Post #156604
February 07, 2021, 04:11:03 AM
I can see why it wouldn't get approved...
Hostname: TGN
Werewolf game number desired: 28
Werewolf game theme: Plague Inc. The Cure
Some small info about your game: Plot
A Neurax Worm (mind control virus in the game) and there are multiple scientists (I hope to get at least 20-24 players) [*note they will be quarantined because of the virus] and four of them are infected because of the Neurax Worm is mind control and trying to thrive the goal of the infected is to get the scientist out of the bunker to stop progress. It is called a bunker because in the OG trailer it says "We isolate ourselves from the ones we try to save"
Gameplay: There will be 4 scum (aka infected) and I hope 20 doctors (aka town)
once all the sick are out of the bunker the scientist. The sick win by outnumbering or kicking out all the scientists.
Abilities: The sick get abilities (aka symptoms), for the sick they only get one use
Hallucinations: stops the player from posting until 10 posts are made by other players
Obsession: forces player to only defend certain player (15 posts)
Mania: Has to make at least 5 posts every hour (3 hours)
and Immaturity: for 5 hours no post can have a point, can't make sense (10 posts)
for Scientist:
Lockdown: 5 uses, during the night a scientist can't move (meaning you can't use abilities or kill)