Okay, I thought my issue with the name "Merchant" was a simple nitpick, but your whole reasoning against the whole thing is a nitpick.
Firstly, no. Having an NS nation does not contribute anything if you're not active with said nation nor are you active on the forums. I'd be more worried about someone that just continuously resurrects their nation and does nothing than I would about someone who helps pay for the site just because they want to keep citizenship. At the very least with the latter, you're helping the site stay alive, whereas again with the former it does absolutely nothing.
Secondly, saying donations are "not as much of a contribution as 5 posts on the forums each month" is an apples to oranges argument. The former, again, helps maintain the server and keep Wintreath alive. The latter helps keep the server active and keeps Wintreath thriving. They're both equally important, and if someone wants to contribute to more one side than the other, then it's equally valid.
Thirdly, if someone didn't want to donate, they're not going to. If someone wants to donate, 5 dollars isn't a lot to save up for (and they can always donate less, we're just discussing ideas for if they donate up to $5 each time, as well as rewards for donating up to certain amounts total). If they can't donate the current month, they can post 5 times or make sure their NS nation is alive, and then they can try again next month. This isn't a Patreon where they HAVE to set up recurring payments each month (although it IS an option, it's not required). The rewards being discussed aren't something for consecutive cycles, but just total. For example, those who are at the 75-100+ dollar total currently would be made Cardinals if the Donator titles were approved...even if they haven't made any donations recently.
If you want to donate, great. If you don't want to or are currently unable to, that's okay because forum/discord posting and activity is equally important.
First off, you really shouldn't dismiss someone's concerns as 'nitpicking' just because you disagree with them.
Secondly, I would point out that all of our new people come through NationStates, for which having a Nation is definitely more important, in my opinon. It increases the number of nations in our region both making us more visible on a NationStates wide-basis and also increasing the amount of people that are shown when people are considering or community, which has a net positive effect in that it shows potentially new people -- with almost no other metric to go by in regards to what a 'good region' is -- that there is at least some reason to join the region and that the region isn't entirely dead. Even if they don't actively participate, they still help us on NationStates.
Next, you misread my point entirely. There are some people that can not donate, when I first joined this region I was in such a place that I couldn't have donated even if I wanted to. When you bring money anywhere you bring in certain social stigmas as well. While yes, there would be other options, it still can cause issues for people who would feel bad for donating, because instead of it being an optional thing that comes with some non-legal perks (such as a simple role on Discord), now you get tangible benefit from doing so. This also sets precedent for future expansions on things in the legal realm for payment, such as allowing actual money to be payed for access to certain areas that normally wouldn't be gated, requiring money to actually get citizenship or to run in elections, etc. While this will likely not come to pass, it sets a standard that says that this is permissible in some form and may very well be used in the future for justification for certain things.
Lastly: we already have zombie citizens. I'm sure it would be relatively easy to check how many citizens made 0 posts in the last calendar year, and it would certainly be a non-zero number.
I will note that on this, she's mainly talking about the idea that people would just continue to stay masked as a citizen each month because they'd set up a recurring payment...not the already present idea that people will just join and disappear, eventually being made into former citizens.
In reality though, I feel like the only people that would put enough faith in Wintreath to put up a monthly auto-payment would be the already active members. I really can't see a lot of new people coming in and doing it off the bat...it's no Playstation Plus or xbox Live...nor is it even required in the first place. So the idea of Zombie Citizens is a questionable point at best (Plus, what are Paragons but "Zombie Citizens" since they're permanent citizens even if they're virtually dead?).
I will say that it is pretty par for the course that you're completely against this, Chanku.
I remember when the idea of the post count alternative was introduced, you were against that too because you hated the idea of us trying to push away from being an NS-centric place.
Now you're praising it and considering post contribution to be far more worthwhile than a monetary one.
But that's okay, once this is approved by others and we move on to discuss yet another alternative down the road in the future...you'll be against that too and praising donation contribution as a "selfless and valuable contribution to the community" as a reasoning against it.
Paragonship is also an honour bestowed by the Community for great achivements within the Region and Community, it is not something that one pays for. Also, you're being rather hostile here, and attacking a Strawman. I'm not necessarily praising the 5 post requirement, I still think it is a mistake and think it should be removed. HOWEVER, I also recognize that is unlikely to happen.
