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Recognition of the Events of February 22-23
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  • LOL, well, in that case, how about Day of Reunion? Gets to the point just as quickly, and doesn't sound as big.

    "Rekindling" and other symbolic stuff sounds just as pompous.

    Well fair enough, why not Day of Unity then? It's already been suggested.
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

    Discord: Katie#3933

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  • I actually liked that one, but Mathyland brought up a good point about it.
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  • I actually liked that one, but Mathyland brought up a good point about it.

    Ooof that is a good point. Okay, I can settle with Day of Reunion
    1 person likes this post: Michi
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

    Discord: Katie#3933

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  • If we're married to the holiday being a 'day of', maybe 'Day of Accord' then?

    Still like Unity Day though.
    1 person likes this post: Gerrick
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  • One point I might bring up is that everyone seems to already be calling the events the Reconciliation or similar. In which case the most sensible thing to do might be to make set the name to describe the word people are already using to call it, rather than trying to prescribe something else like Unity or Rekindling.
    2 people like this post: Katie, Laurentus
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  • Just to allow more discussion on this I have hereby proposed the following text of a bill:

    1. This act is to be cited as the Establishment of the Days of Reunion and Reconciliation Act.

    2. The Storting, wishing to commemorate the days of the Twenty-Second of February and Twenty-Third of February of the Year Two-Thousand-Twenty on which the November Crisis and February Crisis were finally closed and the restoration of the realm and the community within began, hereby puts forth this act so that we may remember what happened and to seek to avoid such crises and division in the future.

    3. A new section, numbered Section Four, is hereby added to the Wintrean Holidays Act which reads as follows:
    4.  "Day of Reconciliation" is on the Twenty-Second (22) Day of February to remember the date on which the Reconciliation and Reunion Began.

    4. A new Section, numbered Section Five, is hereby added to the Wintrean Holidays Act which reads as follows:
    5. "Day of Reunion" is on the Twenty-Third (23) Day of February to remember the date on which the Reunion of the Community began after the start of the Reconciliation.

    5. All subsequent sections are renumbered as appropriate.
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, taulover
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I'd like to respond to some comments by Excalibur in the Underhusen forum. Although I have standing invitation to speak, I generally only prefer to use it for Librarian-related matters (archival edits/notes, comments on procedure, etc.), whereas most of this is my own thoughts.

    Would also like to draw the attention of the Underhusen to the discussion being had in this thread, so will do a mention now:
    @Chanku @Mathyland @Katie @ogunbiyi6422 @Dani

    With all due respect, Chanku, I feel that we do not need to establish two holidays, when one stretching over two days would suffice. You call one the "Day of Reconciliation" and the other, the "Day of Reunion", when, in my mind, these two events happened near-simultaneously due to the fact that people experienced both events on an individual level. I would not be opposed to adding the statement into the proposed bill, but I feel that trying to separate out the events of two emotionally-charged days into clearly defined holidays is unwise.
    I would agree that having two holidays seems rather strange. Stretching out the holiday to two days may make more sense, though a single holiday would be more conventional.

    Additionally, your bill references the "November Crisis" and the "February Crisis", both of which are not used in any official government dispatches, except colloquially among government personnel. In the future, this could conceivably cause confusion to anyone going through the archives, given the fact that this will be the first government statement to even mention what happened over those months except the Regional Truth Commission, and even their mission was only related to the November Crisis upon establishment, and no further comments have been made by them about the February Crisis, aside from the decoding of transcripts taken from the regional Discord.
    To me, this seems like a reason to expound further on the reasoning for this holiday. A declaration of the holiday without context would only serve to increase the confusion even more.

    I absolutely think that, much as with Commendations and Paragon acts, we should follow/establish precedent for justifying the declaration of new holidays in a significant manner.

    I would also like to mention that we as the Underhusen are trying to represent the citizens through our work. Based on my communication with citizens on the Citizen's Platform, and through what I read in the discussion thread, that the Day of Rekindling has been more well received there, and among the Skrifa that have weighed in here.
    I am not seeing this here, or on the Discord channel. It appears that the community is somewhat divided on all the various naming options, though I will note that Reconciliation and similar names appear to be the one that has entered common usage, and also the one that seems most popular with those who were actually involved with the events in question.

