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The Monarch's Seventh Ice Cream Social
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  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • The Monarch's Seventh Ice Cream Social

    Greetings to everyone running for Underhusen, everyone watching them, and everyone considering voting for them! I originally started this event because there hadn't been a steak fry for some time, and since then I've just kept doing it each election. And who wouldn't want to come to the Castle and enjoy some delicious ice cream, anyways? :D

    This is an opportunity for candidate to talk about themselves, their ideas and opinions on the issues, and explain why they're running and why you should vote for them...while having unlimited amounts of free ice cream. So let's get this thing started!

    1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen?

    2. Are you currently involved with any other regions? If so, how so?

    3. What's your favourite memory of Wintreath so far?

    4. What part of the region are you most involved in at the moment?

    5. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why?

    6. What do you believe you bring to the table as a potential member of the next Underhusen?

    7. What do you believe is our region's biggest strength at the moment, and how would you capitalize on it?

    8. What do you believe is our region's biggest weakness at the moment, and how would you fix it if you could?

    9. What does Wintreath as a region and as a community mean to you?

    10. If you could change one thing about Wintreath, what would it be?

    11. Throughout the last few years, there has been talk on and off about the activity and the relevance of the Storting, which the Underhusen is a part of, with some calling for the legislature to be reformed or done away with entirely. What are your thoughts on this? (I'm keeping this question from the last Ice Cream Social cause it features in some campaigns).

    12. This is the first Underhusen election since the Reconciliation. How do you feel the region as a whole has changed due to the Schism and Reconciliation? Do you believe the Underhusen has a role to play in continuing to bring the region back together?

    13. We have also had the pleasure of having figures from the region's past return, and I don't think there's ever been such a diverse mix of newcomers and veterans in the region's history. What would be the perfect mix-up (numbers-wise) of newcomers and veterans in the Underhusen to you and why?

    14. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address?

    15. Finally, what is your favourite flavour of ice cream? :)

    16. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favourite ice cream topping? :)
    1 person likes this post: taulover

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    Ogun of Valeria
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  • 1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen?
    Hi, i'm ogunbiyi6422, I am a member of the Underhusen, an ambassador, and love to discuss about things like politics and science fiction and CAH. I've been in Wintreath for a while, but I'm getting much more involved than ever. I am particularly friendly, don't hesitate to reach out, especially if you have the same interests as me. I am running for Underhusen to bring more ideas, discussed further in my campaign: Even if I don't get elected to the Underhusen, I just mainly want to stay active and meet more people.

    2. Are you currently involved with any other regions? If so, how so?
    No, Wintreath for life
    ... I am the ambassador to India, and I do occasionally talk to them, though they're not the most active...

    3. What's your favourite memory of Wintreath so far?
    I guess my new favorite memory of Wintreath was the recent CAH game on Discord, it was really fun.

    4. What part of the region are you most involved in at the moment?
    The Underhusen, diplomacy, and Roleplay academy

    5. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why?
    I always say Katie and Wintermoot, Katie was the first person that I felt actually got me interested in involvment with government and Wintreath, I had been a member for 3 years but didn't start activity till the beginning of last year. And Wintermoot is always friendly and encouraging as a monarch.

    6. What do you believe you bring to the table as a potential member of the next Underhusen?
    I bring mostly a mix of incumbency in Underhusen but still relatively new in the government. I always listen to advice and it would be great in the mix of old-timers that can help with good ideas that I can either support or challenge.

    7. What do you believe is our region's biggest strength at the moment, and how would you capitalize on it?
    Our ability to attract new members and have many diverse interests and topics that fit great together. I think just continuing to update what Wintreath is bringing and listening to our citizens for some new ideas is the best way to continue that.

    8. What do you believe is our region's biggest weakness at the moment, and how would you fix it if you could?
    I think our weakness may be how we have a lot of citizens, many of whom are active, but others are not active and that is one of the main ideas of my campaign and discussed in my campaign: :D Basically, we need to attract citizens, who are often on the NS forum, to come here, by basically saying that what you do there you can do here! or on the discord.

    9. What does Wintreath as a region and as a community mean to you?
    Wintreath is a region and community where people of all walks of life, with completely opposite interests, can come together under one message and learn and make friends. I think Wintreath is great in that you can almost never feel like an outsider and it makes me feel inclusive.

    10. If you could change one thing about Wintreath, what would it be?
    I don't think I would change it, its doing very well. Maybe prevent what happened in November from reoccurring by promoting more kind exchanges and as I said again, increasing activity of the citizenry in our government.

    11. Throughout the last few years, there has been talk on and off about the activity and the relevance of the Storting, which the Underhusen is a part of, with some calling for the legislature to be reformed or done away with entirely. What are your thoughts on this? (I'm keeping this question from the last Ice Cream Social cause it features in some campaigns).
    I discussed this in my upcoming Orendi piece :) :). I think that this was a big problem in December in which we barely had the cutoff for the Underhusen term. I think that with the arrival of newcomers who are interested and old timers have increased activity so we can still hold of on this. Reform maybe increasing the size of the Underhusen or revitalizing the Judicial branch??? We would need citizen approval and advice from this.

    12. This is the first Underhusen election since the Reconciliation. How do you feel the region as a whole has changed due to the Schism and Reconciliation? Do you believe the Underhusen has a role to play in continuing to bring the region back together?
    I was not involved at all with the reconciliation, but I did review the incident and I know that Wintreath was shook by the events. It was sad to see devoted members of our region split up by some selfish trolls and it hurt long friendships. I think the region has strived to prevent this from happening by making us closer, with the addition a day to honor this event. As the Underhusen, we must make sure that things like this do not happen again, promote good friendship and civil debate, and encourage initatives that promote bonding.

