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Elect Dawsinian, Elect Experience!
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  • Elect Dawsinian!
    Candidate for Thane of Integration, Thane of Gaming, and for Underhusen!

    Hello There!
    As I'm sure you're aware, I'm running for many positions this election cycle. Besides seeking re-election to the Underhusen, I have decided to throw my hat in the ring for the positions of Thane of Integration and Thane of Gaming. While I am no stranger to the modern day Underhusen, this is my first foray back into cabinet-level politics in six years. As I am running for three positions, each with a very distinct job description, I will present my platform for each position individually.

    Thane of Integration
    1) Why are you running for this position?
    I am running for this position because Integration is a position in cabinet that we simply cannot afford to keep vacant. The Thane of Integration is where the proverbial rubber meets the road in growing our community. While I can’t say that I have any grand new Integration ideas, if elected I would work to make sure that all members of Wintreath are given the resources to grow and prosper within our community.

    2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane? As part of this, you must include at least one thing that you promise to do beyond the minimum listed duties of the position during your term. It should be measurable, so that it's black and white whether you fulfilled this mandate at the end of the term if you are elected.
    My goal is to make sure that the forum and discord community becomes more involved with the RMB community of Wintreath. I would work to better integrate the two communities and draw new NationStates players to our forums and discord, both of which are the lifeblood of our community.

    3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?
    I previously served as Thane of Integration back in 2014. While the job requirements of this position were much different back then (the Jarl of Integration handled most of the day-to-day Integration activities), I was able to see what worked and what didn’t work. While I am aware that the position I am running for is much different than the one I held six years ago, I am sure that I will be able to adapt quickly and use my experience to my advantage.

    I also previously served as the Founder and Monarch of The Labyrinth. During the height of my reign, we managed to grow our population up to over 500 nations and we worked to involve everyone in our community. While I am no longer apart of The Labyrinth, I am proud to say that the region has continued to thrive, and that many of the community members who I mentored have taken the reigns and have gone on to hold many leadership positions throughout NationStates. I can undoubtedly say that my experience leading The Labyrinth through its formative years will help me in helping to grow Wintreath’s community.

    4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in March?
    I already devote a lot of my time to Wintreath, and I would continue to do so. Even if I am elected to all three positions that I am seeking, I am confident that I will have enough time to manage those responsibilities.

    5) Are you currently a part of any other NationStates regional or organizational government? If so, please include those regions and positions.
    Thane of Gaming
    1) Why are you running for this position?
    I’ve found over the past few months that I enjoy organizing game nights and getting people together for some fun and relaxation, especially where most of us are probably stuck at home due to the world ending COVID-19. I’d like to continue to provide opportunities for people to get together and just have fun :)

    2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane? As part of this, you must include at least one thing that you promise to do beyond the minimum listed duties of the position during your term. It should be measurable, so that it's black and white whether you fulfilled this mandate at the end of the term if you are elected.
    Specifically I would like to identify games that members of the community play, or are interested in playing together on a weekly or semi-weekly basis, and establishing continued events where we can all come together and play. Among Us, for instance, is a game that many of us enjoy playing together and I’d like to organize weekly Among Us nights in the same manner we do for CAH.

    3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?
    While outside of organizing a few Among Us events, helping organize some impromptu birthday celebration events, and trying to get more involved in regional culture, I really can’t say that I have some sort of impressive resume for this position.

    4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in March?
    I already devote a lot of my time to Wintreath, and I would continue to do so. Even if I am elected to all three positions that I am seeking, I am confident that I will have enough time to manage those responsibilities.

    5) Are you currently a part of any other NationStates regional or organizational government? If so, please include those regions and positions.
    During my last Underhusen campaign, I made it my goal to seriously examine restructuring the legislative and judicial bodies of this region. While I'm sure it may look like all we accomplished this term is reforming Underhusen Procedure, there have been a lot of in-depth behind the scenes conversations on tackling the above goals. @Barnes, @Doc, @Sapphiron, @Gerrick, @Red Mones, and I are in the process of drafting legislation to tackle these issues. I am actually hoping to have a draft proposal done prior to these elections, however I will hold off on formally introducing because I don't want to try and rush these reforms through.

    If re-elected, I will take up the same goal I took up this term. I will work to restructure our legislative and judicial systems into something that fits modern day Wintreath, not the Wintreath of seven years ago.

    Thank you for taking the time to consider my various platforms. I look forward to answering any questions members of the community may have.


    6 people like this post: Barnes, Red Mones, taulover, Wintermoot, Gerrick, TGN
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to the campaign! :D

    Not only did you bother to put up a campaign, but your platform for each position is awesome and definitely gives the impression that you'd do great in just about any regional role. I'm really impressed, and I just wanted to say that I appreciate you putting in the time to write it up. :)

    I do have a question...given how great your platform for each position is, what if you win all of them? Do you have the time to tackle all three positions at the same time? How would you prioritize each position? Which do  you think is the most important to work on and which do you think you'd personally enjoy most?

    Ok, that may have been more than a question. :P
    1 person likes this post: Dawsinian

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I do have a question...given how great your platform for each position is, what if you win all of them?
    Then I will work my hardest to fulfill my platform for each position.

    Do you have the time to tackle all three positions at the same time?
    Yep. I literally just work or sleep right now, so I have plenty of time  :P

    How would you prioritize each position?
    They're all important positions with important functions. I'd have to prioritize them just based off the specific projects I'm working on at the time, so it's hard to say right now.

    Which do you think is the most important to work on and which do you think you'd personally enjoy most?
    I think right now Integration is the most important, as you and I have discussed. I think I'll have most fun with Gaming, though... because, you know, gaming  :P
    2 people like this post: Red Mones, Wintermoot
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    Ogun of Valeria
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  • You have received Ogun's endorsement for Thane of Integration and Gaming, be happy, for you have been blessed.

    Jokes aside, this is a great campaign and I look forward to working with you in Integration, if anyone can do the job, its definitely you!
    1 person likes this post: Dawsinian
    Potato Pope of Wintreath from September 9, 2020-December 2020 (stepped down and pledges support to true pope)
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    Ogun of Valeria
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  • You have received Ogun's endorsement for Thane of Integration and Gaming, be happy, for you have been blessed.

    I appreciate the endorsement :P
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