    Finally, as a side note, due to the fact that no one has seconded my motion to extend the debate, this bill has been in limbo as of three days ago.
    A motion only needs to be made and passed five days after the initial proposal of the debate. This bill has not been in limbo; it was still in the initial discussion period until less than an hour ago (if "day" is to be defined in terms of 24 hours, which is up to the discretion of the Speaker).
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, Laurentus
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  • Considering the extentsion of dicsussion here, I set forth the two days, instead of stretching it over two days, because they cover two events that didn't entirely happen at once, and allow both decent names to be used. The Reconciliation occurred when Laurentus entered into the Discord and began the process that lead to those that departed during the November Crisis to return, and to resolve the February Crisis. Further, while they are NOT in any official dispatch, they are what our community generally refers to it as, and are generally descriptive enough for people who were around to answer any questions about it, as everyone knows what those two names refer to.

    I absolutely refuse to accept Rekindling because it forces a term not used by anyone but one person for this holiday and not the actual events, as stated before, the more neutral and common descriptors of what happened should win out over any fancy names that are divisive.
    2 people like this post: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆, Laurentus
    « Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 10:57:11 PM by Chanku »
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Additionally, your bill references the "November Crisis" and the "February Crisis", both of which are not used in any official government dispatches, except colloquially among government personnel. In the future, this could conceivably cause confusion to anyone going through the archives, given the fact that this will be the first government statement to even mention what happened over those months except the Regional Truth Commission, and even their mission was only related to the November Crisis upon establishment, and no further comments have been made by them about the February Crisis, aside from the decoding of transcripts taken from the regional Discord.
    To me, this seems like a reason to expound further on the reasoning for this holiday. A declaration of the holiday without context would only serve to increase the confusion even more.

    I absolutely think that, much as with Commendations and Paragon acts, we should follow/establish precedent for justifying the declaration of new holidays in a significant manner.
    As mentioned in Discord, you seem to have omitted the part in the above statement where I said I would agree to adding Chanku's statement as to why we created these holidays. In addition, I did follow established precedent established by Wufuu in the Wintrean Holidays Act where a short description was given after each holiday to say why they were being commemorated. In this case:
    It recognizes the events that lasted over those days, and how the Wintrean community was brought together once more as a result.
    This is the precedent you mentioned in your above statement, therefore I have followed all previous acts in establishing holidays.
    Quote from: taulover
    I would also like to mention that we as the Underhusen are trying to represent the citizens through our work. Based on my communication with citizens on the Citizen's Platform, and through what I read in the discussion thread, that the Day of Rekindling has been more well received there, and among the Skrifa that have weighed in here.
    I am not seeing this here, or on the Discord channel. It appears that the community is somewhat divided on all the various naming options, though I will note that Reconciliation and similar names appear to be the one that has entered common usage, and also the one that seems most popular with those who were actually involved with the events in question.
    The community is divided, but from those that I have talked to, they have said the "Day of Rekindling" is preferable to the "Day of Reconciliation". In addition, I talked to at least Katie in the Discord, which you seem to have passed over in your reviewal of my activities both here and on the Discord.
    Quote from: taulover
    Finally, as a side note, due to the fact that no one has seconded my motion to extend the debate, this bill has been in limbo as of three days ago.
    A motion only needs to be made and passed five days after the initial proposal of the debate. This bill has not been in limbo; it was still in the initial discussion period until less than an hour ago (if "day" is to be defined in terms of 24 hours, which is up to the discretion of the Speaker).
    I say "in limbo" as in "we have done nothing but discuss it". I have been the only one to do make any motions, including the one that would extend the mandatory discussion period. This comment was meant only to draw attention to the fact, not as a point of a contention as you have taken it.
    Considering the extentsion of dicsussion here, I set forth the two days, instead of stretching it over two days, because they cover two events that didn't entirely happen at once, and allow both decent names to be used. The Reconciliation occurred when Laurentus entered into the Discord and began the process that lead to those that departed during the November Crisis to return, and to resolve the February Crisis. Further, while they are NOT in any official dispatch, they are what our community generally refers to it as, and are generally descriptive enough for people who were around to answer any questions about it, as everyone knows what those two names refer to.
    I will agree that they are common descriptors, but I still feel that two holidays are unnecessary.
    Quote from: chanku
    I absolutely refuse to accept Rekindling because it forces a term not used by anyone but one person for this holiday and not the actual events, as stated before, the more neutral and common descriptors of what happened should win out over any fancy names that are divisive.
    So Katie, ogunbiyi6422, and I are all one person? Interesting . . .

