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Werewolf XXII: Of Cores and Turrets
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  • I'm down for voting off players who are inactive and not contributing to the discussion. I'm sure it would help them out as well, as they're probably either too busy to keep up with such an active game or are completely overwhelmed and don't know where to start theorizing.
    This kinda matches my personal views about inactives
    but it would kinda be the same as voting for a no lynch or even worse since they're likely to get modkilled or replaced anyway
    As long as they meet the two posts per day phase requirement, they won't get modkilled. Yes, there are a couple who I haven't seen meet this requirement yet. But there are also lurkers who have met the requirement but aren't saying anything beyond that.
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    Jarl Aragonn
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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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  • I'm super exhausted and don't have energy left for today and will try to rest a bit
    I won't be around when Day ends, and my vote will stay on Batma n

    I already claimed my role, and, as I said, it's a really strong role for town that I'd like to be given a chance to prove its worth.

    I'd appreciate if @Excalibur @El Fiji Grande @Dawcreek popped back and caught up a bit. Your votes are damaging to town and are barely based on something. I'd appreciate if you moved it to somewhere else.

    I'd appreciate if @Laurentus weren't so passive and helped me out here, because even though you aren't scumreading Batma n you shouldn't be willing to let a doctor lynch happen like you are, which is honestly just pinging me off real hard at this point. You're an experienced player and just sitting out of the action is really really really annoying.

    I'd appreciate if @funnier6 helped me here too since he knows this is as town as my meta gets. @Minish too, although I think she isn't around.

    As for @Barnes and @Red Mones, I know we had a somewhat rough start, but I'd appreciate another gesture of trust here. There are other ways to prove for sure whether or not I'm telling the truth, but these opportunities will never come if I get lynched right here right now.

    Anyway, that's probably my last post for today.
    I appreciate it and hopefully won't be dead once I wake up. xoxo
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  • I should probably claim all details of my role actually.

    My character is Party Escort Bot, and my role name is called Bodyguard.
    Despite the name it acts as a doctor role. I can target a player and I can stop their kill, and I will survive absorbing the damage up to three times (the first two it's basically a doctor block and the third one I die in their place). As I said before I can also self target (self targeting after sponging the first two hits is kinda useless, but still), which means that if I always self targeted scum would have to try to kill me three times during the night to get rid of me, which makes me basically guaranteed to be at the late game if town trusts me, which helps figuring out who's wolf a lot.

    When I claimed it to be a 3-shot I might've worded it a bit poorly, since just by using it the "shot" isn't consumed. It's basically 3-successful shots. This means I can keep it using as the game goes on until I block at least 3 kills.

    My role has the effects Disc Inserted, and Orange Hyperspeed Gel. The former gives me access to a double vote and the latter allows me to target two players in a night, but I might bump into one of them (not sure what this does, but seems harmless).

    And that's it for the full claim. Not much I can do now.
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  • I feel like that's way too specific to be fabricated. Ex is confirmed town in my mind.
    4 people like this post: Barnes, Red Mones, Batma n, Imaginative Kane
    Jarl Aragonn
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  • A few Minor updates here:

    Please DO NOT discuss the game with anyone outside of this thread unless you are in an approved, host created area. Yes, it's tempting, but please no. This has now been explicitly stated in the rules to avoid further confusion. That was my bad for only generally making note of it before.

    *pops head in*

    Hi. I assume this may have been directed at me since I was discussing the game on discord though only the aspects of it that pertained to the fact that I literally had to leave this thread for a while because this game made me cry.

    I suspect this stunning revelation will be met with attempts to have me stop playing which I won't do.

    Now you may be asking why are you even bringing this up at all? Good question.

    I'm overly honest.
    Noting this is important for me to continue playing the game for my own psyche.

    Or maybe I'm a turret trying to get sympathy *shrugs*  >:D

    But yeah actually definitely not the last one. Anyways sorry for violating this rule won't happen again.

    Back to the game.

    *eats popcorn*

    Watching the psychological analysis of every single little detail everyone posts is good fun. I can't wait to see this post analyzed

    I gather being snarky and passive aggressive is the key to winning this game since all the experienced members are being snarky as hell about every little thing.

    I also gather complaining about the game set up and its mechanics is a pro move.

    Now to my psychological analysis.

    To everyone complaining about this game and it's mechanics why join a portal themed game that was clearly going to heavily involve mechanic based gameplay only to NEVER use said mechanics and rather just complain they exist. That's rather anti fun isn't it?

    I also count about 7 people being excessively defensive in the last 18 pages why only call out one?

    I count many people who jumped on and off the Ex bandwagon for identical reasons why only call out one?

    If I were a turret. Which I'm definitely not (wink) I would literally just lurk and let the cores kill themselves they seem highly adept at self destructing over the silliest little things.

    K. Have fun psychologically analyzing this  :D love you all.

    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
    I want you to fall hardest of all saying my name or nothing at all.
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • I feel like that's way too specific to be fabricated. Ex is confirmed town in my mind.
    Funnier, Aragonn basically summed up what I couldn't before.
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  • Can we get another vote count before eod?
    Jarl Aragonn
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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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  • why join a portal themed game that was clearly going to heavily involve mechanic based gameplay only to NEVER use said mechanics and rather just complain they exist.
    Because we just want to play Werewolf, and not everyone understands Portal. The Portal element just gives it a theme for writing purposes, which I like.
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  • I'm super exhausted and don't have energy left for today and will try to rest a bit
    I won't be around when Day ends, and my vote will stay on Batma n

    I already claimed my role, and, as I said, it's a really strong role for town that I'd like to be given a chance to prove its worth.

