Post #145094
March 07, 2020, 07:10:43 AM
Now there is another way to prove 1=2 that does use Calculus:
Let's say you want to find the derivative (with respect to x) of x^2. Any Calc 1 student should know that the derivative of this is 2x.
But I want to find the derivative of x^2 another way. Since the derivative of a sum is equal to the sum of the derivatives of each term, you can split x^2 into x*x, which is x+x+x+x+...+x, with x number of x's. This should have the same derivative as x^2.
The derivative of x+x+x+...+x, with x number of x's is 1+1+1+...+1, with x number of ones. This is 1*x, which is just x.
This means that the derivative of x^2 is both 2x and x at the same time. Therefore, 2x=x and so 2=1.
Nothing was divided by 0 this time.