    However, I would accept returning the name back to what I had originally written.
    2 people like this post: Laurentus, taulover
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  • Additionally, your bill references the "November Crisis" and the "February Crisis", both of which are not used in any official government dispatches, except colloquially among government personnel. In the future, this could conceivably cause confusion to anyone going through the archives, given the fact that this will be the first government statement to even mention what happened over those months except the Regional Truth Commission, and even their mission was only related to the November Crisis upon establishment, and no further comments have been made by them about the February Crisis, aside from the decoding of transcripts taken from the regional Discord.
    To me, this seems like a reason to expound further on the reasoning for this holiday. A declaration of the holiday without context would only serve to increase the confusion even more.

    I absolutely think that, much as with Commendations and Paragon acts, we should follow/establish precedent for justifying the declaration of new holidays in a significant manner.
    As mentioned in Discord, you seem to have omitted the part in the above statement where I said I would agree to adding Chanku's statement as to why we created these holidays.
    Also continuing our conversation on Discord, I thought I had copied over everything in the quote. Either that part of the statement was edited in later, or I accidentally deleted it, in which case I must apologize. My opinion remains the same regardless.

    In addition, I did follow established precedent established by Wufuu in the Wintrean Holidays Act where a short description was given after each holiday to say why they were being commemorated. In this case:
    It recognizes the events that lasted over those days, and how the Wintrean community was brought together once more as a result.
    This is the precedent you mentioned in your above statement, therefore I have followed all previous acts in establishing holidays.
    (Just as an aside, the act is not by Wuufu. Wuufu posted the voting thread in the OH, but that is only because he is Chairman so it is his job to do so once the bill has passed the UH. As we discussed earlier, the bill originated in the UH (though really, anyone could write a draft bill and have it be introduced to the UH by a Skrifa), and in this case, it was originally written by Chanku and later re-proposed by Katie.)

    What I meant by establish precedent was that I think it would be a good idea to have a longer explanation to set precedent for future holiday establishment acts.

    Quote from: taulover
    I would also like to mention that we as the Underhusen are trying to represent the citizens through our work. Based on my communication with citizens on the Citizen's Platform, and through what I read in the discussion thread, that the Day of Rekindling has been more well received there, and among the Skrifa that have weighed in here.
    I am not seeing this here, or on the Discord channel. It appears that the community is somewhat divided on all the various naming options, though I will note that Reconciliation and similar names appear to be the one that has entered common usage, and also the one that seems most popular with those who were actually involved with the events in question.
    The community is divided, but from those that I have talked to, they have said the "Day of Rekindling" is preferable to the "Day of Reconciliation". In addition, I talked to at least Katie in the Discord, which you seem to have passed over in your reviewal of my activities both here and on the Discord.
    I didn't pass over anything? It's not like I was conducting a thorough review of your activity specifically... but regardless, I also talked to Katie on the Discord server, and told her that I liked the name.

    What I'm saying is that the public discussion does not suggest to me that Day of Rekindling is more well received though. People are still proposing various alternative names, while the Reconciliation seems to continue to be the most-used term to describe the event.

    I think it is also important to recognize that more weight should be given to the people directly involved, because such a recognized holiday holds greater significance to them compared to other members of the community. I personally like Day of Rekindling, but some of the most impacted individuals seem to not like it, which holds greater importance.

    Quote from: taulover
    Finally, as a side note, due to the fact that no one has seconded my motion to extend the debate, this bill has been in limbo as of three days ago.
    A motion only needs to be made and passed five days after the initial proposal of the debate. This bill has not been in limbo; it was still in the initial discussion period until less than an hour ago (if "day" is to be defined in terms of 24 hours, which is up to the discretion of the Speaker).
    I say "in limbo" as in "we have done nothing but discuss it". I have been the only one to do make any motions, including the one that would extend the mandatory discussion period. This comment was meant only to draw attention to the fact, not as a point of a contention as you have taken it.
    I'm confused as to why you would move to extend debate by 48 hours at a time when the debate period still had more than 48 hours left in it. Since seconding that motion wouldn't do anything... (Granted, I also didn't catch that when you did that [I liked your post, apparently], for which I apologize.)