On another note: DAMN YOU AND YOUR TIMING. MAKING ME RESPOND TO FOUR POSTS AT ONCE DURING ME RESPONDING TO ONE POST! ![Tongue :P](https://wintreath.com/forums/Smileys/newdefault/tongue.gif)
Except it
is nitpicking. You're dismissing the idea of it because you personally don't see it as valuable compared to posting or even just having a nation that is currently alive.
And you completely missed my point. If someone joins by Nationstates, great! The more the merrier. My issue with your statement is pertaining to
keeping those nations. If a member is active on Nationstates and joins Wintreath, that's cool. If a member joins from Nationstates but remains active on Wintreath, also cool.
But if a member joins from Nationstates, is active on
neither platform, but simply keeps their nation alive and does nothing with it, then no, that's not contribution. They aren't helping Wintreath in any way by keeping a nation alive and not actually doing anything in either area. So no, I don't see having an NS nation as valuable as
actually contributing to Wintreath, be it by post or by donation.
And no, I didn't miss your point, but perhaps you missed mine?
Again, $5 Dollars isn't the absolute requirement. You could donate $1 if you want, or even just not donate and be an active poster. If you can't donate, that's perfectly fine, not everyone is made of money, and from someone who has yet to donate because he has his own bills to pay...I can respect the idea that not everyone is going to be able to.
But for those who
want to donate, they can. If you don't have a dollar this month, wait till next month. If you want to donate 5 dollars, you can save up. These aren't game breaking perks being suggested, they're thank you gifts to people who are taking the time, breaking into their budget and using it to help keep Wintreath's gears running.
And again, for someone that I recall once suggested those "gated" areas that required payment access, you're actually contradicting yourself. Wintermoot, nor anyone in this is suggesting such a thing, and if you recall in the past when it
was suggested, it was pretty heavily shot down because
that was seen as a pay to win tactic which we didn't want to get involved in.
All we're suggesting is small little thank you gifts for people who dug into their budget to help out. Badges, a point toward the grab bag, and a month of avoiding the Citizenship Check aren't big things. The titles? They're nice little tidbits for people who donate certain amounts...but why shouldn't those people be given a title? $25 dollars contribution to Wintreath to me means as much as someone revolutionizing one of the Cabinet areas. It's a lot of money that someone decided to spend on us rather than a game or a movie...or possibly toward something they needed (like a new car or computer), and it's something that should be appreciated, just as $50 dollars should, and especially higher.
Unless Wintreath literally becomes a "Pay to join/access most of the forums" I fail to see the issue here, especially when we've shot down such actual ideas before.
Finally, WRT the financial contribution not being that much. I stand behind my statement. A lot of the expenses that Wintreath has, are expenses taken on willingly. They are not, strictly speaking, necessary. While this is not to trivialize what Wintermoot has done, Wintreath can likely continue on without a lot of what is being paid for -- albeit a difference would be felt and quality would likely be much lower. However without nations or active members, Wintreath would likely falter and start to collapse. While I do think the Forums and everything else that is a part of the expenses of Wintreath is important, I don't think it is justifiable to allow people to just pay their way through Wintreath just because of that.
Nothing is necessary, it's not even necessary for Wintreath to even be around when there's plenty of other places on Nationstates to go. It's not necessary for Nationstates to even exist when there's far better games out there for people to play. It's not necessary for people to pay for Online Multiplayer games per month when there's ones that do it for free. It's not necessary to pay so much to make a good single player game when there's plenty of indie games that do it for less. Hell, it's not even necessary to make any single player games when the market for multiplayer is much more lucrative.
Just because it's "not necessary" and "taken on willingly" doesn't cheapen it like you're trying to do with that statement. If Nationstates decided to shut down today without warning, I doubt Wintreath would suddenly cease to exist in that same moment unless Wintermoot and the people just gave up. Would we struggle a bit at first? Sure, as the forums is pretty NS oriented (though we've slowly worked on being less). But the beauty of things is that A) A good messageboard can reshape itself to fit with the times, and even Wintreath can survive without its NS crutch if we wanted it to. And B) There is an entire world outside of NS that Wintreath can advertise to. This whole "NS is our livelihood" spiel is getting exceptionally tiresome. NS isn't our livelihood, NS is just something that we happen to funnel from currently because it's convenient for getting new members easily. But again, if Wintreath is really a good enough messageboard, we can survive without NS.