    I'd appreciate if @Excalibur @El Fiji Grande @Dawcreek popped back and caught up a bit. Your votes are damaging to town and are barely based on something. I'd appreciate if you moved it to somewhere else.
    Of course you'd prefer it if we moved our votes somewhere else. You can't win if you're dead right?

    However, after reading the posts up until now, and especially with your role claim, I feel that the evidence you've presented is far too specific to be made-up. My initial vote was based off of your aggression towards Aragonn, but I feel that now that is not enough to go off of. In that case, I will switch my vote to Hapi. All of the stuff they've said so far seems to be further meant to obfuscate towners. In my mind, a town person wouldn't try to harm their own side like this.
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  • I meant to say:

    Vote: Hapi Ever After
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  • True, but  choosing to just not vote, especially in a game that requires a minimum of 2 posts per day to ensure that you're a part of it, is incredibly suspicious.  It'd be one thing if you accidentally missed a day, but when you're required to post to ensure activity, it just comes off as odd that you wouldn't vote just to avoid using your "No Lynch" vote.
    That doesn't really make sense to me though with the rules as written by Ruguo. How is not voting to avoid using your NL vote any more odd than voting random to save your NL vote? Both are "I'm voting for nothing for to save my NL vote".
    Also taulover gives a pretty explanation.

    lmfao where's funnier and min, they're gonna laugh

    I'm not experienced tho, I started playing last year which is not much considering quite a few players I met have been playing for like six years or more under their belt

    and I'm a magnet of attention because I'm noisy and annoying and hyperactive and lack common sense, it's not really alignment related
    You may not be experienced relative to all players across the interwebs, but you're experienced relative to us. I'd chalk it up to not knowing how the other plays though.

    @funnier6, you can put the entire quote in a spoiler.
    That doesnt have anything to do with what I asked?
    Oh, my bad. What did you want to know?

    Oh, and @Wintermoot, could you perhaps tell Funnier how to disable the emails? I don't have this problem.
    @funnier6 go to Profile (click on your username at the top right of the screen>options>notifications>uncheck "email"

    Red Mones is one that sticks out to me (Dawcreek being the other). His initial vote said that Ex was pushing way too hard against Aragonn, which I didn't really se.e. Ex didn't seem like he was pushing him all too much to me.
    Eh, you're right, it's just that we're not so aggressive here in Wintreath. It just stuck out to me.

    But it's this quote that stands out. From the way Red is talking he seems like he's a somewhat experienced player. The fact that he jumped on Ex so easily when the wagon started gaining traction, then jumped off just as easy when the wagon started getting criticism doesn't look good.
    I assure you, I'm not that experienced. :P

    But most importantly, he emphasizes that Aragonn is playing normally and that it should have no bearing on Ex's reasoning. The thing is though is that Ex, myself, funnier, and any new player here doesn't know that this is Aragonn playing normally.
    Right, part of the reason I removed my vote from them.

    And to say it should have no bearing on Ex's reasoning looks a bit suspicious. Anything can have bearing on someone's reasoning even if it's typical for them. You look for scummy behavior and you poke it. But we have no real reason to trust Red when he says this is normal for Aragonn, since they could easily be scumbuds.
    True, but I think other Wintreans can attest to that.

    The fact that he seemed to be telling Ex how he should read Aragonn doesn't sit well with me. And in a game this big, with so many new players it would be a bit more easy to openly 'powerwolf' (taking control and leading the thread as scum).
    [/quote]I told him I hoped he would re-think based on new information I had given, just as I reconsidered my vote against him. You said I shouldn't have voted for Ex because he wouldn't know how Aragonn played, but the same applies to Ex. Surely he should've realized he didn't know how Aragonn played, and shouldn't gone after hm? Neither of us considered this until later. We both removed our voted once it was pointed out.

    Also is Laur off to you or is it just me?
    @Laurentus is surprisingly laid back. @Doc is also surprisingly inactive.

    Could you help me out here on this one?

    I suspect this stunning revelation will be met with attempts to have me stop playing which I won't do.

    Now you may be asking why are you even bringing this up at all? Good question.

    I'm overly honest.
    Noting this is important for me to continue playing the game for my own psyche.
    Noooooo, you shall not leave. It maight be hard sometimes but it is never personal. Can't stress that enough. I've definitely been affected by WW games here before, but once you get back to general chat you quickly realize it was just a game, and everything's back to normal.
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    Red Mones
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  • taulover gives a pretty GOOD explanation. :P
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  • Small correction:

    The fact that he seemed to be telling Ex how he should read Aragonn doesn't sit well with me. And in a game this big, with so many new players it would be a bit more easy to openly 'powerwolf' (taking control and leading the thread as scum).
    I told him I hoped he would re-think based on new information I had given, just as I reconsidered my vote against him. You said I shouldn't have voted for Ex because he wouldn't know how Aragonn played, but the same applies to Ex. Surely he should've realized he didn't know how Aragonn played, and shouldn't gone after hm? Neither of us considered this until later. We both removed our voted once it was pointed out.
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  • (I had messed up the quote)
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  • Ngl the last game of Werewolf really got to me as Laurentus was pushing so hard to get me lynched. I think he learned his lesson. :P
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