    "In limbo" is an odd choice of phrasing, since the discussion period is the liveliest and most important period of the a bill's creation process, since that's when changes are being proposed, discussed, and made. These two things combined led to our misunderstanding, I think.
    1 person likes this post: Laurentus
    « Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 01:06:13 AM by taulover »
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  • I only agreed on Day of the Rekindling because I just joined the bandwagon and thought that the rest of the skrifas thought that. Refer to the earlier debate, in which I actually wanted the Day of Truth and Reconciliation or Truth and Reconciliation Day because I felt that was a better way of showing both of the events that happened. With the first day being the Day of Truth and the second being the Day of Reconciliation.
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  • Additionally, your bill references the "November Crisis" and the "February Crisis", both of which are not used in any official government dispatches, except colloquially among government personnel. In the future, this could conceivably cause confusion to anyone going through the archives, given the fact that this will be the first government statement to even mention what happened over those months except the Regional Truth Commission, and even their mission was only related to the November Crisis upon establishment, and no further comments have been made by them about the February Crisis, aside from the decoding of transcripts taken from the regional Discord.
    To me, this seems like a reason to expound further on the reasoning for this holiday. A declaration of the holiday without context would only serve to increase the confusion even more.

    I absolutely think that, much as with Commendations and Paragon acts, we should follow/establish precedent for justifying the declaration of new holidays in a significant manner.
    As mentioned in Discord, you seem to have omitted the part in the above statement where I said I would agree to adding Chanku's statement as to why we created these holidays.
    Also continuing our conversation on Discord, I thought I had copied over everything in the quote. Either that part of the statement was edited in later, or I accidentally deleted it, in which case I must apologize. My opinion remains the same regardless.
    Not a problem. I feel nonetheless that the inclusion of the statement answers your concerns about the establishment of these holidays.

    Quote from: taulover
    In addition, I did follow established precedent established by Wufuu in the Wintrean Holidays Act where a short description was given after each holiday to say why they were being commemorated. In this case:
    It recognizes the events that lasted over those days, and how the Wintrean community was brought together once more as a result.
    This is the precedent you mentioned in your above statement, therefore I have followed all previous acts in establishing holidays.
    (Just as an aside, the act is not by Wuufu. Wuufu posted the voting thread in the OH, but that is only because he is Chairman so it is his job to do so once the bill has passed the UH. As we discussed earlier, the bill originated in the UH (though really, anyone could write a draft bill and have it be introduced to the UH by a Skrifa), and in this case, it was originally written by Chanku and later re-proposed by Katie.)

    What I meant by establish precedent was that I think it would be a good idea to have a longer explanation to set precedent for future holiday establishment acts.
    (I understand it's not by Wuufu. I was at a loss for words and decided to use Wuufu because he is the Chairman and therefore posted the voting thread. I will use Storting in the future for such acts.)

    Again, the inclusion of Chanku's statement answers your concern as to establishing precedent for future holidays.

    Quote from: taulover
    Quote from: taulover
    I would also like to mention that we as the Underhusen are trying to represent the citizens through our work. Based on my communication with citizens on the Citizen's Platform, and through what I read in the discussion thread, that the Day of Rekindling has been more well received there, and among the Skrifa that have weighed in here.
    I am not seeing this here, or on the Discord channel. It appears that the community is somewhat divided on all the various naming options, though I will note that Reconciliation and similar names appear to be the one that has entered common usage, and also the one that seems most popular with those who were actually involved with the events in question.
    The community is divided, but from those that I have talked to, they have said the "Day of Rekindling" is preferable to the "Day of Reconciliation". In addition, I talked to at least Katie in the Discord, which you seem to have passed over in your reviewal of my activities both here and on the Discord.
    I didn't pass over anything? It's not like I was conducting a thorough review of your activity specifically... but regardless, I also talked to Katie on the Discord server, and told her that I liked the name.

    What I'm saying is that the public discussion does not suggest to me that Day of Rekindling is more well received though. People are still proposing various alternative names, while the Reconciliation seems to continue to be the most-used term to describe the event.

    I think it is also important to recognize that more weight should be given to the people directly involved, because such a recognized holiday holds greater significance to them compared to other members of the community. I personally like Day of Rekindling, but some of the most impacted individuals seem to not like it, which holds greater importance.
    I'd say you passed over my discussion with Katie, as when you said
    Quote from: taulover
    I am not seeing this here, or on the Discord channel.
    You are saying that I did not talk to any citizens. As I have said before, this is untrue because I have talked with Katie and others before. I am not opposed to using other names, I have said that before and I will say it again, I have planned that if the "Day of Reconciliation" has garnered enough support, then I will revert the changes I made to the original bill.

