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Werewolf XXII: Of Cores and... Turrets? (Take 2)
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  • Birdbrain...
  • Uh, you risk misinterpreting things by virtue of playing the game? If you're Town, you have very little information at hand, so you're going to make mistakes. Perfect judgement is a luxury literally only the scum can have.

    And your flip-flopping really is starting to get on my nerves. You inspired a great deal of paranoia yesterday without committing to any lynches. Then you come right back around to raising your suspicions of me, without actually placing a vote. Instead, you want to jump on really unlikely wagons like Pengu's, when they again make so sense within the setup.

    Vote: Vroendal

    My point in this is that in order to make better judgments, your goal should be to get as much information as possible, right? I am well aware...

    Let it. I committed to a vote to get Kane talking, I then would have switched to Red Mones, except I saw that it would only make me more suspicious to flip. I thought we were over this? I don't see you as suspicious anymore, I don't know why you're overanalyzing me... You yourself felt that Pengu was suspicious only a little while ago, why should your assumptions be your only guiding factor? I think that conceivably any vote could make sense in this setup.

    While I do get why you would vote me, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me... I've been arguably one of the most vocal here, with the goal of finding information. I squeezed enough out of you to lay my, and others, suspicions aside about you to rest... I did the same with Kane, who I started with. Now I'm turning to Pengu... You shouldn't be voting me, it's a mistake. If my playstyle is causing you actual grief, I apologize, but I won't change. I know what I need to do to win.
    • Birdbrain...
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  • Uh, you risk misinterpreting things by virtue of playing the game? If you're Town, you have very little information at hand, so you're going to make mistakes. Perfect judgement is a luxury literally only the scum can have.

    And your flip-flopping really is starting to get on my nerves. You inspired a great deal of paranoia yesterday without committing to any lynches. Then you come right back around to raising your suspicions of me, without actually placing a vote. Instead, you want to jump on really unlikely wagons like Pengu's, when they again make so sense within the setup.

    Vote: Vroendal

    My point in this is that in order to make better judgments, your goal should be to get as much information as possible, right? I am well aware...

    Let it. I committed to a vote to get Kane talking, I then would have switched to Red Mones, except I saw that it would only make me more suspicious to flip. I thought we were over this? I don't see you as suspicious anymore, I don't know why you're overanalyzing me... You yourself felt that Pengu was suspicious only a little while ago, why should your assumptions be your only guiding factor? I think that conceivably any vote could make sense in this setup.

    While I do get why you would vote me, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me... I've been arguably one of the most vocal here, with the goal of finding information. I squeezed enough out of you to lay my, and others, suspicions aside about you to rest... I did the same with Kane, who I started with. Now I'm turning to Pengu... You shouldn't be voting me, it's a mistake. If my playstyle is causing you actual grief, I apologize, but I won't change. I know what I need to do to win.
    Some of that suspicion is probably related to the fact that you had a large amount of points in your favor with the Game Core and how quickly those were obtained, while it is fine to post to get information, that part is at least a little suspicious.
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
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  • Your questioning of me had no impact on my town cred. It consistently made me look suspicious. The only thing that is clearing me is the lynch. So no, I don't buy this.

    We should be using probabilities to guide and stave off paranoia, which is something you have routinely gone against. You agree it's improbable to have another poisoner in the scum faction, and yet you push the wagon anyway, on the off chance that it could be happening. Much like it was improbable to have a lying host in the day phase, yet you kept insisting I was blind not to see it as a legitimate possibility. Everything is possible. Doesn't mean it's likely.
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  • And frankly, you squeezed nothing out of me. I intentionally dodged and deflected your questions, because I trusted you just as little as you claimed to trust me. You even pointed this out during the last day phase. The contradictions here are staggering.
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  • Not gonna lie, now I know how Laurentus felt last game in being annoyed at being outed.

    Yes, I'm a townie-modified version of the Poisoner known as the Gassy Core (which is a terrible name btw Ruguo).  My main focus is that I choose someone I think is being targeted by the turrets, and if correct then the attack is redirected to me.  Since I'm gas and thus incorporeal, the attack goes through me (hence why I "vanish" if you get near me), and there's a chance of poisoning them mixed in since attacks are done singularly.
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  • Well, then. That'll be an easy claim to verify. My clue indicated that you did indeed poison someone, since there was an empty can of neurotoxin. Which means we should have scum dying during the night phase.

    If that doesn't happen, consider yourself really high on my shit list.  :))
    2 people like this post: Sapphiron, Imaginative Kane
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • My main focus is that I choose someone I think is being targeted by the turrets, and if correct then the attack is redirected to me.
    Do you mind revealing who you chose last night phase? If your role claim is accurate, you may have saved someone.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Amusingly, I was torn between Lau and Tau since they're normally pretty high on the list of people to remove early.  But because of your consistent night musings, I decided to protect Lau specifically.  I'm hoping that the "nothing happened" thing is because I made the right choice.
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  • Yeah, I was kinda hoping to play a nice game of WIFOM with the wolves.
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  • WIFOM?
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    Recursive reasoning is the best way to screw up scum's plans
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  • Since I've shared that clue, I might as well share the one I got when scanning Moot, too: "Following Wintermoot, you find he drops his hat."

    With this image attached.

    Only reference I could find for either a core or turret wearing a hat was this one:
    2 people like this post: Michi, taulover
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • The link from the image suggest it's a bionic beanie. It contains a Companion Cube, which is given to the protagonist . Instead of turret, I am suspecting Wintermoot to be the non-aligned player
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  • There's also a second reference to hats when in the 8th testing chamber in portal 2:

    "Ohhh, no. The turbines again. I have to go. Wait. This next test DOES require some explanation. Let me give you the fast version." | Download Download | Play icon.png Play
    "[fast gibberish]" | Download Download | Play icon.png Play
    Slowed-down version:
    "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"[1]

    Maybe that also has some hand in his role somehow since he dropped his hat?
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  • Hmm. Do dig deeper with Tau if I'm not around during the next day phase. As far as I recall, he hasn't wanted to take part in any of the main wagons for the last two days, but still gives very good information. Information, not analysis. He's not putting his keen analytical abilities to good use.
    Yeah I get that that's often seen as "scummy" but unfortunately that's the sort of behavior that I default to when I don't know what to do because it comes more easily. Happened in the previous iteration of the game too, IIRC pretty much all my posts were doing things like poking at the mechanics/logic of the game.

    It's fair to say though that I haven't really been giving the game the attention it deserves. (It's less that I didn't want to be on any of the wagons and more that I didn't get around to thinking about them before they got resolved.)

    I now understand the significance of Hapi being a healer. It sounds like their ability would have been aimed at healing those poisoned.
    What I do find interesting about this is that Ruguo seems to have chosen an unconventional name for this; despite the use of standard Mafia names on other roles, they didn't go with "Poison Doctor" for this one.

    Perhaps this points to various lesser-doctor roles which focus on specific groups of kinds of attacks.

    And there I go again, commenting on possible mechanics. :P

    Well, since you and Sapph (last round) asked, I guess... doing a few pseudo-"ISO"s on people, which is hampered by people being quiet (sorry for being part of the problem there), I can definitely see Vroendal being wolf, would certainly explain the course of actions in (in-game) yesterday and today. But it could also just be the result of different assumptions coming at the game as someone who hasn't played in Wintreath before.
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