...
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  • No one was killed during the night.
    Theoden (Dawsinian) was resurrected during the night.
    This is the end of Night 1, and the beginning of Day 2. Phase ends in roughly 48 hours on Sunday, the 13th, at 12 PM PST.

    48 hours and Sunday are contradictory. Can you clarify which one it is?
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  • This is going to sound convenient but at that time I was quite busy with RL commitments which I emphasised during sign ups that I only afforded a 1 sentence reply to a direct ping for my response by Vro then. After which when I finally properly paid attention to the thread, TGN has already changed his vote.
    It could be that despite posting in the topic as you admit you were too busy to keep track of the votes, or it could be that you were laying low after making your vote in order to get lost in the shuffle as others duked it out among themselves as I suggested when I voted for you. I suppose people will have to decide for themselves. For me personally, your actions matched what I expected from a wolf, and that's specifically why I waited to make my see who would cast their votes early and then disappear from the discussion.

    No, I can vouch for Sapph here. The RL commitment is real. He spoke to me about it on Discord, and caused no small amount of stress.

    That said, this is Sapph, so interrogate away, but I thought I'd mention that.
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  • Obviously, if the resuscitator and Dawsinian were both wolves, I could see why Dawsinian would get resuscitated. But for a townie resuscitator to go against the vote of the town and resuscitate Dawsinian. That seems somewhat less likely.
    Flying Eagles
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  • Birdbrain...
  • Obviously, if the resuscitator and Dawsinian were both wolves, I could see why Dawsinian would get resuscitated. But for a townie resuscitator to go against the vote of the town and resuscitate Dawsinian. That seems somewhat less likely.
    I have no idea what you mean by this... First of all, we definitely know that Daws was a town, idk why you would bring up if he was a wolf. Secondly, town doesn't ever MEAN to kill a fellow town, why wouldn't a town resuscitate a town, and a sufficiently useful role at that? Also, it's bold of you to assume that I'm not a wolf, why did you say that it's the "vote of the town"?
    • Birdbrain...
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  • I'm super wary of Wintermoot, and quite amusingly, worried that Vro and Moot could be attempting an epic distancing play here. His vote on a dead wagon (well, actually a wagon that didn't even exist until he created it) looks a lot like just placing a very low-risk vote.

    Finally, and most amusingly of all, I think Pengu's town. Wolf Pengu doesn't make mistakes of a bussing nature, and would have handled my prodding a lot better. Wolf Pengu doesn't disappear when the going gets tough, either. Town Pengu, on the other hand, very much does.

    I have no idea who a potential 4th scum would be, but I don't believe it's Wisch. Sending a Townie over the edge at the last second like that is Wolf suicide of the highest order, but his reasoning for the vote still doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    I see I should explain myself better. I had voted for Gerrick specifically to get him to talk more and explain himself for his first vote. No one else saw the need or validity to vote for him, so my vote was basically a useless vote at that point for someone who had answered what I wanted them to.

    When I called his analysis fair I was talking about this bit ^. At that point the "main" wagons were still Lau and Michi, Lau is just acting too similar to the last game we played where he was town and hammering me in the way I expected him to that there was no way I was letting him get lynched D1. As for Michi, I just wasn't completely reading scum in his posts, and I myself had noticed he was less active which didn't coincide with the game I played as WW with him. I may be taking time to reconsider but as it stood I wasn't feeling like lynching him either. When a new wagon appeared tying all three, the player I felt least convinced about was Daws. I don't think I'm in the least popular opinion to say that of those three Daws was the best choice to lynch. It would have taken off Lau specifically and Michi as an option and would have given me information if nothing else, possibly lynching a lurking wolf. That sounded like the best odds to me.

    First of all, welcome back Daws. :) I understand that you may be suspicious of me, but I hope you can see the reasoning behind my vote.

    Laurentus, the more I think about this, the more I think I have things backwards. You're sussing me, when really I think I should be sussing you, or at least asking you to explain YOUR vote.

    When three wagons were up at the same time, why did you stick with Michi? According to you yourself, you were town-leaning Michi, which you said not half an hour after the result was announced, surely you had been thinking that Michi was not the person to go for at least for a while in the back of your mind, knowing you. So what I'm confused about is why DIDN'T you vote Daws? If you think Michi is town, and it is obvious one of you three is going to be lynched, why didn't you go for the player you were least sure of?

    Tbh this is making me feel that you and Michi could be going for some sort of play, it would be quite within your capabilities. I wouldn't put it past you to "randomly" vote for a fellow wolf because they had irl obligations to confirm yourself more as town.

    Maybe I'm overthinking it, but still I feel I should at least ask. I feel I've explained my vote enough.

    Okay, so now that I've made it through the night phase, I'm ready to start playing this game in earnest.

    You have been gunning for me like a madman the whole damn day phase, and I am not going to put up with it again.

    As to your question, I weighed things in my heart about Michi, and came to that conclusion after seeing the last-minute switcharoo you did.

    I am pretty sure I have a significant portion of this game figured out.

    Daws, you have been given an amazing gift, and it is now the town's job to keep you alive and well, because you are that rarest of beasts: someone we can mechanically clear as lock-town. You will never have to worry about being suspected again, and as such, yours is the only perspective that we know comes from Town.

    We need to start building a town core, and mine is as follows:

    1. Daws at the head
    2. Gerrick. Might seem like an odd choice, but well, I have reasons.
    3. BSR. Also for reasons.

    Come out, wolfies. I dare you to try and case this.

    Now for my vote: Vroendal. You have had goddamned awful reasoning literally from the moment you started casing me, and you have not improved.

    Additionally, your vote for Daws came literally out of nowhere, and you tried to inspire as much paranoia as you possibly could at the end of the phase, while failing to provide substantive reasoning for your sudden suspicion on Wintermoot. You, sir, are an opportunist and anarchist, and I'm not going to put up with it again.
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