    Quote from: taulover
    Quote from: taulover
    Finally, as a side note, due to the fact that no one has seconded my motion to extend the debate, this bill has been in limbo as of three days ago.
    A motion only needs to be made and passed five days after the initial proposal of the debate. This bill has not been in limbo; it was still in the initial discussion period until less than an hour ago (if "day" is to be defined in terms of 24 hours, which is up to the discretion of the Speaker).
    I say "in limbo" as in "we have done nothing but discuss it". I have been the only one to do make any motions, including the one that would extend the mandatory discussion period. This comment was meant only to draw attention to the fact, not as a point of a contention as you have taken it.
    I'm confused as to why you would move to extend debate by 48 hours at a time when the debate period still had more than 48 hours left in it. Since seconding that motion wouldn't do anything... (Granted, I also didn't catch that when you did that [I liked your post, apparently], for which I apologize.)

    "In limbo" is an odd choice of phrasing, since the discussion period is the liveliest and most important period of the a bill's creation process, since that's when changes are being proposed, discussed, and made. These two things combined led to our misunderstanding, I think.
    Sometimes my wording can be a bit confusing. I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused.
    1 person likes this post: Laurentus
    « Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 04:45:08 PM by Excalibur »
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  • Not a problem. I feel nonetheless that the inclusion of the statement answers your concerns about the establishment of these holidays.
    Right, I'm just saying that that in many ways was more a statement of my opinion in general rather than a question/concern to be answered.

    Quote from: taulover
    Quote from: taulover
    I would also like to mention that we as the Underhusen are trying to represent the citizens through our work. Based on my communication with citizens on the Citizen's Platform, and through what I read in the discussion thread, that the Day of Rekindling has been more well received there, and among the Skrifa that have weighed in here.
    I am not seeing this here, or on the Discord channel. It appears that the community is somewhat divided on all the various naming options, though I will note that Reconciliation and similar names appear to be the one that has entered common usage, and also the one that seems most popular with those who were actually involved with the events in question.
    The community is divided, but from those that I have talked to, they have said the "Day of Rekindling" is preferable to the "Day of Reconciliation". In addition, I talked to at least Katie in the Discord, which you seem to have passed over in your reviewal of my activities both here and on the Discord.
    I didn't pass over anything? It's not like I was conducting a thorough review of your activity specifically... but regardless, I also talked to Katie on the Discord server, and told her that I liked the name.

    What I'm saying is that the public discussion does not suggest to me that Day of Rekindling is more well received though. People are still proposing various alternative names, while the Reconciliation seems to continue to be the most-used term to describe the event.

    I think it is also important to recognize that more weight should be given to the people directly involved, because such a recognized holiday holds greater significance to them compared to other members of the community. I personally like Day of Rekindling, but some of the most impacted individuals seem to not like it, which holds greater importance.
    I'd say you passed over my discussion with Katie, as when you said
    Quote from: taulover
    I am not seeing this here, or on the Discord channel.
    You are saying that I did not talk to any citizens. As I have said before, this is untrue because I have talked with Katie and others before. I am not opposed to using other names, I have said that before and I will say it again, I have planned that if the "Day of Reconciliation" has garnered enough support, then I will revert the changes I made to the original bill.
    It looks like we've fundamentally misunderstood each other here. I did not say that you did not talk to any citizens. What I meant was that based on my own reading of the relevant discussions, and my conversations, I don't think it's accurate to say that Day of Rekindling has the most widespread support.

    Apologies for using an ambiguous "if." I truly didn't even consider that my post could be misconstrued as calling your actions into question.
    3 people like this post: Katie, Excalibur, Laurentus
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  • @Chanku @Mathyland @Katie @ogunbiyi6422 @Dani

    I'm concerned that holiday consisting of 2 days is now being called a "Day", which just like, language-wise doesn't make much sense to me?
    2 people like this post: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆, Katie
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  • @Chanku @Mathyland @Katie @ogunbiyi6422 @Dani

    I'm concerned that holiday consisting of 2 days is now being called a "Day", which just like, language-wise doesn't make much sense to me?
    What would you suggest it be changed to?
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