Post #146688
April 23, 2020, 10:31:34 PM
Hello! I have come up with an idea for a game that would be fun on Forums. It is basically a forums version of the reality TV Show Survivor. Here are the rules. A group of people (Probably going to cap it at 20 so it doesn't take too long.) will be part of a game that involves strategy and quick minigames. The contestants will be split into two tribes/teams. The tribes will compete in a challenge/minigame each round. The losing tribe will have to go to Tribal Council where they will vote someone out, eliminating them from the game. You vote by PMing me who you want to vote for. The person with the most votes is eliminated from the game. It is up to you to try to create alliances or voting blocks to try to get the votes on your side. You will be given time each round to strategize with your tribemates, but you can only talk to people on your tribe. Eventually, the two tribes will merge into one tribe, and the challenges will become individual challenges, so only one person can win. Once the merge happens, the only person who cannot get voted for is the person that won the challenge in that round. If you get voted out anytime after the merge, you become part of the jury. When there are only 3 people left in the game, the members of the jury will vote for who they want to win the game. To assist their decision, they can ask one question to each of the finalists, and the finalists will each make a speech as to why they deserve to win. There is one more mechanic, the hidden immunity idol. You can play the idol at tribal while you are telling me your vote, and this means that all votes for you are nullified. You can choose whenever you want to play your idol, but it can't be played after the Final 5. At the start of the game, there are two idols, one for each tribe. You can "search for an idol" by PMing me that you want to look for an idol. Then, there are four different outcomes, decided randomly. Outcome 1: You find the idol and nobody is suspicious of you. This means that you gain the idol with no consequences. Outcome 2: You find the idol but get caught looking. This means that you gain the idol, but everybody on your tribe will be told that you were looking for the idol. Outcome 3: You don't find the idol, but nobody is suspicious of you. This means that you don't gain the idol, but nobody is told that you are looking. Outcome 4: You don't find the idol, and people are suspicious of you. This means that you don't find the idol, and everyone on your tribe is told that you were looking for the idol. You can only search for an idol in the first 24 hours of each round. Those are the rules.
If you have any questions about the rules,you can ask, and if you have any ideas for fun minigames/challenges (tribal or individual), just say them.
I will be allowing 20 people to sign up.
1. Gerrick
2. Pengu
3. Ruguo
4. Vroendal
5. Red Mones
6. Wintermoot
7. Madkeys
The starting date is undetermined as of now.
Hope everybody enjoys this.
(Wow, didn't expect that to take an hour)
Edit: Forgot to mention, if you find a hidden immunity idol, you can PM me to tell people that you have the idol. You can ask me to tell only one person or everyone on the tribe. This can be a good way to gain trust, but it also puts a target on you if the person you show the idol to isn't loyal to you.
Also, here is a schedule of each round.
First 24hrs. is Discussion Phase. Next 24hrs. is Immunity Challenge Last 24hrs. and leftover time from Challenge is Discussion Phase (But all discussions must be posted in the tribe group so everybody can see) and Tribal Council