Oh my god, bless y'all for adding multiquote. <3
Though you're probably gonna regret it after you see my wall posts now. Haha.
@Minish its convenient we can talk during the night phase cause I never got around to what I need to tell you. I'm trusting you with something, I dont know what yet, and I'm probably going to continue trusting you with it for the foreseeable future, but I need you to know ahead of time so youre not confused and dont know what the heck to do with it. Its a little hard to let you know what you'll be doing cause I kind of wanted your input but as long as you understand once I decide it should be cool
I think I thought of a way
But I'll wait till you get back
Also @Hapi why were you crying? Like I'm sorry and it sucks but like, I dont know what made you upset?
Can you channel that mason vibe a little bit to give me an idea of what you're trusting me with? Lol.
I'll try to do my best with whatever it is. But if we can try to co-ordinate on whatever it is, it should be fine.
hi friends (:
would someone like to catch me up on events? i know it's only night 1 (and i'm currently reading through the day) but i don't know most of the players, so it might be a little hard to determine who's done what until i get a little more familiar with names and avatars
Lots of new players here (in the sense of they haven't played mafia at all or have played very little). So some. discussion has been about the philosophy of the game I guess.
People jumped on Ex for being aggressive (lol, no surprise there) towards Aragonn. We explained that that was just how we play. There were a lot of votes piled on Ex in a short amount of time. And then he claimed and tensions died down and votes were removed.
Then Batma n started going after Ex again because he said his defense was contradictory (a few people asked how but afaik he never explained) and that's how votes switched to him.
I'm not really sure what the votes on hapi were for?
And people either pushed the button or didn't push the button because they don't wanna confuse the game any more than it already is.