Post #150349
July 16, 2020, 05:46:34 PM
I honestly gotta go ninjas. I do not have a good reason for it, but I might have a halfway interesting story about pirates and ninjas.
So my high school physics teacher used stick figures for every diagram, and instead of giving them names like a normal person, as he didn't want them to have a specific gender, they were simply known as pirate and ninja. Pirate and ninja had all sorts of adventures from this, and changed pronouns on a daily basis. There were also two other recurring characters, but I've forgotten who they were since departing. Anyway, pirate always got a little hook hand and a blob of a pirate hat on his stick figure, while Ninja looked like a stick figure with a line across their face and bunny ears.
Of course, the class itself soon became pirate and ninja character themed, what with pirate and ninja art on the windows, pirate and ninja themed hall passes (I kid you not, they were literal banners you carried down the hall because the school had stupid rules about hall passes being things that couldn't be easily lost, and who doesn't want to walk down the hall whilst holding a five foot banner?), pirate and ninja fanart on almost all non-pirate and ninja assignments, it was a whole thing.
I miss that physics teacher.