Post #149113
May 26, 2020, 10:14:05 PM
During my previous term as Thane of Embassies in addition to negotiating various trying diplomatic difficulties I have worked to develop a training program for our ambassadors. I promised to create that program in my last campaign and after deep contemplation I am happy to say that it has been developed. More than that it has reached the testing stage! As we speak candidates for testing are being sought from amongst our ambassadors and the executive government. I'm highly confident that if elected the program will certainly finish testing and officially roll out. Our ambassadors will soon have full access to the means required to become Thanes and Jarls of Foreign Affairs, if they wish to make that journey and acquire that knowledge.
Additionally, in conjunction with Ruguo, the Jarl of Culture I worked as the Foreign Affairs Ministry's liason to The Rejected Realms and Forest during the months of planning that went into developing The Forwintrr League, the pokemon-themed event between our three regions.
My primary focus however will be The Ambassador Training Program. This program (if successful) will open Foreign Affairs to everyone. For all of NationStates history Foreign Affairs has been a narrow and closed off field that was exclusive to a select group of players, veterans that have sought to control the narrative by controlling access to such positions and as a result it has become the norm. It is here however where things will change. It is here where the doors will fly open and free access to information will triumph! Wintreath is an engine of innovation and change, and we stand to make a landmark change in NationStates. This change has long been my vision for Foreign Affairs. Vote for me. Help change Foreign Affairs for the better!