    13. We have also had the pleasure of having figures from the region's past return, and I don't think there's ever been such a diverse mix of newcomers and veterans in the region's history. What would be the perfect mix-up (numbers-wise) of newcomers and veterans in the Underhusen to you and why?
    I think there may need to be another office of the government that serves as advisors teaching newcomers the nitty and gritty of Wintrean government. Anyway, there should be an easy mix of newcomers and enough advisors.

    14. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address?
    - citizenship involvement
    - old timers and newcomer mix of Underhusen.
    - forums...

    15. Finally, what is your favourite flavour of ice cream? :)
    strawberry-chocolate  :)

    16. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favourite ice cream topping? :)
    chocolate chips :)

    Thanks :wave:

    Wintreath citizen since July 1, 2017
    Skrifa of the Underhusen (December 2019-)
    Ambassador to India (March 2020-)
    Former Ambassador to Aerium (February-March 2020)
    4 people like this post: Red Mones, Wintermoot, Laurentus, taulover
    Potato Pope of Wintreath from September 9, 2020-December 2020 (stepped down and pledges support to true pope)
    Citizen of Wintreath from July 1, 2017-present
    Bishop of the Cathedral of the Holy Tuber from August 15, 2020-September 9, 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of June: July 7, 2020
    WA Vice Delegate of Wintreath from April 13, 2020-June 4, 2020
    WA Delegate of Wintreath from June 4, 2020-present
    Thane of World Assembly/Regional Affairs from June 9, 2020- present
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen from December 8, 2019-February 8, 2020
    Skrifa of the 38th Underhusen from February 8, 2020-April 8, 2020
    Skrifa of the 41st Underhusen from August 8, 2020-October 9, 2020
    Skrifa of the 42nd Underhusen from October 9, 2020-December 8, 2020
    Speaker pro-tempore of the 41st Underhusen from August 18, 2020-September 13, 2020
    Acting Speaker of the Underhusen of the 41st Underhusen from September 13, 2020-October 9, 2020
    Ambassador to The East Pacific from January 27, 2020-present
    Ambassador to Aerium from February 2, 2020-March 24, 2020
    Ambassador to India from March 24, 2020-present
    Ambassador to Sonindia from June 2, 2020-present
    Member of the House of Emoticonious from June 5, 2020-July 18, 2020
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  • 1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen?

    Hi howdy neighbors. The names Hapi, I'm relatively new and got nominated. My platform at this point mainly revolves around new member relations and interaction. Helping new members get involved and keeping them happily in Wintreath.

    2. Are you currently involved with any other regions? If so, how so?


    3. What's your favourite memory of Wintreath so far?

    Just the debates and discussions I've had with diffrent people on the discord. Especially Lau and Pengu  :D

    4. What part of the region are you most involved in at the moment?

    Discord? I post a lot in the video game section too.

    5. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why?

    Lau reminds me most of myself.

    6. What do you believe you bring to the table as a potential member of the next Underhusen?

    Opinions, a fresh point of view, and a strong desire to help new members and learn region politics.

    7. What do you believe is our region's biggest strength at the moment, and how would you capitalize on it?

    Community. From the time I joined the discord til now I've often felt very welcome and never felt like I wasn't fitting in. I know there was some stuff before I arrived but y'all remind me of a family honestly and I feel comfortable here.

    8. What do you believe is our region's biggest weakness at the moment, and how would you fix it if you could?

    New member integration. As much as I felt comfortable around you guys, I never felt like I was given much instruction on regional politics or how to get involved around here. Mainly I just brute forced it. I'd like to bring in a mentorship program or make the Assembly easier to access for new members. I'd also like to guide new members to other ways of getting involved based on their interests. For instance if they like roleplaying I'd like part of the mentoring to include helping them get involved in roleplaying through the ARTS program and other opportunities.

    9. What does Wintreath as a region and as a community mean to you?

    It's the first region in my many years of NS that I ever actually became involved in. I truly enjoy being around many of you here. To many to list here.

    10. If you could change one thing about Wintreath, what would it be?

    I keep harping this point but...Helping new members get involved.

    11. Throughout the last few years, there has been talk on and off about the activity and the relevance of the Storting, which the Underhusen is a part of, with some calling for the legislature to be reformed or done away with entirely. What are your thoughts on this? (I'm keeping this question from the last Ice Cream Social cause it features in some campaigns).

    I have not been around long enough to say. I do however support Pengu and his open assembly plan.

    12. This is the first Underhusen election since the Reconciliation. How do you feel the region as a whole has changed due to the Schism and Reconciliation? Do you believe the Underhusen has a role to play in continuing to bring the region back together?

    I have limited knowledge here. However I think a strong active UH with members who really care and want to make changes is important and I implore you to keep that in mind when you vote.

    13. We have also had the pleasure of having figures from the region's past return, and I don't think there's ever been such a diverse mix of newcomers and veterans in the region's history. What would be the perfect mix-up (numbers-wise) of newcomers and veterans in the Underhusen to you and why?

    I don't think new vs old should matter as much as who you believe in.

    14. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address?

    Aside from the constant overarching theme of my candidacy? I just implore the other candidates to remember what I've said here if I'm not there to encourage change for integrating new members.

    15. Finally, what is your favourite flavour of ice cream? :)

    Cookie dough

    16. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favourite ice cream topping? :)

    Umm Cookie dough?
    2 people like this post: Ogun of Valeria, taulover
    « Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 09:36:41 PM by Hapi Ever After »
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